
I'AM~Pro At Hugging Big Thighs In Douluo

..... He crossed the Douluo Continent and became Ning Rongrong's brother, four years earlier! Martial Soul Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, there is no system, what should I do? Ning Xiaotian said that he could only live by hugging his thighs! ..... Ning Fengzhi: I am your father, super rich! Chen Xin, Gu Rong: We are Super Douluo! Hu Liena: I am the Holy Maiden of Wuhun Temple! Qian Renxue: I am the future angel god! Dugu Yan: My grandfather has fairy grass! Bibi Dong: I am your mother-in-law! Ning Xiaotian: Long live the Spirit Hall! ..... Yu Xiaogang: Who is trolling me? Dai Mubai: My fiancee is gone! Still getting hit? Tang San: Xiao Wu disappeared? What about fairy grass? What about the Blue Silver Emperor? What about a good chance? ...... ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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The Realm of Mustard Seeds

 Ning Xiaotian's heart was beating violently, his blood was boiling, and this state continued to worsen.

His head was swollen, like a balloon about to burst, looking for a way to pour out, and his eyes were burning like fire.

  The tip of the gun was as fast as lightning, and it was infinitely magnified in the pupils, and the head tilted and slid past the scalp.

"It's so fast! This feeling..."

  Ning Xiaotianxia's conscious pupils shrank, and at this moment, something seemed to be pierced in his mind, and then he groaned softly.

"Plop. Plop."

The beating of the heart also slowed down, the blood riot gradually slowed down, the mind was clear, and even the air was quiet.

  "Hoo hoo..."

The cool wind blows gently, but the sound is like a big wave, and the dust is flying and circling against the tip of the gun.

  "I saw it."

Ning Xiaotian murmured, then ecstatically, subconsciously leaned back, and raised the long sword in his hand.


With the sound of metal impact, the tip of the gun was bounced off, and Ning Xiaotian exited the attack range in response.

  The old man stopped at the same spot, motionless like a mountain, Ning Xiaotian retreated six meters away, lowering his head slightly.

  On the ground, due to two consecutive high-intensity battles, it has completely cracked, and there are potholes everywhere.

Sand and gravel are irregularly embedded in cracks like spider webs, and finer dust is blown up by the wind.

They hovered and danced with the wind, and became one piece, like a loose silk.

  The dust is so fine that it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

  But in Ning Xiaotian's eyes at this time, it was like rolling pebbles, each one could be seen clearly, the surface was no longer a piece of yellowish brown, but one by one, yellow, white, purple and colorful.

Some crystals are like smooth warm jade, some are interlaced like honeycombs, and some are crystal clear like ice crystals.

  "This is Ziji Demon Eye breaking through to the Mustard Seed Realm."

Ning Xiaotian realized, and slowly raised his left hand.

  The pupils shrank again, and the originally pitch-black battle armor was no longer pure black, but a jagged, undulating, richly layered, colorful world.

  The thin marks left by the battle turned into gullies, with colorful glazes.

Ning Xiaotian knew that this was due to the high-temperature roasting and continuous beating of the materials used to make the armor, but it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

  But now, he saw it.

  It's like observing a microscopic world.

  It's incredible.

  "It's no wonder that Tang San was able to kill indiscriminately in the soul master competition after eating the dew of hope-piercing autumn."

Ning Xiaotian put down his left hand and couldn't help but sigh secretly,

"The purple magic pupil in the mustard realm is too perverted, the enemy's attack trajectory is almost invisible "

  And the opponent he faced in the competition was only the soul king at the highest level, and his advantage was extremely obvious."

  "This battle has benefited a lot."

Ning Xiaotian raised his head slightly and looked at the old man with a complicated expression on his face.

  This time he broke through with a high degree of concentration in the fighting state, and the old man helped him a lot.

Of course, it is also inseparable from Sun Moon Star Huilan's accumulated mental strength and the blessing of the head soul bone, as well as the foundation of her own cultivation of Ziji Magic Eye in the past five years.

  Today's breakthrough is considered to be just in time.

  "This battle should be over."

