
I'AM~Pro At Hugging Big Thighs In Douluo

..... He crossed the Douluo Continent and became Ning Rongrong's brother, four years earlier! Martial Soul Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, there is no system, what should I do? Ning Xiaotian said that he could only live by hugging his thighs! ..... Ning Fengzhi: I am your father, super rich! Chen Xin, Gu Rong: We are Super Douluo! Hu Liena: I am the Holy Maiden of Wuhun Temple! Qian Renxue: I am the future angel god! Dugu Yan: My grandfather has fairy grass! Bibi Dong: I am your mother-in-law! Ning Xiaotian: Long live the Spirit Hall! ..... Yu Xiaogang: Who is trolling me? Dai Mubai: My fiancee is gone! Still getting hit? Tang San: Xiao Wu disappeared? What about fairy grass? What about the Blue Silver Emperor? What about a good chance? ...... ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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216 Chs

Qian Renxue, the wolf who has no emotions!

And such good things?

Ning Xiaotian was startled, stared blankly at the future daughter-in-law of Xue Er, and said,

"Tell me?"

"If you win, I will promise to be your girlfriend, and like Hu Liena, I will not object to you having other Woman, the 70,000-year spirit bone is still here!"

Qian Renxue said without hesitation.

Hu Liena can understand Ning Xiaotian, and she can choose to understand. Hu Liena does not object to Ning Xiaotian having other women, and she also has no objection.

She will never lose to others in her life, and she is sure that she will win this bet!

"But if you lose, you must not only help me with all your heart, but also give the fire attribute treasure in your hand, and..."

Speaking of which, Qian Renxue's face turned a little red and her tone became weaker, and said:

" I will still consider marrying you."

"But there is one condition..."

Qian Renxue stared at Ning Xiaotian suddenly, unable to deny it,

"That is, if we can have a child, the child must follow my surname. "

Nima, this is the rhythm of wanting to borrow me to plant, and then use the child to pack me and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School away...Ning Xiaotian frowned and looked deeply at the greedy beauty in front of him.

If the two of them could have an offspring, they would definitely be the first-in-line heirs to the Spirit Hall and Spirit Empire.

No matter who their surname was, he and Ning Fengzhi would try their best to assist them even for the sake of the family's continuation.

There was no doubt about it. .

"It's just like a wolf who has no feelings for it!"

Ning Xiaotian complained in his heart, wanting to use the two children's children to completely bind the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School to the Wuhun Temple, and stabilize the blood of the Qianjia family. This wave is far-reaching...

This is If I lose, I will become a working child of my own children in the future,

the No. 1 nanny in mainland China?

Comparing the strengths of the Qian family and the Ning family, a proper son-in-law of the Qian family is a solid family brother.

But I won't lose...

Ning Xiaotian touched his chin, pondered for a moment, nodded and said,


Promise so simply?

Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, her heart was inexplicably panicked, she glanced at Ning Xiaotian suspiciously, and said,

"You are very confident in yourself..."

"Isn't it four years left?"

Ning Xiaotian did not change his expression. , said lightly.

After he finished speaking, he put on a smile and said with a smile,

"Daughter-in-law, what should I call you in the future?"

"Go away!"

Qian Renxue's face turned dark, and she immediately remembered the scene when she woke up in the morning, Ning Xiaotian must have been last night I touched her body, and the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and the moth frowned instantly, the milk was fierce.

"Clean up the house..."

After she finished speaking, golden light flashed on her body, and she returned to the appearance of Xue Qinghe. She jumped out of bed and walked to the table, ignoring Ning Xiaotian who seemed bewildered, and pressed the "table lamp" , withdrew the soul tool, and then opened the curtain indifferently and walked out of the tent.

"The butt of a tigress really can't be touched..."

Ning Xiaotian pouted, muttered aggrievedly, and climbed into the bed, ready to start cleaning up the quilts scattered around.


Qian Renxue suddenly opened the curtain at this time, stuck her head out, looked at him with jaw-dropping teeth, and said solemnly,

"You sleep on the floor these days, make your own bed!

" Ning Xiaotian is definitely going to sleep with her in a tent these days, but it's absolutely impossible to sleep in another bed. The point is, this guy called her a tigress just now...

Sure enough, he touched her ass last night, hum, little Color embryo!

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue glared at Ning Xiaotianxiu again, then with a cold "hum!", she lowered the curtain and walked away sadly.


