
He's too dangerous to be left alive!

Viktor was woken up by a slamming sound next to his head.

He shot up and mumbled with closed eyes "Is she awake again?" a voice answered him, "Wake up, Doctor! This is serious!"

Viktor rubbed his eyes and opened them slightly to see an unconscious Steve Rogers along with Natasha, Nick Fury, and another black guy, Sam Wilson.

Viktor stumbled to the door and Nick said "Zap him." Natasha tased Viktor and he jolted awake, shouting "OW! FUCK!" he rubbed his side and glared at Natasha, shouting "Do you fucking just tase anyone?!"

Natasha said seriously "Steve's dying, we came to you!" Viktor picked up Steve with one hand and dragged him into a room, muttering "Oh! Come save Captain America! He's a Hero, you have to! Tase him awake so he doesn't make a mistake! Wouldn't want Rogers to die~... Fucking SHIELD, Fucking Black Widow, Fucking Nick Fury…"

Nick, Natasha, and Sam coughed violently and Viktor said angrily "Stay outside! Fucking maniacs…" before slamming the door.

Sam looked at Natasha and Nick, asking "Should we be worried?" Natasha smiled slightly and said "If he didn't just have a baby, we would've came here before your house."

Sam sighed "So I'm just a side piece, good to know…" Nick sat down on a chair, saying "Not anymore, Falcon. Welcome." Sam sat down and sighed again, saying "I'm worried about Cap."

Natasha leaned on the wall and said "He's safe now. Even if he wants to die, he can't." Sam asked "He's good?" Natasha said "Performed surgery on Tony Stark taking out 26 pieces of shrapnel in his heart about the size of your nail clippings, you tell me."

Sam quipped with his hands up, "Better than my Doctor."

Nick said "Haven't heard anyone better than him. He made a crippled man walk again." Natasha blew a gum bubble adding "There's a reason he was targeted by Insight. Though, he saves everyone."

Sam asked, "What does that mean?" Nick replied "Good, Bad, Poor, Rich, he'll save anyone who walks in his doors. Saved Ivan Vanko codename Whiplash after attacking Tony Stark in Monaco, brought him back to life. Then Vanko attacked Stark again."

Sam said honestly "So he's a good person, that's good." Nick replied "Kindness doesn't always beget kindness, Wilson." Sam asked curiously "He's got enemies?" Nick replied flatly "The gangsters around here aren't too fond of our doctor friend. He's saved Vigilantes, targets, innocents, traitors, you name it. I bet they're all itching to tear him to pieces and eat the leftovers."

Sam narrowed his eyes and said "Why don't you help out?" Nick laughed and Natasha pursed her lips, saying "He wanted to bring him into SHIELD." Sam's face turned ugly and Nick didn't deny it, adding "You forgot to mention something, Romanoff."

Natasha and Sam looked at him as he said with a smirk "All the gangsters that come for this place are never seen again. Many times our agents came to handle the problem but when they got here there wasn't one anymore. So you tell me, Wilson, where are we supposed to help?"

Sam said in shock "He took care of them?!"

Nick said "Did I say that? I don't know what happened. But I assume if he has the balls to live in Hell's Kitchen of all places, he should be able to protect himself." Natasha asked "What else? What are you not saying?"

Nick said seriously "Once they step into the compound, they vanish. Out of thin air, as though they were never there. Nobody even notices." Natasha and Sam's expressions changed but before they could say anything.

Viktor dropped Steve on the floor in front of them, saying "It's really rude to spy on someone's property, Nick Fury." Nick replied "Just telling it like it is." Viktor frowned and grabbed the air.

Kikoku appeared in his hand and he said "It's best if nobody moves."

Natasha's eyes widened and she said "You have powers?!" Sam asked seriously, "What about Rogers?" Nick was silent.

Viktor said "Steve is fine, completely healed. I don't have to hide my powers at the time being so treatment will be very simple. When did I say I was your enemy? I just don't want to be bothered." He unsheathed Kikoku and a suffocating aura permeated the air.

Sam started to sweat and touched his waist, saying "Sure seems like an enemy." Viktor rolled his eyes and curled his finger.

All their guns, phones, knives, and other weapons appeared in the air hovering above Viktor's palm as he said "Can you all just relax?"

Sam's eyes widened and he said "What the hell!?" Natasha looked at Viktor and asked "What are you going to do?"

Viktor sighed and said "Why are you saying that like I'm about to execute you? It's really rude, you know!" He pushed the weapons above his head and flipped his palm as a bubble appeared.

He coated Kikoku in the bubble and Natasha shouted "It's you! The Expo, New York… You're the Skull Helmet guy!" Viktor smiled slightly and said "It's a shame you won't remember." as he stabbed Natasha through the chest.

Nick shouted "Romanoff!" Sam was dumbfounded.

Viktor looked at them speechlessly and said helplessly "It's not what it looks like, try and keep calm… Oh my god, honestly…" Natasha looked at the sword in her chest and put down her hands asking curiously "What are you doing?"

Sam's world view collapsed as he said in shock "You can still talk?!" Natasha replied "I can't even feel it." Viktor explained "Because I coated Kikoku with a K-ROOM. Essentially, I extended a ROOM inside your body. I can do many things but among them is creating a ROOM, which is something like a giant bubble. I can teleport, manipulate, and control almost anything in my domain."

He paused and said "I was born to be a Doctor, quite frankly. Currently, I'm operating on you from inside your body." Natasha was amazed and said "Really? I can't feel anything!"

Viktor rolled his eyes and said "Would you like to?" She smiled and didn't speak. Viktor took Kikoku back and said "I didn't only treat Whiplash. I also treated Loki, by the way." as he stabbed Nick, adding with a sigh "So SHIELDs done for, eh?"

Nick looked at him and said "What do you think?" Viktor chuckled and said "I think you're trying to recruit me into whatever you're cooking up next, Former Director Fury." Nick nodded, saying "I am. What do you say?"

Viktor sighed and said "I say no. Once again, I have no interest in being a superhero." Natasha touched her shoulder and gasped "Not even a scar!"

Nick asked "Why? You have all these powers, you can save people!" Viktor retorted "Am I obligated? SHIELD was basically HYDRA, would I have survived if I joined as a normal person? I have a family, you know? My daughter is only 3 months old. I can't, nor will I, leave her to run around saving the world with you all."

He paused before continuing "Honestly, I respect and admire you all. You're all superheroes, what I said on TV wasn't a joke. I really do feel that way! It's just the Superhero life isn't for me. Unlike Steve, I have attachments, unlike Clint, I can't leave my family…"

He stopped here and shook his head, adding "My wife is a Mutant. A normal life is the only possible outcome for me." Nick's eye brightened and he said "I get it. Now it all makes sense." he nodded as he thought about it.

Natasha asked "What happened?" Nick replied as he looked at Viktor, "Mutants are being captured by the government for experiments, most people hate them to the core. I heard a scientist was developing robots to eradicate them all."

Viktor sneered at that and Nick continued "So, to make absolutely sure that his wife and child don't get even a shred of doubt towards their identities, he has to be as clean as possible. A kindhearted Doctor without powers who rushes into danger headfirst to save people."

Natasha gasped and said "You're hiding deeper than me!"

Viktor almost collapsed and took back Kikoku with a frown. He waved Kikoku and Nick's arm came off.

Sam rubbed his eyes as he watched.