
I'm a Quincy, Are you kidding me!?

i do not own bleach, tensura or any anime/novel that I use in this fanfic. A regular guy was reincarnated into bleach as uryus fraternal twin brother, but before the canon could start he was sent to another world. watch as he traverses the dangers the cardinal world with the friends he meets along the way.

John_Dose · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 7: Spirit summoning 2 x training


SOL: spirit of light

SOD: spirit of darnkess

LDS: light-darkness spirit


This was not what I expected, I thought that I might either summon a superior spirit or at the very least have to create a new one. But summoning 3 spirits at once; one light, one darkness and one dual element spirit that looks like a kingdom hearts character is beyond what I thought would happen.

I look at Ramiris to see that she wore a look that showed that she was as surprised as I was, if not more so. The spirits remain in the air as they introduced themselves.

SOL: "Hello, I'm a pure light spirit. It's nice to meet you."

SOD: "Hey, I'm a pure darkness spirit. Nice to meet you."

LDS: "hey I'm a dual element spirit of light and darkness. Nice to meet you. You know, you've caught the attention of many spirits including light and darkness."

SOL: "He's right, afterall you have a strong affinity for both light and darkness. That is not very common since are known to be opposites of each other."

SOD: "We found that interesting so we came to see the one who has light and darkness."

So they've never seen a human who can has elemental affinities for light and darkness. If I remember correctly it is not uncommon for a spirit to have multiple elements but light and darkness are usually known to oppose each other.

LDS: "So all three of use wonder what path you will take; the path of light or the path of darkness?"

I remember something like this from kingdom hearts re:chain of memories; where riku was asked to chose between the road to light and the road to darkness.

I feel like I've been given the riku telplate when I was reincarnated into bleach and ended up in the cardinal world. My answer to their question feels obvious to me so I'll tell them how I feel.

Me: "Neither suits me." they look at me with a surprised expression as I continue "I will take the middle road."

LDS: "I see, do you mean the twilight road to nightfall?"

Me: "No ..." then I look at LDS in the eyes before saying "it's the road to dawn."

After I said that, the spirit of light and the spirit of darkness looked at me with shock while LDS looked to be on the verge of laughing.

LDS: "Hahahahahaha! Normally a person would chose either light or darkness but your chosing both. Very interesting indeed."

This guy seems to be enjoying himself after hearing my answer.

LDS: "I've decided, I would like to make a contract with you and grant you my blessing. I would like to see where road to dawn of yours leads. and who knows you may turn out to be a hero that will change thw world for the better."

Me: "Wait wait wait, are you being serious here?"

LDS: "I am being very serious. So would you mind if I accompany you on your journey?"

So not only am I getting a contract with a dual element spirit of light and darkness, I'm getting their blessing as well? If I think of the benefits of this arangement, I don't see a reason to refuse this offer.

Me: "Alright, I accept. I'm sure we'll get along well together. My name is Riku Kategiri, I will show you plenty of things that might interest you."

LDS: "I am sure we will get along famously."

The second he said that, he turned into a light and entered my body. Feels wierd having a foriegn spirit in my body.

LDS: 'You'll get use to that feeling eventually.'

Me: "Ah, so I can hear you in my head while you're in my body."

LDS: 'Yes you can and you can do talk to me telepathy so you won't look crazy when your in a public place.'

Ramiris: "Ya know, since you've earned the blessing of a spirit of light-darkness and my blessing as the queen of the spirits, you would be recognized as a chosen hero."

Me: "Chosen hero huh?"

So I incidentally became a chosen hero in this world but if I remember about the novel, a chosen hero is someone who was blessed by the queen of spirits and a spirit of light or darkness.

The spirit of light of darkness would reside in someone as a chosen hero egg and in order to hatch that egg, you need to be deemed worthy by the spirit inhabiting you and they will fuse with their hero.

However I was blessed by a dual sprirt of light-darkness, so would that still count?

<Notice. The individual known as Riku Kategiri has obtained a chosen hero's egg after recovering blessing from the ramiris and spirit entering your body.>

LDS: 'You have an intersting skill that gives you information and sounds like (the words of the world). I believe that you called it [Spirit Sage], right?'

Me: 'Yes I have skills from my old world and ones i obtained from my transition into this world. I heard that otherworlders obtain unique skills based on their desires. You'll see more of them later, so please be patient.'

LDS: 'Okay, I'll wait.'

After having a mental conversation with the spirit, I hear Ramiris talking again.