Ning Xiaotian stared blankly at the swaying curtain, sighed for Yu Sheng, lowered his head and continued to deal with the quilts.

He opened the curtain and walked outside the tent.

At this time, the sky was still bright, the fog on the lakeshore was thick, and the pervasive white fog rolled along the surface, shrouding the world in front of him into a vast expanse of white.

I looked up and looked around, I couldn't see Qian Renxue's figure, nor did I see other people leaving the tent.

I thought it was sleeping Zhengxiang, this is a great opportunity to deal with the fuzz!

Thinking of this, Ning Xiaotian hurriedly walked on tiptoe along the side of the lake shore.

When he reached a densely grassy place, he quickly took out the quilt that had been crumpled into a ball from the soul tool, divided it into several parts, and stuffed them one by one.

In the grass, reeds were pressed to cover.

Taking a few steps back, seeing that the color was no longer visible, he urinated on the spot, and left contentedly.

At this time, thin clouds and mist rose from the lake, dazzling with a faint sunlight, warm yellow and bright.

A few moments later, he rolled down again comfortably, with a breeze, blowing across the lake and reaching the shore, the "sassy" reeds slapped crisply and melodically.

Snake Spear Douluo stretched his waist, then turned his head to look around, and saw that there was no one there, he ran numbly to the gap between the grass, opened his trousers, shook his body, and prepared to sprinkle water.

"Hey, what is that?"

The sharp-eyed Snake Spear Douluo glanced at the strange colors in the haystack, subconsciously focused his attention, and murmured,

"Isn't this the young master's quilt?"

"No way!"

Snake Spear Douluo seemed to have thought of something, and his whole body was agitated. He quickly raised his pants and stepped forward to check. He was immediately stunned.

This was indeed the quilt in Qian Renxue's tent, and he helped lay it out.

"Are all young people playing so wild now?"

Snake Spear Douluo's scalp was numb, and he quickly looked around. Seeing no one, he hurriedly used his soul power to gather the exposed flocs and press them into the soil.

Then bend the surrounding grass to cover it.

"There should be more than just a few pieces!"

Snake Spear Douluo glanced around suspiciously, and as expected he found several more places, he quickly covered it up in the same way, and murmured,

"This young master of the Ning family is only seven years old. Is it so fierce?"

"If this is known by the big enshrined, will Lao Pu and I be given death?"

Thinking of this, Snake Spear Douluo felt a chill down his spine, glanced at the blanket that had been covered up, and fled. It also seems to have left the scene of the extermination.

When he arrived at the station, he happened to see Qian Renxue standing beside Ning Xiaotian. He quickly looked up and down, and heaved a sigh of relief.

He wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead like a tiger escaped, and then looked deeply at Ning Xiaotian with adoring eyes.

"It seems that I will be more polite to this young master Ning in the future..."

Snake Spear Douluo murmured, looking around, people have already left the tent one after another, heading towards the area in charge of Thorn Dolphin Douluo, and hurriedly ran over.

He has to remind this Hanhan teammate, so as not to be affected by Chiyu in the future.

"Senior Brother Qinghe ?"

Ning Xiaotian called out when everyone was busy packing up the tent and didn't look here.


Qian Renxue said lightly.

"Why did Xue Ye send you here this time?"

Ning Xiaotian pondered.

"Didn't your dad tell you?"

Qian Renxue cast a glance at him as if looking at an idiot.


Ning Xiaotian nodded solemnly.

"Monitor the movements of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and check the progress and status of the mission platform..."

Qian Renxue said indifferently, "I am the nominal disciple of Ning Fengzhi, and I am most suitable for this mission.

" Zong Qi is wary!"

Ning Xiaotian frowned.

"What do you think? Three single-attribute families, a titled Douluo, took the initiative to marry the Ye family.

It's you, don't you doubt it?"

The reason!"

"Wait! Senior Brother Qinghe..."

Ning Xiaotian quickly grabbed Qian Renxue, who wanted to leave, and said,

"How is Xue Ye's current physical condition?"

"Very weak, but I have stopped. The dose, he can't die now, I still need enough time to win over the military."

Qian Renxue quickly shook off Ning Xiaotian and whispered.

After speaking, he ignored Ning Xiaotian and went straight to the crowd that had already begun to gather.

"Tian'er, come here! After breakfast, let's go on!"

Zhang Fanghua shouted in the distance.

"Come here now!"

Ning Xiaotian said loudly.
