
I'AM~Kaidou Of The Beasts

!~~~Don't forget Comment and Vote Power Stone so update not become lazy and so slow as snail~~~! Travel through the world of pirates and seize the beast Kaido. Seeing through this world, only power can control everything. He awakened Devil Fruit in the first battle on the Island of Gods. Before the era of the great pirate started, he had already attained the original peak state. But this is far from enough! After the Battle of Ait Wall, he aimed his fangs at Wanokuni nearly ten years in advance. Fight Roger, seize the country, and sway the world! (true strongest creature sea, air, and earth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name: I Possesed Kaido Of The Beast", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 250 Beckman’s selfishness

"Retreat! As planned!"

Seeing Kozuki Oden died in battle and Hihwa was robbed, Beckman immediately withdrew from the battle circle with Kata Kuri and shouted at the Red Hair Pirates on the Red and Frost.

As early as Kaido snatched Koala's phone worm to talk to them, Beckman quickly changed his strategy.

If you are really lucky and can rob Rihe away, Red Hair Pirates and the Kozuki family will part ways.

The former continued to act as a pirate, while the latter returned to Bardigo to act with the revolutionaries.

And it should be even more so now.

After losing the asylum of the master Kozuki Oden, the hidden revolutionaries are more suitable for this group of people than the Red Hair Pirates, which are very popular.

After taking the Kozuki family out of this sea, they will separate and be taken over by revolutionaries.

In fact, Beckman still has a scruples in his heart, but he didn't say it.

"Brother Oden"

Shanke rushed to dry the wine. After hesitating for a moment, he didn't say much, and waved his hands to signal everyone to leave.

Even though it was Luffy who was lacking in roots, he noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. After Jinweimen and the others got on the boat, they didn't say anything.

"Governor Kaido, the redheads are going to run, chase?"

Smoky stepped back in front of Kaido and turned to ask for instructions.

Kaido immediately gave the order to Smoky and the others, just glanced at the far away Reid-Forss, then took his gaze back and turned to the other side of the battlefield.

Lederfield, Bullet, Crocodile, World and other legendary pirates who escaped from Impelton have also been arrested by five Admiral Marines.

If Aokiji did not choose to cooperate with Kaido, and allowed the chaos to continue, it would absolutely not be possible to achieve such an effect.

"Governor Kaido, do you want to split up and pursue it?"

Smoky asked again for instructions.

"Heh, leave it to Marine here. If they still can't win, it means that they can only do this.

Kaido snorted and finally gave the order, and then under Koala's horrified gaze next to him, he took out a life card, "However, our plan also needs to be changed slightly.

Departing the battlefield in the Sea of ​​Impelton at the fastest speed, the Reid-Forss quickly merged with a Marine warship.

But it was not Marine who stood on the warship, but a group of ladyboys with heavy makeup and lingerie.

And standing at the bow of the ship, the big face that is particularly conspicuous is the commander of the revolutionary army G army Ivankov!

"Ivan sauce!"

Luffy exclaimed in surprise and joy.

"Thank you, red-haired BOY! Leave it to us next! Hip-hop!"

Ivankov raised his hands up and shouted, and his face quickly returned to its normal size.

"Ah~ I beg you, after all, we are very likely to be Kaido's key pursuit targets, but we can't let Brother Oden's son stay with us."

Shanks waved his remaining right arm, and the boat ladders of both sides were put together.

"Your Excellency Shanks, over the years, thank you very much for your care!"

Suddenly, headed by Inu Lan and Cat Viper, the Nine Red Swords were in a row, and they all knelt down to Shanks.

"Don't do this, there is only so much I can do."

Shanks grabbed Inu Ran's arm, held him up, and said solemnly:

"However, we won't be able to continue sailing together in the future, so be careful."

With that, Shanks looked at Jinweimen again, "Do you have any plans for Jinweimen?"

"We will train Master Momanosuke to be a samurai like Master Oden. At the same time, we also hope to be the support of Lord Luffy."

Jinweimen looked at Luffy with awe-inspiring expression, and continued to say, "On him, we saw the figure of Lord Oden."

"Luffy and Oden brother? They really look alike."

Putting these two people together for a moment, Shanks suddenly laughed.

Especially at that time, the character of being stupid and decisive, it was really similar.

"Luffy, although this meeting is a little earlier, the hat is still pinned on you. When you have enough qualifications to be my opponent, you can return it to me.

Shanks said, putting one hand on the straw hat on Luffy's head.

"Sorry, Shanks, you want to save me this time."

Even if Luffy is faceless and skinless, he can't help being ashamed at this time.

He is not afraid of death, but it is difficult to accept Shanks to rescue Jin himself.

Just like in the original book, Ace can't accept Luffy to save himself.

"Hahaha! Don't care so much."

After Shanks laughed a few times, his face quickly became serious again, "However, the next journey will be countless times more severe than in the past. You have to be conscious."

To be honest, let the Kozuki family continue to maintain a relationship with Luffy, Shanks doesn't know if it is right or wrong.

Because with Kaido's previous attitude, he is determined to destroy the Kozuki family.

Just kill Oden, can Kaido hear about it?

To be honest, Shanks thinks it is unlikely.

In that way, Luffy is very likely to be one of Kaido's goals.

But in the final analysis, Luffy is just the next generation of Shanks himself, and he is not Luffy's nanny. Once Luffy has an accident, he will come to rescue him thousands of miles away.

If it weren't for the special situation this time, he would not necessarily take the shot.

"Well, everyone, let's separate here."

When the Luffy and Kozuki family boarded Evakov's ship, Shanks led all members of Red Hair Pirates to wave goodbye to each other.


Standing on the side of the ship, Luffy waved constantly.

In Red Hair Pirates, one person did not participate in the farewell, and one person stood in the corner and smoked secretly.

It was Ben Beckman, the deputy captain.

"What's wrong? Beckman?"

Yasopp, who noticed Beckman's unusual behavior, leaned forward.

"Do you think that Oden's attack just now can really block Kaido and create a chance for Kikunojo to save people?

Beckman asked rhetorically.

Yasopp's expression was slightly stagnant, and after a few seconds of silence, he hesitated and said, "What do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, don't think so much, don't say anything to Shanks, it's all my selfishness."

Beckman patted the other person on the shoulder and walked past him.

Sometimes people are too smart, and it is better to pretend not to be so smart.

And this is also Beckman's selfish intention, he can't tell Shanks the truth. .