
I'AM~Kaidou Of The Beasts

!~~~Don't forget Comment and Vote Power Stone so update not become lazy and so slow as snail~~~! Travel through the world of pirates and seize the beast Kaido. Seeing through this world, only power can control everything. He awakened Devil Fruit in the first battle on the Island of Gods. Before the era of the great pirate started, he had already attained the original peak state. But this is far from enough! After the Battle of Ait Wall, he aimed his fangs at Wanokuni nearly ten years in advance. Fight Roger, seize the country, and sway the world! (true strongest creature sea, air, and earth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name: I Possesed Kaido Of The Beast", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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304 Chs

Chapter 268 Zephyr’s angry action

Unlike Fas Island, which is completely one of the military fortresses of Marine, Seken Island is a town and island where a sea train is built and civilians live, and there are not a few people living there.

Zephyr sits on the top of the volcano on Seken Island, behind which is the Marine Base fortress on Seken Island.

At this time, he had already taken it down, and on the internally measured rock wall of the volcano, there was an explosive rock that satisfies the destruction of the entire island.

Below, the last sea train also carried the last civilians of the island to leave.

Although he has completely abandoned justice, he has not completely turned into a lunatic.

Until all the outsiders left, Zephyr put down his favorite sherry, looked up into the distance, and several Marine warships rushed toward this side, training in a row, which was comparable to Buster Call's lineup.

But the reason why Marine has come up with such a big hand is not because of how strong Zephyr is leading the NEO freshman Marine. It is just that there are many Zephyr past students who want to send him the last ride.

Soon, the trained Marine battleship docked at the harbour of Seken Island, and a large army of white pressure rushed to the pier. Looking at it, there were at least five or six thousand people.

A seat in a Japanese style purple robe, with a cane as a cane in his hand, now wearing an official Admiral cloak ~ Fujitora stands at the forefront.

Today, he has taken the place of Kuzan and has been promoted to the position of general-general.

The top-level Observation Haki covered the entire island. A few seconds later, Fujitora raised her head slightly, with a slightly surprised tone, "Oh~ the civilians have all been transferred. As expected, Mr. Zephyr, even at this point, she still embraces- Righteous heart?"

Behind Fujitora, the Voice Mouse, Daubman, Stolo Berry, etc. Marine Vice Admiral, whether doves, hawks or neutrals, all show more or less complex colors.

"I never abandon justice, but your justice is not good! Marine!!!"

The loud scolding sounded into the ears of Fujitora and others with a deep ridicule.

The reason why he named his new unit "NEO New Life Marine" also confirmed that he did not abandon justice, but just abandoned the justice of Marine.

"Anyway, please allow me to arrest you now, Mr. Zephyr."

Fujitora spoke in a deep voice and took the initiative to move forward.

Among all the officer-level Marines on the scene, only Fujitora was not a disciple of Zephyr, and the high-level officials also took this point and gave him the task to carry out.

"Smile, your kid is already Admiral now, time flies!"

Zephyr twisted his neck and smiled, but his face suddenly changed in the next moment, and he yelled: "You who are in a high position in the incompetent Marine, have the illusion that you can preach to me? You are not my student, but now Let me teach you, what is the real justice! Brat!"

"Stop this group of pirates in the name of justice! Rout!!"

While Zephyr roared, he swung the huge mechanical shredder with his right arm and slammed it towards Fujitora.

Fujitora frowned and pulled out the stick and knife around his waist. Two weapons with very different sizes collided together, erupting an exaggerated shock wave, and the surrounding rocks were instantly squeezed into dust.

"Leave the teacher's battle circle! Attack other Marines!'

Ain yelled, waving his slender arm.

Under her command, NEO Marine split into two routes and attacked the regular Marines in blue and white uniforms down the mountain.

"They used to be Marine"

Yushu frowned and watched as NEO Marine, wearing a black Marine system, rushed down from the volcano wall.

First Zephyr, then Aokiji, Marine has lost so much.

"Even if they used to be Marine, they are now pirates."

Daubman shouted: "Fall back!!

At this moment, the blind Fujitora frowned and shouted at the center of the battlefield that was inaccessible to others:

"What justice is, it can only be decided by the future, but Mr. Zephyr, please allow me to arrest you all now!"

In an instant, he retracted the rod knife into the scabbard, and in the next instant he made a posture of drawing a knife, and suddenly drew the knife.

An arc of spiral purple light blasted straight into the sky.

Two seconds later, there was a buzzing sound in the ears of everyone on Seken Island, and a huge meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of meters and a fire fell straight down!

"That name is no longer used!"

Zephyr shouted angrily and tried his best to raise the smasher on his right arm, the top muzzle opened, revealing the explosive rock hidden inside!

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Zephyr shot three explosive rocks out in one go, and shouted angrily at the same time:

"Now I am one-Z!!!"


When the dynamite rock hit the meteorite, the meteorite with a diameter of several hundred meters turned into countless meteor showers and fell, smashing the warships near the harbor, and many falling toward the crater.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

When the broken meteorite Luojin crater, the originally calm volcano erupted, the white sky was dyed red, and the entire island land was split like a broken jigsaw.

"Did dynamite rock buried in the crater? This island is going to split and become silent."

Fujitora frowned.

"Ain, you lead everyone away on the boat in the back harbour.

Zephyr suddenly shouted and ordered, and said with a grin: "All the Marines here are going to sink into the sea with this island, with me!

"Teacher Z!"

Ain's eyes shrank suddenly, and he shouted in disbelief.

"Is that what you did in the beginning? Mr. Zephyr."

Fujitora's face tense, "Even if my eyes are blind, I can still feel your anger, but you may have mistaken the target of revenge.

"Retaliation? Don't understand me as superficial as you corrupt Marines, this is true justice!"

Zephyr waved his arm and suppressed Fujitora's rod and knife again. "So many Marines died here, and the world government will feel my Z's anger too!"

Maybe you can't listen to anything anymore, but it's impossible for you to try to hold us back.

Fujitora, who clearly felt that the island was crumbling, had already given up on Zephyr's persuasion. The momentum on his body suddenly changed and he obviously began to get serious.

"Then try! Brat!!" Wan.