
I'AM~Pro At Hugging Big Thighs In Douluo

..... He crossed the Douluo Continent and became Ning Rongrong's brother, four years earlier! Martial Soul Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, there is no system, what should I do? Ning Xiaotian said that he could only live by hugging his thighs! ..... Ning Fengzhi: I am your father, super rich! Chen Xin, Gu Rong: We are Super Douluo! Hu Liena: I am the Holy Maiden of Wuhun Temple! Qian Renxue: I am the future angel god! Dugu Yan: My grandfather has fairy grass! Bibi Dong: I am your mother-in-law! Ning Xiaotian: Long live the Spirit Hall! ..... Yu Xiaogang: Who is trolling me? Dai Mubai: My fiancee is gone! Still getting hit? Tang San: Xiao Wu disappeared? What about fairy grass? What about the Blue Silver Emperor? What about a good chance? ...... ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 43 Star Dou Great Forest, Hello Green

Good times are always too short...

Ning Xiaotian also felt helpless.

Although he has deliberately slowed down the speed of his cultivation, he took more time to accompany the little fox.

But still... time is too short!

Perhaps it was because of the many preparations he had made for the awakening of his martial soul before, such as exercise, medicinal baths, and cultivation.... The

body still contained a lot of soul power, which was not completely absorbed by the body, and after awakening the martial soul, this storage His soul power finally came into play.

For a period of time after the awakening of the martial soul, Ning Xiaotian could clearly feel that even if he did not meditate and cultivate at all, the soul power in his body would still grow slowly.

In less than 4 months, the spirit power in Ning Xiaotian's body broke through to level 10.

In this world where power is supreme, only if you are strong enough, can you be qualified to protect everything that you have now. Ning Xiaotian also knows that he can't continue to stalemate for the sake of his children.

So when he woke up this morning, he informed Ju Douluo of his breakthrough and discussed hunting and killing spirit rings.

As for Hu Liena, she already knew that Ning Xiaotian would leave the Spirit Hall after obtaining the spirit ring. She was unwilling to give up her rare opportunity to get along, so she naturally wanted to follow.

In the end, everyone discussed and decided to turn this operation directly into a special field trial. Led by Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, only Hu Liena

, Xieyue, and Yan are allowed to cooperate to hunt!

After discussing Hu Liena's spirit ring configuration, Wuhun Temple dispatched a large number of personnel to search the location coordinates of the wolf pack spirit beasts, and some results have been achieved.

Therefore, you don't need to spend too much time searching for this trip, just go directly to the destination.


outside the Star Dou Great Forest.

Really an old forest in the deep mountains... Ning Xiaotian turned into a curious baby, looking left and right, this was the first time he came to the Star Dou Great Forest, and he was full of novelty about the surrounding environment.

Well... it's more of fear! Looking up

, it is a giant tree with vigor and vitality that towers straight into the clouds, with luxuriant branches and leaves, covering the sky and the sun. .

And here, everywhere!

Looking ahead, it is a strange and colorful inexplicable vegetation, among which many glowing fireflies dance.

The dense bushes covered the sun, and the dark and quiet road ahead was full of mystery. Facing this kind of environment, it was impossible for Ning Xiaotian not to panic.

He could only be cautious, and he was surrounded by two Douluos, Ju and Gui, who were guarding the way forward.

Hu Liena, who was used to seeing Ning Xiaotian's mature and alert side, was also the first time she saw his cautious appearance, she couldn't help showing a smile, pursed her lips and snickered.

Afterwards, he stretched out his hand to hold Ning Xiaotian's arm tightly, posing like a hen guarding a chick, with an aura of looking at the world and giving up on me.

Yan was stunned, and said wildly: "Little brother, don't be afraid! You have brother Yan to protect you!" The

rain stopped, the sky was clear, and

Yan felt that he could do it again!

Ning Xiaotian remained silent, turned his head, gave Yan a meaningful look, and made a small note.

