
I'm Going Viral

As a fan of the Prototype game, Alex decided she would get to have Alex Mercer's and Haller's strains of the Blacklight virus in their complete form. From there, she had to continue and spread the virus to finally reach the ultimate goal of consuming all biomass in the multiverse! All she had to sacrifice was her original looks, making her look like a female version of Alex Mercer.

Coolb3ans · Movies
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9 Chs

I Am Confused

Loki looked at the ongoing battle with a smile on his face. Midgard had good protectors, he had to admit, but they were nothing in the face of so many enemies. The Chitauri were not the best army out there, but many a civilization, greater than Midgard's, had fallen to their swarming tactics. But, be was a little worried about the green beast and his brother who were simply mowing them down.

'They need to be stopped or even slowed down,' he thought, clutching his scepter harder. Suddenly, he heard something shatter, making him turn around and saw a star shaped portal open and through it came a monster. It went to its knees as soon as it touches the ground and the portal closed behind it, making it sigh in relief. The monster's red flesh then started changing together with its form to become human like.

"Goddamn bitch! If you wanna fight to the death don't bring a fucking God in the equation!" the woman panted. "At least the Speed Force will keep the Living Tribunal occupied for a few millenniums, I hope." She then looked and their eyes met.

"What are you?" Loki asked, gripping his scepter harder. The woman disappeared from his sight, appearing in front of him with her hand inside his chest, his heart already crushed.

"Another MCU like multiverse. Time to go the quiet route," she said before Loki died. Alex grinned as she consumed the god of mischief, her form changing into Loki's.

"I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose," she said, imitating Loki even in speech. She picked up the scepter with the mind stone in it and chuckled. "Soon."

"The tesseract is working to its maximum. What do we do now?" Dr Selvig asked from the balcony.

"What do you mean we? Your work is done," Loki said and aimed the scepter at him. Selvig's eyes widened as fear flooded his heart.

"I am loyal!" he said.

"For now," Loki scoffed and a beam shot out of the scepter. The doctor was turned into ashes by the overwhelming energy of the power stone. Loki grinned and went to the balcony to look at the machine.

'I would have loved to consume that man, his genius mind is a wonder but I do not want anyone seeing me acting as anything but Loki,' he thought. Once he made sure the machine was still working properly, he turned to walk away only for Thor to land in front of him.

"Loki, this madness has to stop, now! Midgard is not yours to conquer," the Asgardian prince growled, holding his hammer tighter.

"Last time we met, brother, you thoroughly defeated me in combat. That is a stain in my history I wish to thoroughly clean off," Loki said, twirling the scepter leisurely. "If you can defeat me again then perhaps you will be a man and finish the job you couldn't last time."

Thor roared as she charged, Mjolnir first, going straight for the kill. Loki grinned, dodged the blow easily before hitting Thor with his scepter. Thor felt the most pain he had ever come across travel through his body as he was thrown out of the building. Loki did not even hesitate to shoot three beams at him, making him go unconscious.

"That was easy, this Thor is more MCU accurate, weak!" Loki laughed as Thor crashed into a building. He then turned to look at the street where Captain America and Black Widow were fighting the Chitauri to the best of their abilities. He then looked across the building where Hawkeye was sniping the Chitauri in hovercrafts.

'His accuracy is insanely good but Bullseye has that god level aimbot assist in his brain. Any way, I should focus on my main goal here,' he thought before taking out his TemPad. Quickly, he searched for Kilgrave and Jessica Jones in there with the keyword being his death. The TemPad beeped for a few seconds before it showed the date.

'Fantastic!' he smiled before putting it back in his pocket. 'Once I finish here, Kilgrave is the next to go. His brainwashing virus will complete my Blacklight virus very nicely.'

A leviathan roared, making him look at the direction only to see Ironman getting swallowed. But, her keen sight saw how his armor had changed before flying inside and he was not surprised when he flew out of the other end, having completely crashed through the leviathan's inside parts. He was once again reminded of how Tony Stark was a big brain.

'I should take him down first,' he quickly thought. He stabbed the scepter's butt to the floor before picking one of the sofas on the huge balcony. Using his now frost giant heritage, he froze the sofa to become as hard as steel before he threw it at Tony with a grunt. The sofa whistled in the air, travelling undisturbed till it hit Ironman, breaking apart while the man in the ironsuit got stunned. He crashed to the ground, the suit already damaged beyond repair and his consciousness already fleeting due to the pain of having his bones shattering.

'My aim is not kinda bad,' he smiled to himself. Just then, an arrow flew towards him, making him smirk as it flew right through him. It was just an illusion clone, as he appeared a metre away from it, aiming the scepter at where Hawkeye was. The archer's eyes widened in fear as the scepter glowed and he saw nothing else. To everyone else, the rooftop of where he was had been blown to bits.

'This is quite the change of pace. From running from Living Tribunal to wielding this kind of power,' he laughed before looking at Hulk who was making his way to where he was. 'Tch, why's this weak dog so eager to die? I would have been happy to throw down but I can feel it was not even half as strong as the previous Hulk before we fought.'

He decided to just ignore him, turning invisible with an illusion clone taking his place. He went to the machine with the tesseract and nodded to himself.

'Don't wanna give anyone ideas, the Chitauri that are already here are enough to keep people busy for the moment,' he nodded to himself before shutting it down. The portal closed itself and he picked the tesseract just as Hulk landed on the rooftop, charged through the illusion, trying to get hold of it to no avail and with the momentum he had gained, continued on forward, crashing through the wall and inside the Stark building. He also saw Thor had returned and his hammer was flashing lightning showing just how angry he was.

"LOKI!" he roared.

"Hello, brother," be said before a blue portal appeared behind him. "Goodbye, brother." He walked backwards into the portal with a grin, the portal closed right in front of him with Thor gritting his teeth at the smug look on his face.

A/N: The chapter is not the best but I promise the next one will be. I'm hungry and sleepy.