
I'AM~Pro At Hugging Big Thighs In Douluo

..... He crossed the Douluo Continent and became Ning Rongrong's brother, four years earlier! Martial Soul Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, there is no system, what should I do? Ning Xiaotian said that he could only live by hugging his thighs! ..... Ning Fengzhi: I am your father, super rich! Chen Xin, Gu Rong: We are Super Douluo! Hu Liena: I am the Holy Maiden of Wuhun Temple! Qian Renxue: I am the future angel god! Dugu Yan: My grandfather has fairy grass! Bibi Dong: I am your mother-in-law! Ning Xiaotian: Long live the Spirit Hall! ..... Yu Xiaogang: Who is trolling me? Dai Mubai: My fiancee is gone! Still getting hit? Tang San: Xiao Wu disappeared? What about fairy grass? What about the Blue Silver Emperor? What about a good chance? ...... ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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True Forty Meter Great Sword

"Qiang!" There was no harsh roar, and it was as crisp as a light touch of gold and stone.

The fist of the Golden Crocodile Douluo, centered on the center of the killing character, where the sword qi crisscrossed, was also the strongest point of attack.


The sword energy swept across, like shattered glass, shapeless and shapeless, strangling down, the golden arm scales suddenly had fine white marks, spreading like a spider web, deepening every inch, and immediately, blood filled the air.


Golden Crocodile Douluo staggered, holding his chest, two and a half finger-width bloodstains intertwined on his chest, neck and shoulders, the scarlet blood was dazzling, and his body was seriously injured, but the giant man looked proud, stood upright, and laughed:

"As expected of Kendo Chenxin!"

"But, is that the only way?"

Blood flowed along the golden armor, dripping onto the ground, gathered into several pools, standing tall and straight,

"Not enough, not enough...",

his eyes Looking up, there is anticipation in the pupils.

Sword Douluo was moved, he understood it, and smiled even more:

"Brother Jin Crocodile is very brave."

"The next move, Chen has not yet completed, please give Brother Jin Croco a try!"

After speaking, he closed his eyes , holding the sword in both hands, slowly raising it above the head, the white light of the sword's edge is extinguished, and the aura of the whole body is suddenly restrained, just like an...

ordinary person.

The rising sun, the warm beams of light reflected on Sword Douluo's body, the white clothes fluttering, and the holy light pervaded, just like an immortal.

Except for the flying sword under his feet, there was no soul power fluctuation, and the inexplicable and harmless illusion made everyone at the foot of the mountain.

Heart palpitations, subconscious retreat.

Sword Douluo, who doesn't know? The calmer the scene, the more they felt scalp tingling.

Qian Daoliu stood up suddenly, with a solemn expression, staring at the sky.

The next second, Bibi Dong also stood up and looked around Sword Douluo's body, the air was slightly twisted, something was about to burst out, she waved her hand gently,

"Elder Ghost, go and get everyone back 100 meters, do it well. Avoid preparation."

This place is under the jurisdiction of Wuhun City. If there are casualties, it will also be a big blow to the reputation of Wuhun Temple.

Fortunately, most of the sword attacks are straight, and the next attack should only hurt a corner, without revealing much hidden combat power.

And, at such a distance, the aftermath of the battle is limited.


Ghost Douluo turned his head, looked at Ju Douluo, and galloped sideways.

Qian Dao Liu turned his head and glanced, and some people dispersed and disappeared into the crowd.

"Tata Tata..."

The strength of the audience who can come here is not bad, and the process of retreating is extremely fast, like a tide.


Looking at the approaching crowd, Ning Xiaotian followed the other high-altitude spectators and hurriedly shuttled towards the tree canopy in the back row.

As for the horses, they were frightened long ago, and they broke free from the reins and ran away. Now he is 500 meters away from the rear, nibbling on grass leisurely, and he can only catch a glimpse of the brown shadow of a horse as he walks fast.

"What is that?"

During the flight, someone looked back and exclaimed.

"It seems...it seems...is a sword?"

The companion trembled a little.

Ning Xiaotian looked back, then stopped and stopped moving forward.

He didn't want to let go every second of the next moment. In the distance, there seemed to be a long sword rising against the rising sun.

