
I'm a celestial dragon in One Piece

Ethan Mars, a Celestial Dragon in Marie Geoise, seeks revenge after a pirate's attack shatters his privileged life. As he trains to become stronger, he struggles with the responsibilities of his lineage and learns the true meaning of strength, facing his destiny with courage and newfound purpose. DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON WHETHER I COOKED OR NOT.

Cronos_512 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter eleven:Six months(3)(Rewritten version)

**Hancock's POV:**

**The Night Before Ethan Arrives at the Mars Property**

These past six months have been quite strange for my sisters and me, especially the last three months. Unlike the first three months where Ethan and I had some contact almost every day, in the last three months, I've only seen him five times. Part of me is feeling a mixture of anxiety, excitement, expectation, and a strange feeling that I don't want to admit I have for Ethan.

The housekeeper told me that Ethan and his grandfather are going to return to the property tomorrow after a month of training in the private training camps of the Mars family. Ethan's teacher is also returning with them. I'm feeling so anxious about what could change this night, I actually been dreaming lately a strange dream in which Ethan and I have been friends since childhood and at the end of the we promised to get married in the future with a smile in our faces, if that wasn't strange enough in that dream we weren't in Amazon Lily we were in Mary Geoise, that was what scaring me cause unlike my sisters I was no longer sure I wanted to go back to Amazon Lily i was comfortable here with Ethan.

But lately I been having a strange feeling about Ethan and his grandfather. What if, in the last month, Ethan's grandfather influenced Ethan's way of thinking to one that was more similar to his own? Marcus, a man whom I recently discovered is a member of the Five Elders. When Ethan discovered it, any idea or intention of escaping disappeared. The power that Ethan's family really had became clear. The Five Elders are the five most influential Celestial Dragons in the world, and it worries me to think that Ethan has become more like his grandfather this past month. I fear he could now see me as just another minor who lives to serve the Celestial Dragons. I couldn't bear the idea of being Ethan's slave and being discarded because he lost interest in me.

**One Week Before Ethan Arrives:**

These last three months have been pretty weird.The first stage thin that happened these in this 3 months is that I usually stopped seeing Ethan since he and his grandfather went to train and I started to have dreams about him and unlike when I got here my dreams with him felt more like a nightmare and now they were dreams of those I no longer wanted to wake up with came, I will admit that I miss him and his touch in my skin and words that make have shivers that could shake my hole body.

The second strange thing that happened was the arrived of a naval commander named Silas Kent. Apparently, this post was two positions below Vice Admiral Kael, so I didn't think he was anything impressive or important. That was my mistake. The same day he arrived, he told us that he was going to train my sisters and me, and we would start tomorrow. This was an order from Marcus, so we couldn't say no.

**The Next Day in the Morning:**

It was 8 a.m. when my sisters and I went out of our room to the backyard where Ethan and his teacher used to train. My sisters and I were talking on the way to training about our expectations and trying to find a reason why Ethan's grandfather would want to train us.

"I can't believe we're being trained by a naval commander," Sandersonia said, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"Do you think this training will be like what we went through in Amazon Lily?" Marigold asked, looking at me for reassurance.

"I don't know," I replied, trying to sound confident. "But we need to be ready for anything."

When we arrived at the training grounds, Silas Kent stood waiting for us. His presence was intimidating, and his eyes were sharp as he assessed us.

"Attack me, all three of you, at the same time," he ordered. "I need to see where your level is."

**Battle Description:**

I still remember that beating. It couldn't have been called a fight; it was a massacre. We let ourselves be carried away by our emotions when we believed he was underestimating us. The moment he said the battle began, he closed his eyes. That made my sisters and me believe we could trust ourselves. 

"They think they can take me down just because my eyes are closed," Silas murmured to himself, smirking.

"Let's show him what we've got!" Sandersonia shouted, charging forward.

Marigold followed suit, both of them aiming to land a hit on Silas. But to our surprise, he not only dodged them but also made Sandersonia trip with a movement of his foot and grabbed Marigold by the waist, throwing her against the floor.

