In a average house in England is a young man called Lushan Crest who does not do anything other than reading light novels and playing games. Every day he wishes in his head that he could be one of those chosen ones who get transported to another world so he can start a new life. He wishes for this every day hoping that when he wakes the next day it will be somewhere else in a different persons body. Little did he know that his wish would come true. Just not in the way he thought.
In a house in England, there is a teenager sitting on his chair looking at a computer screen. The weather is cold and wet, with the occasional flash of light. The teen constantly looks out his window hoping to see some lightning.
This teen is called Lushan Crest and he spends all his time at his computer, reading lightnovels or playing video games.
As the weather starts to get colder and colder he decides to wrap himself in a large fur blanket to keep warm and cosy. The time is 4 AM and he has just finished reading his lightnovel. His eyes are red due to staying up all night to finish the novel.
With his red eyes he switches off his computer and decides to sleep. But before that he goes to the middle of his room and kneels down in a wishing position, it is him wishing to be taken to another world.
Lushan doesnt have much of a life, he spends all day everyday in his room, only speaking to his parents who he lives with and the occasional person in a video game. He hates his life, he wants to be outside all the time like a normal person but he doesnt have enough confidence to do so. He was always depressed and having suicidal thoughts, that was untill he discovered lightnovels where instead of dying and that being the end of their life, they are instead taken to another world with magic and special powers.
So instead of having suicidal thoughts he began wishing every night to be taken to another world, even if he is a nobody, even if he has no powers, even if he is totured, he just wants to expreience something in another world.
After saying his wish like normal, he gets into bed and starts to sleep while listening to the sound of the rain outside. He never expects his wishes to come true, after all its just fantasy. All of a sudden there is an explosion of thunder followed by hundreds of bright streaks that fill the night sky.
He excitly gets up and look out of his window hoping to catch a glimps of it, after all lightning is rare in England.Then he suddenly realises that in the lightnovels he reads there are many cases where the main character gets struck by lightning and transfered to another world. Just as he was fantasising about being struck and sent to another world, a sudden flash of light blinds him, followed by a sharp and penetrating pain all over his body.
Then black!
Lushan wakes up but there's nothing except darkness. No sound, no light, just darkness that swallows everything.
Lushan at first freaks out because he doesn't know what's going on, he already knows something isn't right as he remembers being struck by lightning. He knows that he has been transported to another world but darkness isn't what he was expecting.
He trys to move but can't, or more like there's something stopping him. After freaking out for a little bit he decides to calm down as he knows panicking isn't going to get him anywhere.
He first looks at the darkness around him trying to see if there's anything. He spots a silhoutte near him, its long and looks like it has thousands of knives surrounding it. At first he is a little scared as it looks very creepy and trys to move away but then realises that its moving at the same time.
He feels a connection to it, literally. It feels like its a part of his body. He then realises that the creepy long silhouette is a part of his body.
He knows that he is no longer human, but he doesn't mind. But what he does mind is being stuck and unable to move. He trys harder using all the strength he has, he feels the restriction over him getting lighter and lighter untill he finally hears a noise.
He gets excited as he knows its likely he is in an egg, as its noise is very similar to when he crackes a chicken egg.
As he struggles more and more he starts to see cracks of light and finally the shell breaks apart and he is blinded by the light.
At first his vision is blury as the sudden light hurts his eyes but slowly he starts to see outlines. They become clearer untill he finally sees a large tree towering over him.
He screams in his mind 'it finally happened'.