
I'AM~Pro At Hugging Big Thighs In Douluo

..... He crossed the Douluo Continent and became Ning Rongrong's brother, four years earlier! Martial Soul Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, there is no system, what should I do? Ning Xiaotian said that he could only live by hugging his thighs! ..... Ning Fengzhi: I am your father, super rich! Chen Xin, Gu Rong: We are Super Douluo! Hu Liena: I am the Holy Maiden of Wuhun Temple! Qian Renxue: I am the future angel god! Dugu Yan: My grandfather has fairy grass! Bibi Dong: I am your mother-in-law! Ning Xiaotian: Long live the Spirit Hall! ..... Yu Xiaogang: Who is trolling me? Dai Mubai: My fiancee is gone! Still getting hit? Tang San: Xiao Wu disappeared? What about fairy grass? What about the Blue Silver Emperor? What about a good chance? ...... ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5 Ning Rongrong was born, Qianxun Ji was hammered!

  "Haha. I thought that day, compared to your Grandpa Bone, who is more powerful!" Sword Douluo raised his eyebrows, glanced at Bone Douluo next to him, and asked first.

  If you can't answer this question, it's a "death" question. Ning Xiaotian rolled his eyes and said softly, "They are all amazing! I will be as good as the two grandfathers in the future!

  " Shut up.

  The time is ripe!   Ning Xiaotian saw the needle inserted in the seam, raised his head with waves in his eyes, and looked adoring, "Grandpa Jian ,

  Grandpa Bone. Can Tian'er learn sword skills and boxing skills from you?"

With great attention and encouragement, his eyes met, and then he turned his hopeful gaze to Ning Fengzhi next to him.

  Ning Feng caused the scalp to go numb.

  The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has a professional team and a routine for cultivating direct line auxiliary spirit masters!

  You can't change it at will!

  Ning Xiaotian knew that there was no way to go, so he turned his eyes to his mother Zhang Fanghua, struggling to squeeze the water out of his eyes.

  The curve to save the country may be feasible!

  "Fengzhi." Zhang Fanghua's voice was as crisp as weeping.

  Ning Fengzhi trembled slightly, and his straight body was no longer firm.

  Ning Xiaotian's eyes lit up... Is there a drama?

  Sword Douluo looked up at the sky, Bone Douluo looked down at the ground, turned a deaf ear, closed his eyes and listened, silent!

  "Since Tian'er wants to learn, let him learn it!"

  "Anyway, Tian'er is three years old, so it's time to recuperate his body and prepare for the awakening of his martial soul! Let him practice with Uncle Chen and Uncle Gu, just take it as an exercise. Body!"

  "Also." Zhang Fanghua Ruyu's cheeks suddenly flushed red, and she gently stretched out her soft weeds to cover the corners of her mouth, tiptoed close to Ning Fengzhi's ear, and whispered, "Tian'er

  didn't always want a sister?"

  Sword and Bone Douluo's five senses suddenly opened wide, shaking the tips of his ears, and slanting his eyes to Ning Fengzhi, which was very meaningful.

  Ning Xiaotian didn't know why, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

  "Cough cough." Ning Fengzhi felt the strength coming, he suddenly stood up straight, and said righteously, "That's fine!"

  "Uncle Jian. Uncle Gu is getting late! The two have been discussing for a long time. If you're a little tired, why don't you just follow me into the hall and take a rest?"

  "By the way, let's discuss Tian'er's next study and follow the two of you to practice!"

  "Yes, yes, let's go."

  "Okay, that's true . Let's have a good discussion!"

  Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo responded in unison.

  Ning Fengzhi next to him also took the opportunity to wave his hand to let the people around him disperse, and then led his wife and the Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo behind them to the sect discussion hall.

  After a heated discussion...

  Ning Xiaotian, who has no human rights, was clearly arranged by the four bosses in front of him!

  Get up at 8:00 in the morning to have dinner, morning culture class, odd and even daily schedules, the learning content is as follows:

  "General History of Douluo Continent", "Detailed Explanation of Douluo Continent Forces", "The Complete Collection of Soul Beasts in Douluo Continent", "Tian Dou Empire Nobles" "Etiquette", "Ladies and Sisters of Douluo Continent", "Ning's Thirty-Eight Pose". In

  the afternoon martial arts class, learn basic boxing skills with Bone Douluo on a single day, and learn basic sword skills with Sword Douluo on two days!