"You both lost," he said, his voice calm but stern.

Seeing my sisters being defeated as if they were less than ants by the instructor, I decided to take this fight seriously. I remembered the lessons in Amazon Lily about Haki and what I learned watching Ethan. This moment was the one to prove myself and how strong I am. Silas had his eyes closed, but I didn't let that distract me. He defeated my sisters in just a moment. I suspected he had Observation Haki.

With that info, I decided to fight with all I had from the beginning. He probably just had a basic level of Observation Haki, so I could use my Armament Haki to surprise him with a really strong punch. I ran at him as fast as I could and jumped, aiming my right hand at his head. Just before he blocked my punch with his arm, I added as much Armor Haki as I could. I made him fall into the grass with a surprised expression on his face.

"Impressive," Silas said, getting up and dusting himself off. "But you'll need more than that to beat me consistently."

**After the Fight:**

Silas gathered us around after the fight, his expression serious. "You have potential, but you lack discipline and proper technique. That's what we're going to work on."

I nodded, still catching my breath. "Sir, do you use Observation Haki? Is that how you could predict our moves?"

Silas looked at me, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yes, I do. Observation Haki allows me to sense your presence, strength, and even your intentions. It's a vital skill in the highest category combats with pirates."

"How can we learn it?" Marigold asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"It takes time and training," Silas replied. "You'll start with the basics and gradually build up your proficiency. But remember, Haki is as much about mental strength as it is about physical ability."

He then turned to Kael, who had been watching the entire time. "Kael, why don't you demonstrate some advanced techniques?"

Kael nodded and stepped forward, addressing us. "Haki is a manifestation of your willpower. With Observation Haki, you can sense the presence of others even if they are hidden from view. With Armament Haki, you can harden your body or objects to increase their offensive power."

He demonstrated by coating his arm in a black sheen, then punched a training dummy, shattering it. "And then there's Advanced Armament Haki, where you can project your Haki outward to create a powerful force."

"Can we learn that too?" Sandersonia asked, her eyes filled with determination.

"In time, yes," Kael replied. "But for now, focus on mastering the basics. Once you have a solid foundation, we can move on to more advanced techniques."

**Extra Scene: Ethan and Kael Training with Swords**

One afternoon, Ethan and Vice Admiral Kael were in the courtyard, their swords clashing in a rhythmic dance. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the grounds. The air was filled with the sound of metal against metal, the grunts of exertion, and the occasional encouragement from Kael.

"Keep your stance firm, Ethan," Kael instructed, parrying a strike and countering with a swift attack.

Ethan blocked it, his muscles straining. "Yes, Master Kael."

They continued sparring, the pace increasing. Ethan's movements were fluid, but there was a determination in his eyes that pushed him to keep up with Kael's relentless attacks. Kael's experience was evident in his every move, yet Ethan was holding his own.

"Good, Ethan. You're improving," Kael said, his voice steady despite the exertion. "Remember, every movement should be deliberate. Anticipate my moves."

Ethan nodded, focusing on Kael's body language. He could feel the Intent Sensing of his Kenbunshoku Haki activating, giving him a split-second advantage. He dodged a thrust and spun, aiming a strike at Kael's side.

Kael blocked it, smiling. "Excellent. Use your Haki to predict and counter."

Ethan pushed himself harder, their swords clanging in a rapid exchange of blows. Sweat dripped down his face, but he didn't falter. He knew this training was crucial for his growth.

As the session ended, Kael lowered his sword and clapped Ethan on the shoulder. "Well done, Ethan. You're becoming a formidable swordsman. Keep this up, and you'll surpass me in no time."

Ethan smiled, panting. "Thank you, Master Kael. I'll keep training hard."

Kael nodded, looking at Ethan with pride. "Good. Now, go rest. You've earned it."

Ethan sheathed his sword, feeling a sense of accomplishment. As he walked away, he thought about his journey and the challenges ahead. His grandfather's expectations, the training, and his own ambitions fueled his determination. He was ready to face whatever came next, knowing that his training was shaping him into the leader he was meant to be.