
I'AM~Kaidou Of The Beasts

!~~~Don't forget Comment and Vote Power Stone so update not become lazy and so slow as snail~~~! Travel through the world of pirates and seize the beast Kaido. Seeing through this world, only power can control everything. He awakened Devil Fruit in the first battle on the Island of Gods. Before the era of the great pirate started, he had already attained the original peak state. But this is far from enough! After the Battle of Ait Wall, he aimed his fangs at Wanokuni nearly ten years in advance. Fight Roger, seize the country, and sway the world! (true strongest creature sea, air, and earth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name: I Possesed Kaido Of The Beast", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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304 Chs

Chapter 269 To die and wait to witness the end of the world before dying


The sharp blade pierced through the flesh, making a sound like a torn cloth.

Fujitora's staff made a blood hole on Zephyr's left, and the sword of the staff came out of Zephyr's back shoulder.


Ain and others screamed sternly.

"Hurry up! You guys!"

Zephyr gritted his teeth and grinned reluctantly, "I'm sorry, I pulled you in and be self-willed with me Ain, Binz

Binz sucked his nose from his nostrils, knelt down on his knees, and picked up Ain, who was crying bitterly, and said painfully: "Let's go! This is the opportunity that Teacher Z created for us!"

Under Binz's support and orders, the defeated NEO Marine began to evacuate towards the back of the volcano.

Naturally, Marine couldn't let them go so kindly, and immediately announced the "August-Seven" pursuit.

However, at this moment, the earth began to split, and hot magma rushed out of the cracks in the ground, forming a natural barrier that temporarily blocked Marine's pursuit.

"Catch it with your hands, Mr. Zephyr, before the situation has reached the point of irreversibility."

Fujitora said solemnly.

"A kid who has only joined Marine for a few years, dare to preach to me like this. Are you so sure that you can beat me? Smile!"

The pulverizer on Zephyr's right arm was buckled on Fujitora's shoulder, and he laughed and shouted:

"Smash bunting!'

"Gravity Knife-Tiger!"

Fujitora drink low.

Puff boom boom!!!

A violent explosion suddenly occurred in the center of the island, and a small mushroom cloud rose up.

After a few seconds dissipated, Marine in the rear saw the explosion steadily suppressed on the ground, exploding the ground within a radius of two kilometers centered on Fujitora and Zephyr into spider-web-like fragments.

But the two in the center are not a big deal.

"It's too heavy, Mr. Zephyr."

Fujitora's blade was pointed on the crusher on Zephyr's right arm, like an invisible mountain, and the opponent's entire right hand was always on the ground, unable to move at all.

For Zephyr, whose physical functions cannot even be used perfectly at Marine Six Styles, the shredder does make up for his shortcomings in combat effectiveness, but it also seems too bulky.

In some respects, Fujitora is even more restrained than Kizaru.


Fujitora said two words faintly.

Stolo Berry in the rear took out a seastone handcuff from the army cloak and rushed quickly.

"You just want to handcuff me, it's too overwhelming!!"

An all-black artificial prosthetic limb of Zephyr suddenly broke away from the smasher. Although it was armed with an armed color, it was obviously far less powerful than the smasher's punch.

But even so, Fujitora's complexion changed slightly, and he subconsciously retracted the gravity, using a stick knife to block in front of him.


Zephyr's punch on the body of the Fujitora stick knife did not cause any harm to the opponent, but temporarily forced Fujitora back more than ten meters.


The shredder next to it cracked a crack, and within a few seconds, the crack spread quickly and spread to the entire fuselage.

It took less than five seconds before and after, like glass that was smashed by a stone, split into several pieces and scattered on the ground.

Puff rumbling–!!!

At the same time, the volcanic crater behind the battlefield erupted frantically, and the columnar lava lava went straight into the sky, dyeing the entire sky red.

Not only the magma, but the waves also rushed out of the cracks between the split openings of the island.

Whether it was Marine who wanted to chase or NEO Marine who fled, many people were caught off guard and screamed into the abyss where magma and waves were mixed together.

"Teacher! Teacher!"

When finally boarding the ship, Ain was already struggling to rush back to the battlefield. If Binz and others were not holding her, even if the ship had already left, she would jump into the sea and swim back, right?

Even forget that he is a capable person.

However, in the direction behind them that they hadn't seen, a giant shadow was approaching here extremely fast.

"There is no time, Mr. Yixiao.

The seastone hand cast in Stolo Berry's hand just accidentally fell into the magma under the violent shaking of the island.

While saying this, Stolo Berry pointed back.

Pointing to the finger, a large ship with the World government logo has already arrived.

Standing on the bow, looking over here, are a few men and women in white suits.


"In the end, do I have to do this?"

Fujitora is in confinement, and her eyes full of scars are tightly controlled together.

"Peggy Wan, you brat, you got promoted fast enough!"

Noting the government battleship that had already driven to the shore of the island, Zephyr's horns spread a stream of blood, not knowing that it was mocking the other party's self-deprecation.

Among the countless students he taught, Peggy Wan is by no means the strongest, but he is definitely the fastest promoted.

Even Admiral is far behind.

So it also left a deep impression on Zephyr.

"No way, please allow me to put you on the spot

Fujitora holds the scabbard tightly with her left hand, and will hold the knife with her right hand, and will hold the stick and knife in front of the bridge of her nose.Obviously, it is not only to the extent that he is able to shoot with all his strength, but to set Zephyr on the spot!

The government dispatched CP0 to supervise this mission, which is enough to explain the meaning of the above.

Even if Fujitora is an anti-government faction, but the island is almost sinking now, if you don't do anything, there will be more Marines confessed here.

"Let me teach you the last lesson!"

Zephyr clenched his right arm prosthesis with an iron fist, and his eyes behind the shattered sunglasses revealed unprecedented solemnity.

Whether it was the attack on the Dynamite Rock on Fas Island from the beginning in 3.6, or the bombing of the Candy Island on the island under Beasts Pirates.

Since he decided to do so, he had expected such a result.


However, just when Fujitora was ready to kill, and Zephyr also had the consciousness to step into the ghost gate.

The island trembled violently again.

But what surprised everyone was that the island did not split and sink this time, but gathered again, like split plasticine, reunited again!

"What is this trick!?

Zephyr's face changed abruptly, because he had seen this trick.

"To die, wait for the end of the world to die before you die, what's the hurry?"

A familiar voice with a frivolous mockery sounded from the direction of the hill behind the volcano. ,