Ramiris: "Yeah, being a chosen hero is a very big deal; they usually have the elements of light or darkness but you have both. That's never been heard of before!"

Me: "I see. Well now I need to train to use spirit magic and see if I could acquire more skills. Since i have a light darkness spirit i should be able to use light spirit magic and darkness spirit magic. Maybe I could find a way to combine them to create dawn spirit magic."

Ramiris/LDS: "'Dawn spirit magic?'"

Me: "yeah sounds better and shorter then light-darkness spirit magic and it would also make the spirit with me a spirit of dawn."

LDS: 'Spirit of dawn. hmmm, you know what I like the sound of that. From now on, you can call me SD, it's spirit of dawn for short.'

Ramiris: "That sound like good classificationfor a spirit that has the elements of light and darkness."

Me: "So let's start my training. how about we start with darkness spirit magic."

SD: 'Ok lets begin.'

I hear SD say before I beging training in spirit magic. I believe I should start with trying to use darkness spirit magic. I gather the darkness element into a soccer ball sized sphere trying to draw on the power of the spirit within me.

Me: "(Darkness cannon)!"

I fired the (Darkness Cannon) at a wall and *boom* caused an explosion the moment it hit the wall kicking up a lot of dust. After the couple of minutes the dust cleared revealing a crater in the wall.

Ramiris: "That's an impressive display of darkness spirit magic, how about we try light spirit magic."

Me: "Ok, I'll try something you might find interesting."

I start to imagine the ethereal blades that were used by Xemnas in the kingdom hearts game series. It could be a good trump card if I get stuck in an anti-magic barrier and spirit magic can stil be used in an anti-magic barrier.

After having the image in my head I raise my right hand and begin to channel the spirits power to cast light spirit magic.

Me: "(Ethereal Blade)"

After I say the name of the magic, *humm* a beam made of bright yellow energy extended from my hand the length of a short sword.

I walked up to a pillar so test its cutting ability; when I swung my right arm with the (ethereal blade) it cut through the pillar like it was butter.

Ramiris: "Wow, you sliced through that pillar like it was nothing." she said as she flew closer to me.

Me: "That's not all, watch this." I said as I point the (ethereal blade) at a big rock and imagin firing it like a projectile.

*shew* *crumple*

The (ethereal blade) projectile shot at the rock causing it to break apart into smaller rocks.

Ramiris: "So that light spirit magic you used could be used at close-range and long-range? That is interesting!"

SD: 'I have to agree with lady Ramiris. Having magic that could be used for close-range and long-range is good for versatility. especially if you are trapped in an anti-magic area.'

Me: 'I know that is why I wanted to recreate it in this world using spirit magic so ir could be used as a trump card in case of an emergency.'

SD: 'I see. That is a good idea. It's always good to have several trump cards handy.'

Me: 'I am aware of that long before I arrived in this world.' I finish my mental converstion with SD before saying out loud. "Alright, now I want to try learning new skills that could be useful. I want to try to make a double of myself."

Ramiris: "You mean the extra skill [body double]?"

I nodded my head to her question, then she puts on a thoughful expression before I hear [Spirit sage].

<Notice. Analysis of your body is already complete. Therefore it should be possible to use magicules create a duplicate thus learning the [body double] skill.>

<Would you like to learn the skill [body double]?>

I select yes, as I raise my right hand and a cloud of black magicules shot out of my hand and converged to create a double of me wearing the same outife I was currently wearing.

<<Notice. Acquisition of the extra skill [body double], successful.>>

After hearing that announcment, the little fairy is flying around my body double examining it before flying right in front of me and screaming.

Ramiris: "How are you able to use spirit magic and use [body double] so fast!?"

Me: "I have a skill that helps me learn things faster and allows me to use [thought acceleration] and [parallel ooperation]."

Ramiris: "Damn you have insane skills."

Me: "I am well aware of that my friend."

When I said the word 'friend' she looked at me with a look of shock and confusion before asking me.

Ramiris: "Friend? Am I really your friend?"

Me: "Yeah. I mean, we did drink and talk together. So I would say we're friends. that is unless, you don't want us to be friends." I said acting coy.

Ramiris: "W-wait!! I do want us to be friends!"

Me: "Ok then were friends. Agreed?" I said as I put my hand out to her for a handshake.

Ramiris then flew up to me with her arm raised and grabbed mine before responding.

Ramiris: "Agreed, we are now friends."

That was the day I became friends with one of the demon lords of this world.



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