
I'AM~Kaidou Of The Beasts

!~~~Don't forget Comment and Vote Power Stone so update not become lazy and so slow as snail~~~! Travel through the world of pirates and seize the beast Kaido. Seeing through this world, only power can control everything. He awakened Devil Fruit in the first battle on the Island of Gods. Before the era of the great pirate started, he had already attained the original peak state. But this is far from enough! After the Battle of Ait Wall, he aimed his fangs at Wanokuni nearly ten years in advance. Fight Roger, seize the country, and sway the world! (true strongest creature sea, air, and earth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name: I Possesed Kaido Of The Beast", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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304 Chs

Chapter 251 What are they doing?

The fighting in Impeldown waters continues.

Although it is half the age when one foot is in the coffin, the guys like World and Lederfield are really tricky.

"Sure enough"

Kaido looked at the fluttering life card in his hand and sat back on the throne, "Let's go."

"Hey, uncle! Why are you chasing until now? Isn't it good to catch up in a hurry? Now that group of guys have run far away, right? And Rihe girl was also taken away.

On the deck side, Ace, who was being treated by the ship's doctor, raised his head and shouted.

In fact, it is not only Ace, but many other crew members have the same doubts.

Obviously, when the red-haired group was about to run away, they could catch up immediately.

But I don't know why Kaido didn't do this. Instead, he waited for a while until the other party was gone~ before he chose to catch up.

"Do you think those Kozuki guys will still act with Shanks after this?"

Kaido asked with a chuckle.

"Other than red hair-is there anyone else?"

Ace blinked in confusion what to do, and said, "It's impossible to act alone, right? Having lost several main crew members headed by Kozuki Oden, they are not enough to stand on their own."

"It's a powerful group of powerful names, but I haven't seen it yet. I happen to want to see it too."

Kaido threw the life card in his palm to the helmsman, "Don't be too hurry, keep up."

"Don't worry about Beasts Pirates! All we have to do now is this group of criminals to catch Impel down."

As soon as Beasts Pirates walked on his front foot, Aokiji jumped onto the surface of the sea on his hind foot, freezing the entire sea area, and all warships could not move.

Even if all the pirates who have escaped from prison are arrested, the number is too much.

In any case, Marine has planted home this time. If it weren't for Red Hair Pirates to perform that bad scene, it wouldn't be like this.

Thinking of this, even Aokiji, who has a Buddhist character, couldn't help but ignite a little bit of anger in his heart.

"Do it!"

Aokiji jumped up and aimed at the prisoners who were wearing black and white cross-colored prison uniforms, "Two thorny spears!"

"let me out!"

In a room on the warship Ivankov snatched, Hihwa's resentful curses kept coming:

"You are not Kozuki's retainers? I advise you not to be nosy! Otherwise Kaido-sama will come and kill you all!!"

"Who is this nasty woman?"

Luffy, who was constantly gnawing at the apple, stared displeasedly at the room where Rihe was being held.

After all, Momanosuke and Jinweimen have been traveling for a long time. His silly character has long regarded the Kozuki family as his companions.

Listening to Hihwa now constantly insulting the Kozuki family, naturally, he will not have a good impression of Hihwa.

What's more, beauty is not as attractive as a piece of meat on the plate for Luffy.

"Use my anesthetic hormone to make her sleep for a while, right?"

Ivankov was also approaching his endurance limit, and suggested that he showed off his slender nails.

"Never, Lord Ivankov!"

Jinweimen hurriedly stopped and said: "Just now, it was to take the princess away from Kaido, and he had no choice but to knock the princess out of nowhere. Right now, he must not take the initiative to take the initiative to his father.

Ivankov flipped over Byakugan.

Such things as retainers are really unaccustomed, and they are simply "stupid and loyal."

Didn't you hear that everyone wants to kill you?

However, I don't know if it was because of Rihe's cursing for too long that I was tired.

The sound gradually subsided, making the warship quiet again.

"But what should I do next? Mr. Kinemon."

Kikunojo frowned and said with a bitter expression: "The princess is really affected too deeply, and now Oden-sama and Ashura-boy-sama are too."

Hearing Kikunojo's words, Jinweimen also sighed. After a long time, Shen Yi said bitterly: "Now I can only take one step and count one step. While training His Royal Highness Momanosuke into a real samurai, he must also let the Japanese Sober up with the princess, Lord Oden desperately created the opportunity for us, we must not be let down."


The Kikunojo, Inuarashi, Cat Mushi and others around Jinweimen responded in unison.

However, just when everyone on the warship thought that Hihwa was tired of cursing and calmed down.

In the room, Hihe took out a portable phone bug from her extremely luxurious twelve kimonos and dialed it out.

"Yes, Master Kaido, I am now locked up on the ship of the Revolutionary Army. The Kozuki family and Straw Hat Luffy have been transferred here from Red Hair Pirates. I am locked in one of the rooms."

Beast Pirate Ship, in Kaido's room, Kaido's heart-warming phone bug heard the sun and whispering sounds, and then added a bit of gritted teeth:

"Master Kaido, please come and save me, the air here, I don't want to breathe for a moment!"

"Well, you can wait first.

Kaido smiled and put away the phone worm.

Koala, who stood in front of him, was completely stunned.

It wasn't until this time that she understood what Kaido meant by "whatever you want".

Kaido originally meant to give Hiwa to the Kozuki family on purpose,

but added a "temporary".

As for Koala's choice whether or not he will give Hiwa to the other party in the face of Kikunojo, to be honest, it doesn't matter at all.

Regardless of whether Koala is given away or stayed, Kaido has a future move.

"But your hesitation at the time made me a little surprised, Koala."

Kaido put his hand on Koala's head with a chuckle, "Will the dragon make the same decision as Shanks?"

"do not "

Reluctant to say a word, Koala pressed tightly against the powder layer, suddenly untied his clothes, showing a clean and beautiful body, all revealing fatal temptation or power.

"In the end, you are only trying to overthrow the World government. It's the same with anyone, right?"

Although there is some suspicion of being in danger, Kaido said that he didn't do it first anyway, and no matter who did it first, he couldn't leave the meat delivered to the door without eating it.

"You don't need to care about the life and death of the revolutionary army?"

There was a teasing smile on Kaido's face, and his fingers slipped all the way from Koala's face.

However, Koala had no strength to answer, and the feeling of embracing her into the sky was about to faint her. ten thousand,