
I'm A D.U.C.K.

Some random young mistress in some random rich and powerful family randomly dies. She gets a powerful wish but with a cost... MHA Fan-fic with some A.U.

Fck_You_Web_Novel · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter #7






I run outside the alley and then hide behind a plant although it didn't hide my whole figure. It doesn't matter though because those robbers don't pay attention to a little duck like me.

It also doesn't matter Even if other people see me. After all, I'm just an innocent duck. The only person I need to pay attention to is All Might. He knows I'm an intelligent Duck and if he sees me hiding suspiciously and then the robbers lost their quirks then he may able to connect the dots although it is not high It's better to be careful.

I use my thermal vision to make it easier for myself and saw All Might watching their every action.

His face is directed at the robbers that's why I can say that he is not looking in my direction

I retract my gaze and appraise the three robbers.


Name:robber 1


Quirk: Flaming Arm



Name: Robber 2


Quirk: Rubber Man



Name: Robber 3


Quirk: Camouflage



My interest is piqued when I saw the description of the quirks.

The flaming arm is self-explanatory.

The rubber man is quite interesting because gunshots and punches are not effective to him because of his quirk unless All Might is the one who will punch him then no doubt he will meet Satan in hell. He is also vulnerable to sharp objects like knives or swords.

Too bad, he can't stretch his limbs or body like a certain straw hat boy.

And lastly, camouflage can let the user camouflage in the surroundings just like a chameleon. As long as he holds his breath.

What a huge weakness...

But his other skill [Art of Stealth] is quite useful so I will also take it.


Thank you for allowing me to borrow~.

Then boop!

[Skills acquired: Flaming Arm, Rubber Man, Camouflage, Arts of Stealth]

My Cut and paste skills can be used up to a distance of 10 meters but after level-up because of my repeatedly cutting and pasting random things and people. It can now be used for up to 20 meters.

Indeed every level up doubles the distance.

I ask the system why such a thing happened.

[Answer: It's a part of Higher BOSS compensation to you.]

I mentally gave the BOSS a big thumbs up.

I will make sure to leave a perfect star review, Bro!

The moment I paste the quirks and skills to myself. Memories of how to use them appeared in my mind and I also felt my body changed. It felt like I became...rubbery?



Oh, I also cut most of their skills besides the necessary ones.





All Might

A chance!

He immediately jump when he saw the sudden confusion of the robbers. He doesn't know what happened but he will not let go of this chance.

All Might is very fast even if he is injured and immediately arrived at the back of the three robbers and knocks them unconscious.

"Wh-what?" The hostages and the crowd were surprised by the sudden changes but immediately cheered when they saw the figure of All Might.

"It's All Might!"


"I love you, All Might!"

"Please smash me, All Might!"

He smiled at the crowd and expertly ignored the last suspicious shout.

"No need to worry, For I am here!" He shouted and then jumped to the roof. He is quite worried about Sera because he knows she is a naughty one that doesn't know how to stay still.




He sighed in relief when he saw Sera didn't go anywhere and follow his order.

He let go of his form and then turn into Skinny Might. He scoops Sera into his arms and goes out of the Alley and continues his patrol.

While all of this is happening, Sera was confused as hell.

'How in the bloody hell nobody figured that Skinny Might is All Might?!'




One week passed and the same routine happened every day.

She and All Might will eat breakfast and then go out to patrol.

Sera borrowed quirks and skills already reach a few dozen. Unfortunately, She still hasn't found a sensing quirk or healing but fortunately, she found strength type and stamina type although not up to her standards but she can't be choosy now, can she?

Some of the skills level up such as Cut, Paste, Appraisal, and others skills after Sera's diligent grinding.

The disappearance of quirks and skills also reached the ears of the authority and heroes and now they are to planning to invite the heroes to help them to investigate.

When Sera cut a skill to a target, they will forget everything related to it and will not notice anything wrong. It is a different matter when their friends and families remind them. They will feel there is a gal in their memories.

Sera also knows her actions will alert the authorities but she didn't need to worry right now because there is a kind man who volunteered to be the number one suspect.

All Might and her are in the middle of their patrol when All Might's phone rings.


He takes out his phone and looked at who is calling him.

[Naomasa Tsukauchi]

He was surprised to see who is calling him and answered the call.

"Hello, What's the problem, Tsukauchi-san?"

All Might immediately ask what's the problem because most of the time Tsukauchi calls him. It means he needed help in a case and just as he expected-

[All Might, There is a problem, many reports about people's quirk's "disappearance" are appearing lately and I think that "man" is moving again. We will hold a meeting with other heroes so I hope you will attend.]

All Might stop in his tracks and his face turns serious and subconsciously grip his hands into a fist.

"Don't worry, I will be sure to attend the meeting." All Might said and asks a few more questions regarding the incidents before hanging up the call.

Sera listen carefully to their conversation with her [Enhance hearing] that she got to a guy with an owl mutation quirk.

She was surprised by the fact that it took at least a whole week before they hold a meeting of heroes.

'Well, It is within my expectation so it doesn't matter much and I think I will begin my plans tonight.'








Inside an office, Naomasa has a frown on his face while holding the reports of the people who have their quirk disappeared/stolen.

"It doesn't make any sense..."He muttered under his breath.

He knows the existence of All for One who can steal other people's quirks and he is also known for his habit of stealing powerful or unique quirks.

That's why the current situation doesn't make any sense to him.

Some of the quirks stolen are not suitable for battle and only good for everyday living such as the quirk that can clean a person or objects. There are also some quirks with battle strength but-

"Some of the quirks are weak and only have limited use such as this quirk that can turn its user's nails into a sharp blade. Such a "weak" quirk will not pique that man's interest."

There is also another thing he notices.

Most of the people who got their quirk stolen are "Bad" people.

Some of them are drug addicts, murderers, child abusers, and even a guy with a terrible attitudes.

"What the hell is going on." Naomasa massages his head because of the headache he gets from this situation.


"Interesting," A man with no face and only full of scar tissues said with a sinister smile on his terrifying face.

He held a bunch of reports about... quirks' disappearance.


A/n: Stonesssss