  After taking a medicinal bath at night, professionals use their soul power to nourish their bodies, and finally they are free to move around!

  "Is the queue so full?" The

  more Ning Xiaotian listened, the more numb his scalp became. He felt as if he had returned to the miserable time when he was studying in a full-time school, or the kind that lived on campus!

  Most importantly, he was also sent away from his parents' residence and moved to the single courtyard closest to Sword and Bone Douluo.

  What is this operation?

  Ning Xiaotian was a little confused.

  A year later...

  "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! After urging for so long, my mother's stomach didn't move. It was only two months after I was thrown to Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo to study. Mom is pregnant! How dare you believe it! Could it be that I was the one who got in the way before?"

  Seeing the little guy named Ning Rongrong in his mother's arms, Ning Xiaotian was choked up.

  The key is coincidence!

  He had recently received news from the sect that the current Pope of the Spirit Hall, Qian Xunji, had just returned to the Spirit Hall from a serious injury.

  In other words, Qianxunji was still hammered by Tang Hao, and Tang San should have just been born!

  "Looking at it like this, Ning Rongrong doesn't have much difference in the time of birth from the original!" This is so fucking miraculous, Ning Xiaotian stammered.

  Originally, he thought that Ning Rongrong was gone!

  "It seems that my family brother position will not be guaranteed!"

  Looking at the parents in front of him, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo next to him, and the doting eyes on their faces, Ning Xiaotian felt sour in his heart. .

  "Hey, forget it, forget it! I checked the eyes, this is my sister!" Ning Xiaotian comforted himself for a while.

  Well, here comes the problem!

  "What should I do with Oscar? Should I agree to this guy teasing his sister in the future?"

  Ning Xiaotian looked at the little boy in the swaddling clothes like a father, showing an old father-like worry.

  To be honest, Ning Xiaotian will not object to her sister marrying Oscar in the future according to the plot of the original novel.

  First of all, Oscar's character is not bad, there is no major problem, he is talented and willing to work hard, and he is not bad.

  Overall, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

  In addition, as a food-type soul master, Oscar can be said to be able to go to the hall and the kitchen, at least when it comes to eating, the old girl is enjoying herself.

  As for entering Shrek Academy to study, Ning Xiaotian really didn't expect Shrek Academy to teach his sister anything. As far as those teaching methods were concerned, in the eyes of Ning Xiaotian, who knew the original book, it was just the same, even very poor.

  Moreover, he was very displeased with Shrek's style of study, "Soul masters who dare not cause trouble are not good soul masters, they are mediocre talents!" This school motto is simply the way to kill.

  In addition, Shrek Academy's attitude towards civilians also made Ning Xiaotian extremely unhappy.

  The conditions for recruiting students are so high, why don't you just post it directly, say that the other party is not good, and the application fee will not be refunded, what kind of robbery is this!

  Mentors in Shrek Academy are all born in civilians. Don't you know what the registration fee of 10 gold coins means to a civilian family?

  The admissions standards that only accept monsters, the almost stocking education method, and the lack of money is the most important thing, it is outrageous!

  With Flander's martial spirit and soul saint strength, even if he stood at the gate of the Hunting Soul Forest to help people hunt down a hundred-year-old soul beast, each one who received dozens of gold coins would be able to receive the money softly!

  With this owed IQ, he is still the principal!

  However, as a tool man, it is feasible for Flender to sharpen the temper of his old sister.

  Given the urgency of the four bigwigs in front of him, Ning Rongrong will most likely be spoiled for being unruly and self-willed like the original, and he can't seem to be able to stop it!

  After all, Ning Xiaotian is also a pet girl!

  In terms of making friends, Zhu Zhuqing from Shrek Academy was a good friend.

  If my little sister can learn from this big cat and realize her perseverance and hard work, the whole family can directly burn high incense to celebrate!

  Of course, it would be even better if you could take it home!
