
I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why Are Maidens Falling For Me?

Yukiya Saito, is a 16 year old Chuunibyou who's starting his new journey in life called "High School". He has one purpose, he wants to be the hero who lives in the shadows. Excited with the assumption of "Interesting stuff happens in highschool", Yukiya finds himself disappointed as nothing out of the ordinary has yet to happen in his new high school life. Not aware of the fact, he has already become the class outcast. After being ignored for more than three months, his sister, Ayaka couldn't stand it anymore and decided to take matters into her own hands. "You're not a Shadow Hero" "Eh...?!" Explaining that shadow heroes live double lives. For a Shadow hero, with the clothes that he wears, and his hair and overall aesthetic, Yukiya just stands out too much. With the summer break right around the corner, they decided to give him a make over. Returning to school. "Who is, he?" "A transfer student? Perhaps?" "He's so dashing" No one had recognized him. "It's me... Yukiya Saito, your classmate." "Whaaaaaaaaaatt...?!!!" The whole classroom fell into an uproar. Behind those thick bangs and strange clothing, lies a face looking better than most. With his resolve, Yukiya plans to blend with the crowds in order to fulfill his desire to become the perfect shadow hero. This is a story about a chuunibyou who's just trying to do his thing, but accidentally ends up making maidens fall for him.

Aiyuun_9549 · Realistic
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74 Chs

Chapter 47.2: Skill: [Pefect Body Coordination]

The way Phantom is performing right now, a dance of chaotic harmony captivated the crowds as he danced on the stage.

I was freestyling so well, they would even go as far as to say it was on par with Fumidai's... No, it has far surpassed that. It went far and beyond everyone's expectations that even Fumidai himself couldn't believe what he was witnessing right now.

"How... How is that guy moving like that!?" He muttered in disbelief, grinding his teeth in frustration. "Did he also make preparations for this duel!?"

Or so Fumidai assumed, thinking it was the only logical possibility. An indoor job set by the industry to take him down.

"That's the only explanation for this ...was this actually a setup!?" or so Fumidai, the one who orchestrated all this, believed to be the case.

With enough charisma that rivals Fumidai's, and everyone's awe from maneuvers that seemed to fall out of logic, Fumidai's expected triumph in this portion of our battle suddenly became amiss.

Fumidai shook his head, "No, I'll still be the one who comes out on top. This was merely just a warm-up, after all. The real showdown has yet to begin."

Fumidai grinned, full of confidence in himself, convinced he still holds the upper hand.

Meanwhile, watching through the phone, still not done processing what was happening before their eyes.

"I see, so the rapid shutter acted as the tempo. That's why he adjusted so well to match the rhythm of the music" Kaori continued to analyze.

"But still, how is Chuunibro able to move like that? It's borderline inhuman." Kaori commented, perplexed by Phantom's dance of chaotic harmony.

'He even took advantage of the blurs in fast movements, like an action sequence straight from a shonen manga.' A point that Kaori also noticed. 'How is that even humanly possible!?' she wondered.

The way I was moving was already impressive enough, but after Ayaka pointed out just to what extent "Rapid Transitioning Chuunibyou Posing" was capable of, it sounded like utter bs if she wasn't seeing this phenomenon firsthand. Even in mid air, poses are still picture perfect.

Ayaka all-knowingly grinned, as if already prepared to answer this exact question.

With confidence, Ayaka told Kaori with pride in her voice.

"It's all thanks to brother's ultimate skill. [Perfect Body Coordination.]" She revealed.

"Perfect Body Coordination? What's that? Is it somehow different from [Perfect Eye to Body Coordination] a.k.a. skill [Perfect Copy.]?"


You see, [Perfect Copy] is just one of the many branching skills of [Perfect Body Coordination].

"Brother has been finding ways on how he can improve himself, all in order to become the coolest person in the world."

[Perfect Body Coordination], a skill that was born through continuous training.

"You see, my brother is quite the sore loser. Every time he loses, he trains and trains until he finally beats what it is that's in front of him. If he finds a cool skill, he repeatedly tries to hone it until he can impress everyone he knew with it. No matter how useless the skill is, as long as that brother thinks it's cool, he tries his best to master that said skill. Eventually, these seemingly useless skills continuously piled up, and before brother knew it, he was able to do almost anything that he puts his mind into, basing it from previous basic knowledge that he hones throughout the years."

"Like badminton switching to tennis, and tennis switching to table tennis, by having the fundamentals integrated to his body, while not dirtying the canvas, still getting the flexibility of switching from one fundamental to the other, brother was able to develop skill [Perfect Body Coordination]."

[Perfect Body Coordination], as the name suggests, it's the perfect mastery over one's body. Think of the brain as a central computer that controls all the body's functions. The rest of the nervous system is like a network that relays messages back and forth from the brain to different parts of the body. The timeframe for the mind to relay information to the body, and vice versa, there's always bound to be a delay. That is unless, you train it.

Having full awareness of your body's strength and its limitations. With little to no lag time, [Perfect Body Coordination] is the perfect utilization of using your body, acting with complete precision and accuracy at the exact way you wished it to do.

"It is the perfect relationship between the mind and the body." explained Ayaka.

"…I see."

Even after Ayaka's explanation, it still didn't make it sound any less absurd to Kaori.

By the time Ayaka finished her explanation, I finished my freestyle with a triumphant typical Chuunibyou pose, full of confidence that the people thought was intentional as I am playing a character.

Everyone cheered for me and it was even louder than Fumidai's, I think. I couldn't really tell as we have the same amount of people in the crowd, and Hidetoshi Fumidai had probably maxed out their cheers from his previous performance.

"W, WHAT A SURPRISING PERFORMANCE FROM PHANTOM!!! So Explossssiiive! So Fluuuiiid! How is he able to move like that? What a man full of mysteries."

The announcer said, complimenting my performance.

'He called me mysterious. Nice.'

Hearing those words of compliment, I was delighted to hear his remarks. Fumidai really hired amazing actors for this duel roleplay. Rich people are amazing.

And so, we then proceeded to move on to the next half and portion of our duel, which is vocal control a.k.a. a singing showdown.

Okay, that explanation sounds too ubsurd. But trust me, it'll all makes sense later on.

In short, this chapter explains Yukiya's insane quick to adapt ability, able to master skills at such short amount of time.

Not quite like muscle memory that's relying on instincts, that in return develops hard to kill habits, he was an open canvas contious about the picture he is painting.

Instinct = estimation

Contious = precision

This'll be explained later on.

We can probably wrap up this duel in about 2 more chapters.

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