
I'AM~Kaidou Of The Beasts

!~~~Don't forget Comment and Vote Power Stone so update not become lazy and so slow as snail~~~! Travel through the world of pirates and seize the beast Kaido. Seeing through this world, only power can control everything. He awakened Devil Fruit in the first battle on the Island of Gods. Before the era of the great pirate started, he had already attained the original peak state. But this is far from enough! After the Battle of Ait Wall, he aimed his fangs at Wanokuni nearly ten years in advance. Fight Roger, seize the country, and sway the world! (true strongest creature sea, air, and earth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name: I Possesed Kaido Of The Beast", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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304 Chs

Chapter 267 The real Ancient Weapon

The three [End.Point] islands, once they are all blown up, the entire New World islands will be swallowed by underwater magma.

Kaido had also heard of this rumor, but he felt that it was nonsense, or exaggerated the fact.

If it is so serious, will the original Marine be so stupid that only one Kizaru is sent to solve it?

From the perspective of Zephyr's behavior now, the key is not the three [End.Point] islands, but an explosive rock that can destroy an island and is as powerful as Ancient Weapon.

It would be a hassle if Zephyr used this thing indiscriminately.

According to Robin's report, Zephyr originally wanted to use the power of explosive rock to cause more serious damage to Beasts Pirates.

But after barely blowing up Candy Island, he found that Beasts Pirates' reinforcements surrounded his NEO Marine at a very fast speed.

Under such circumstances, Zephyr had to choose to retreat.

"However, I didn't expect this old guy to be so courageous. Who was the guy who took the initiative to attack us last time? I have forgotten how many years have passed.

Kaido twisted his neck and stood up from the throne.

"Master Kaido, do you want to kiss 847 by yourself?"

Robin was quite surprised.

Although it has dynamite rock that is rumored to be comparable to Ancient Weapon's power, to be honest, NEO Marine's power is not in the eyes of the three emperor-level pirate groups in New World.

Not to mention that Beasts Pirates is basically recognized by the world as the strongest pirate group in the world.

With his broken arm and aging Zephyr, his strength is at the pinnacle of Vice Admiral, not to mention Kizaru Fujitora, even if it is Gion, he can't win even with these people.

And his cadres such as Ain, Binz, etc., are extremely reluctant to reach the ordinary Vice Admiral.

This lineup is not worth Kaido's own hands.

"I am quite interested in an Admiral with a collapsed view of justice. It is comparable to the dynamite rock of Ancient Weapon? Hehe, I don't know how it will compare with the real Ancient Weapon."

Speaking of the back, Kaido couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Master Kaido, what do you mean

Robin was surprised again.

"Notify Hancock in Jiuli that they are ready to set off, bring Shirahoshi on, and let her experience the actual combat. In two years, I hope she can fully master Poseidon's ability.

Kaido stood up and walked outside as he said.


Koala, who had been standing next to Kaido, swallowed his saliva, suddenly recovered after two seconds, and hurried to chase after him.

When I came to Kaido in just a few days, it shocked her more than in the past 20 years.

Not only sent an undercover agent to CP0, the highest directly under the government, but also got Ancient Weapon's Poseidon Poseidon.

It's no wonder that in the battlefield of Baldigo, Ace dared to say that even if there were no revolutionaries, they dared to launch an all-out war against the World government.


"The last time I went to sea with Kaido-sama, I don't know when it happened. Concubine body, concubine body is so excited, hard, is this the legendary honeymoon trip?"

Three hours later, on the Nine Snake Pirate ship sailing out of Wanokuni Harbour, Hancock squeezed his fiery figure, held the pretty face with the beautiful crown in both hands, and muttered to himself in a low voice.


Perona is floating in the air next to it.

Just a few days ago, she escaped from the annihilated Thriller barque and fainted in the middle for some reason.

When he woke up, he had been rescued by the people of the Nine Snakes and Pirates.

I don't know where to go. Although I am still scared, I still join the group.

When she first entered Wanokuni and saw the freaks of Beasts Pirates who were a hundred times more ferocious than Moria, she was also very frightened.

But after a few days, Perona gradually got used to it.

But when faced with monsters like Kaido or senior officials, I still couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Do you want to leave Wanokuni? Me, this is my first time, is it really okay? Master Kaido~"

Shirahoshi, who was several times larger than Kaido's body, looked nervous, and said with jade-white hands resting his cheeks.

Although Poseidon's power has been initially controlled, it was the first time she left Wanokuni to go to sea.

"No matter how many times I watch it, it's so shocking~ It's so big~"

Perona raised her neck and looked at Princess Shirahoshi, who occupies almost one-third of the deck.

"It is more appropriate to get used to it in advance than to go to sea after the final battle two years later.

Kaido picked up a huge wine saucer with a diameter of five meters, Shirahoshi saw it, and quickly picked up the wine jar, and pour the wine for Kaido well.

Didn't Zephyr get the explosive rock that is said to be comparable to Ancient Weapon?

Just right, then use the real Ancient Weapon to play with him!

After Marine discovered Dynamite Rock many years ago, it was divided into three [End.Point]islands.

Now the dynamite rock on Fas Island has been captured by NEO Marine, and the island has also been blown up at the same time.

The second [End.Point] island, Saiken Island, is closer to the site of Beasts Pirates, so Zephyr was on his way to Saiken Island, trying to use explosive rocks to make Kaido and the group suffer a bit.

It didn't take much time to rush from Wanokuni.

The NEO freshman Marine led by Zephyr has already reached this island first.

Marine's seagull logo stands upside down 180 degrees, plus the skull and crosses inserted, this is the logo of NEO Marine.

"Teacher Z, just received the information, Kaido's [Python Disaster] led the Nine Snake Pirates, and Naval Headquarters' new Admiral [Fujitora] fleet, is heading towards him."

Ain stood behind Zephyr, closed his eyes and reported.

"The last time I faced an enemy of this level, I don't know how many years ago it happened, hahaha!"

The sunglasses on the bridge of his nose blocked his eyes, and he couldn't see how the laughing Zephyr was emotional.

"Ms. Z, Kaido may kiss

Binz was a little worried.

"Isn't that just right?!"

Zephyr suddenly raised the volume, shocking the students behind him.

"Marine and the pirates don't care anymore. When they sink together with this island, the whole world will feel the anger of me?!".