Yan suddenly shrank his head and turned his face away.

"Stop first! The hurricane demon wolves should be near here, Lao Ju, take Xiaotian and the others to wait here, I'll go take a look first!"

As soon as the words fell, Ghost Douluo jumped up on the tree, jumping in a row, leaving everyone's sight.

"Then let's rest in place first!" Ju Douluo watched Ghost Douluo go away, turned his head, pinched his fingers, and said softly.

"Okay, teacher!" Ning Xiaotian turned around and patted Hu Liena's slender fingers on her arm, motioning to sit down.

He took out a blanket from the soul tool, and took out a lot of snacks, candied fruit, melon seeds, grapes, dried fish, dried rabbit... all the little foxes love to eat.

He is fully prepared for this outdoor event!

"You're here to travel..." Yan was stunned when he saw the pieces that appeared in Ning Xiaotian's hands.

"Isn't it?" Ning Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, squinted at Yan, and made up for the knife, "I don't need to shoot!"

Yan was speechless and choked, and lowered his head to nibble on melon seeds.

The body is very honest... Ning Xiaotian twitched the corners of his mouth, did not look at him, opened his mouth, and took the grapes that the little fox peeled and put into his mouth, the taste was really sweet.

Also peel one as a gift.

The little fox opened his mouth and accepted it with a smile.

Yan was speechless, took out the warm water cup from the soul tool, opened it, raised his head, "ton ton ton..."

Obviously I came first, why was Ning Xiaotian cut off... Yan's eyes Dim, grief and indignation, and unconsciously raised his head higher.

The warm water in the cup suddenly raised his head because of Yan, and suddenly poured out like a dam burst, "Cough, cough..."

"Yan, you are too careless! Can you choke on drinking water?" Ning Xiaotian Hearing the sound, he turned his head and looked at Yan in surprise, out of kindness and comforting words.

Yan covered her nose, her eyes resentful.


Ning Xiaotian casually touched the melon seeds on the ground, feeling stunned, turned his head to look at Yan's buttocks, the melon seed shells so many in two dishes and bowls were piled high.

Looking around, "Speaking of which, why hasn't the ghost elder returned yet! Could it be that the hurricane wolves have migrated?"

With Ghost Douluo's strength and speed, the melon seeds have been knocked out and haven't come back yet, this is unscientific!

"It's possible! But don't worry, if the old ghost finds the wolves, he will send a signal to call me, so we can wait here in peace!" Ju Douluo said casually, and then took a candied fruit into his mouth. .

He narrowed his eyes, trembling all over.

Obviously, he is very confident in the strength of the ghost elders, and, with his perception, if the ghost elders are fighting around, he will definitely be able to detect it.

"Huh? Keep your voice down... It seems that someone is coming this way! Could it be an old ghost?" Ju Douluo suddenly turned his ears to listen, his eyes fixed on one place, is this really coming?

Ning Xiaotianjie When the words came to his mouth, he suddenly sat up straight and listened like Chrysanthemum Douluo.

Sad to hear nothing!

With a sigh, Ning Xiaotian could only follow Chrysanthemum Douluo's gaze and look at a grass in the distance.



8 eyes to 4 eyes, it's not Ghost Douluo!

But one male and one female, one old and one young.

Ning Xiaotian looked and saw the old man facing him, with silver hair and green eyes, wearing a green leather armor with a lot of green gems embedded in it.

It can be said that it is really green!

Looking to his side again, his eyes lit up.

It was a pretty girl with a waist as thin as a willow. She looked about the same size as Hu Liena, with short purple hair, green eyes, and a strange beauty.

He is slender and wears a blue-scale breastplate. The mountains are just beginning to form, and he is actually more plump than the little fox.

Her pretty face is sweet, her red lips are full, her shoulders are exposed, and a blue short skirt tightly wraps her buttocks, revealing a slender and beautiful leg... um... No, Ning Xiaotian frowned suddenly, facing the girl up and down. Look.

No detail was missed!