Ning Xiaotian charged directly, his body turned into a phantom, like a butterfly wearing a flower, moving left and right, making people unable to see the specific direction, and advanced four meters in just an instant.

  "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the old man also reacted quickly, and the dazzling cold light came as promised, with a very wide range.

  "I can't stop me this time."

Ning Xiaotian smiled, in the pupils of his pupils, the pistol light that was originally hard to tell was like a tortoise crawling, he could see it clearly.

Ning Xiaotian stepped a little bit, and instantly swept his body in the opposite direction of the gun.

At the same time, he stretched out his left hand and stabbed forward with his right hand.

  "Crack!" Almost at the same time, the left hand firmly grasped the barrel of the gun, and the blade of the right hand also reached the old man's forehead.

  Gun and life, only one of the two can be chosen.

  The old man decisively chose the latter, let go of the spear in his hand, and quickly backed up.


Both the spear and the long sword were inserted into the ground by Ning Xiaotian.

He looked at the old man, his eyes flickering, and the old man smiled, and then rushed over.

  Ning Xiaotian grabbed the fist that "poof" swung, and then pulled it, the old man's body fell forward uncontrollably, Ning Xiaotian swung his fist and hit his shoulder.

Immediately, there was an endless series of personal fighting moves.

  "Bang bang bang"

punches continuously, like raindrops, all leaning on the old man's armor.

  The old man's body suddenly turned into a precarious reed, he just persisted for a little while before falling down.

  "Ahem. Let's do it."

The old man looked up at Ning Xiaotian who was walking forward, with blood overflowing from his mouth, but he said with a smile on his face:

"It's not in vain to die by your hands." After saying that, he Close your eyes and stop talking.

  "Ha." Ning Xiaotian smiled, and said inwardly,

"Thank you!" He stepped down and hit the old man's chest.

The old man snorted, then tilted his head and fell silent.

  "Respectable opponent, shameful behavior."

  Ning Xiaotian sneered, ignoring the boiling shouts around the stands, turned around and walked towards the corridor with his sword drawn.

  He wondered before why Davis sent an old man here. He finally figured this out during the battle with the old man just now.

  With the old man's cultivation and marksmanship, especially his cunning tricks and on-the-spot adaptability, Ning Xiaotian had a hunch that if the old man attacked with all his strength at the beginning of the battle, he might not be able to avoid it, the old man His combat experience is too rich.

  But the old man gave up this approach and turned to defense, especially when he shot from the back, with a certain degree of control, as if he was deliberately feeding him a move. obvious.

  "It seems that Davis and his team have seen my intention to use the battle to break through. The old man's battle is probably ordered by him."

Ning Xiaotian recalled that his previous combat style had changed drastically, and there was indeed a possibility of exposure.

  And the only one in the entire arena who has the right to make this instruction is Davis, the prince.

  "Davis wanted to win me over, so he sent an older and more experienced old man to send his death"

It turned out that the old man chose to die generously, and also actively cooperated, recruiting desperately but leaving room for it. It's just that people who are not in it can't feel it."

  "Do you still stick to your military mission even though you know you've been abandoned?" Ning Xiaotian was also moved. So just now, he didn't do anything ruthless, it just created the illusion of a violent move, and finally knocked the old man unconscious.

  "Davis is really shameless, even retired old people."

He was angry inside, as far as he knew from Wilkin before.

Although the Gengxin City arena is one of the largest arenas in the Star Luo Empire, due to its remote and deserted location, no high-level soul masters are willing to come here to be on duty, and there are no particularly powerful people who come here to challenge.

Therefore, as an old man born in Gengxin City, he was appointed by the empire as the director of the arena and the instructor of the city defense army as a veteran.

  He worked hard, but he did not expect to end up like this.

He never forgot his mission as a soldier and devoted himself to the country even when he was dying.

  In the previous life, veterans who retired from the army were treated preferentially by the state and respected by the common people.

How could it be possible to be pushed out to die,

but Davis did this, how could Ning Xiaotian not be angry?

  While thinking, his body fell into the shadow of the passage.