Wuxiang can only see that it is a sword from the twisted warm yellow sunlight.

"Is it Grandpa Jian's self-created soul skill, Human and Sword Unity?

But it's not like..."

Ning Xiaotian's eyes widened, just this one glance, the long sword had already risen to a height of 100 meters, and the sword fight Luo, right at the point of the sword, with white hair flying and fluttering sleeves.

"Hahaha... This is what I was looking forward to!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo laughed wildly, his hair stood on end, and every pore of his body was filled with chills, a warning, this feeling of facing death made his blood boil.

The previous blow has made his mood detached from fear and death, and now, he can truly enjoy the battle.


With a soft drink, Golden Crocodile Douluo, ignoring the blood still flowing from the wound, twisted his waist and bent his knees, punching the ground.

The tens of meters of Wuhun avatar rose again, but this time instead of standing upright, he was lying on the ground, his head raised high, his horns glowing with cold light, his strong tail swayed from side to side, as if adjusting, and the surrounding soil was like a plow It was squeezed like the ground and pushed horizontally to the side.

As for the Golden Crocodile Douluo himself, he changed his fists into claws, his hands firmly grasped the ground, his legs were pushed up against the soil, his muscles were knotted, his blood was spewing out, his head was also raised, full of wild golden color. The vertical pupil locked Sword Douluo.

After a while, his skin quickly turned red, and blood filled his body, making the huge martial soul avatar also stained with a hint of scarlet.

With every breath, a gust of wind can be raised.

"Come... let me see your true strength!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo roared, "Roar!", the giant beast roared.

"As you wish."

Sword Douluo's eyes exploded, and his hands suddenly let go of the Seven Killing Sword Martial Spirit he was holding. Immediately, the sword's edge trembled and groaned softly.

The 100-meter sword shadow sank in and disappeared like a pool of water.

"My body is like a sword, and my sword is one!"

Sword Douluo snorted softly, opened his hands, and the flying sword under his feet suddenly dissipated like a cloud. middle.


With a soft groan, Sword Douluo's right hand pinched lightly with two fingers, pointing to the sky above his head,

"Hey! "

Those with weaker skills under their feet all held their chests in their hands,


with each beating, the boundless sword shadow shrank by one point.

"I can't take it anymore!"

Someone in the crowd clenched his teeth and retreated. He felt that his heart was beating with the gentle trembling of the sword shadow, out of his own control. The boundless palpitation made him suffocate and irritable. too scary.

In just a moment, the crowd at the foot of the mountain retreated by more than half, turning into three distinct layers.

And at this moment, the huge sword shadow around Sword Douluo's body had shrunk to the size of his height. With a "pop", the sword shadow trembled and disappeared instantly.

Heaven and earth returned to peace, and Sword Douluo just stood in the void, with no soul power fluctuations all over his body.

"How did this happen? Grandpa Jian used to use Ren Jianheyi and still had a sword in his hand, but now, it seems that he is a sword himself."

Ning Xiaotian's eyes flashed with silver light, and the Sword Douluo was in the In his eyes, he couldn't see the meridians, just a white light group.

It's too bright. Judging from the visual perception of the broken pulse pupil, all the soul power of the whole body is locked into the body, and there is no leakage.

Simply incredible.

"Why does it feel like all sorts of mighty power are being applied to me."

Ning Xiaotian didn't realize it,

"The only thing I don't know is the spirit ring and the spirit ability. For the current Grandpa Sword, the spirit ring has disappeared, and the spirit ability has not been released."

He touched his chin and said secretly:

"However, with such a long charging time, there is no air superiority, and I am afraid that it will be interrupted before it can be used.

That's why Grandpa Jian said, this is an unfinished sword?"

"Golden Crocodile Brother, please take the sword."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sword Douluo's figure had disappeared, and he appeared twenty meters above Golden Crocodile Douluo's head. Down below the behemoth.

"Damn it, it's really a 40-meter sword!"

Ning Xiaotian was startled, his eyes were bright, and then he frowned,

"The soul power in Grandpa Jian's body has been directly reduced by 20%. It has also become looming."