
I'AM~Kaidou Of The Beasts

!~~~Don't forget Comment and Vote Power Stone so update not become lazy and so slow as snail~~~! Travel through the world of pirates and seize the beast Kaido. Seeing through this world, only power can control everything. He awakened Devil Fruit in the first battle on the Island of Gods. Before the era of the great pirate started, he had already attained the original peak state. But this is far from enough! After the Battle of Ait Wall, he aimed his fangs at Wanokuni nearly ten years in advance. Fight Roger, seize the country, and sway the world! (true strongest creature sea, air, and earth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name: I Possesed Kaido Of The Beast", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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304 Chs

Chapter 249 You Think it’s so easy to save people ???

Battlefield in the Sea of ​​Impelton.


A crescent-shaped howling sword gas obliquely split the thunder pillar into two, making an ear-piercing sound like a torn cloth.

A figure jumped out of the fractured incision of the thunder pillar with both hands and swords crossed.

It is Kozuki Oden!

"That cloth Kabuto guy can still live after Kaido's trick!?"

Quinn's eyes widened in astonishment.

But a closer look, at this moment, nearly 80% of Kozuki Oden's body skin was scorched black by the lightning just now, and burnt smoke of gunpowder continued to rise on the surface of the skin.


Under Kozuki Oden's roar, the Second Generation Ghost Toru and Tianyu Yuzhan approached Kaido at the same time, and swooped down with an "X"-shaped blade.

Although it is over half a hundred years old, it is indeed stronger than it was 20 years ago.

It's just that!

Kaido suddenly raised his hand and directly blocked the blade that Kozuki Oden had split with his elbow.

The moment the blade hit it, the surging sword gas turned into a hurricane and dispersed, and the kimonos on Koala and Hiwa at the back of the volume were blown and fluttered.

"One foot is in the ghost door and closed, and you still have this kind of strength, you have a seed."

Kaido's horns rose slightly, revealing the big White Fang inside, "As a feedback, I personally killed you, so that you will not experience the pain of being killed by your daughter."

Kaido really planned to let Hihwa come to "introduce the wrong" to this group of samurai at first.

But seeing that Kozuki Oden was able to struggle to this point, it did give me a lot of surprises.

In that case, give him a reward.

"Chrysanthemum! Please!"

Kozuki Oden didn't, and had no extra energy to answer Kaido's words, just gritted his teeth and shouted out such a sentence.

Behind him, a tall figure flashed and charged.

Seeing this, several trainee pirates from Beasts Pirates quickly stepped forward to resist.

However, in the next instant, the sword blade was slashed by the sword. After Yue Xiong moved forward and issued a blood stain, his eyes fell black.

She looks as beautiful as a woman, but she is actually one of the nine red scabbards, Ju Zhicheng!

Kikunojo rushed in front of Koala, aiming at Kozuki Hiyori behind him.

Kikunojo and Koala exchanged eyes.

Obviously, he didn't do it because he knew that Koala was a member of the Revolutionary Army, and at the same time he gestured in his eyes to ask Koala to hand over Rihe to himself.

Koala also struggled for a brief moment.

What should I do?

According to his identity as a revolutionary army, he should really help the Kozuki family and hand over Rihe to them.


After all, a woman has a special affection for the first man she offers, whether it is forced or voluntarily.

Such feelings often shake their decisions.

Not to mention that Kaido is kind to Koala, and she doesn't know how to choose.

However, Kikunojo had a skill that was not inferior to Koala. At the moment when the opponent was stunned, an unimportant hand knife pushed Koala away and grabbed Hihe's wrist.

Rihe's face turned dark, and he pulled out a hand from his waist and stab at Juzhicheng.

But what can she do with her ability?

"Princess, offended!"

Chrysanthemum said in a low voice.

In the next instant, the wrist turned, and it went around the back of Hihe's head, and the hilt of the sword was on the back of Hihe's neck.

Hihwa's expression stagnated, and before the fainting passed, he was held by Kikunojo.

After succeeding, the Kikunojo retreated quickly, Kozuki Oden finally smiled at this moment, "Okay!"

"What good?"

Kaido's abrupt voice floated in his ears.

Thunder teeth turned into an irregular arc in an instant, attached to Kaido's body surface, just like Immovable King added to his body.

"This time it really disappears, the damned undead 20 years ago!"

Huh-huh boom boom!!!

In an instant, the sound of broken bones sounded slightly, but it was completely covered by the deafening explosion.

The endless sea could not cover this shock wave in a short time. The scorching high-temperature blast produced by the high-temperature voltage bombarded the sea surface, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

"Fortunately, it's far enough apart…

On the other side of the battlefield, Aokiji's right hand pressed on the steel giant that had been completely frozen and made from the Bullet's combined fruit.

On the top of it, Ace, who was covered with bruises and constantly oozing blood from it, knelt on the frozen iron man, panting.

Next to him, was Douglas-Bullet who had been severely injured and fainted.

"Master Oden!!!"

The Ashura boy turned his eyes to look, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he cried out in grief.

call out–

Suddenly, a large sword whirled out in the air, and I didn't know if it was a coincidence or intentional, and it stuck on the deck in front of Tiangu Mountain Fei Che.

It is one of Kozuki Oden's sabers, Tianyu Yuzhang!

"Do you still have time to care about others?"

Suddenly, a huge big sword pierced Ashura boy's abdomen obliquely, and a large amount of blood spewed out like an unclosed faucet.

"At the end of the day, you are the same soul that should have died 20 years ago.

Yan suddenly twisted his wrist, causing Tachi to spin around in Ashura boy.


Even if it was him, he couldn't bear such severe pain, and fell to his knees with a "puff".

"Ashura boy!"

Inu Lan said 847 in shock.

"Don't worry, I am here to kill you together."

Jhin sneered, and as he spoke, he was about to take the knife out of the Ashura boy.

However, Jhin's movements stopped because he felt that the knife could not be drawn out!


Jhin looked down and saw that Ashura boy was clutching his blade with both hands, and blood continued to flow down from the palms of both hands.

"Leave me alone! Old dog! Reinforce Chrysanthemum! Quickly take Ri and Princess away!

Ashura boy yelled out of the pain.

Inu Lan's eyes were full of tears, and two seconds later, he turned angrily and ran in the direction of Kikunojo and Hiwa.

The mushroom cloud gradually dissipated.

Kaido's body gradually emerged from it. Next to him was Koala, who bowed his head and dared not speak.

Oden's body is missing, only the second generation ghost that is almost broken by Kaido's feet.

The ending can be imagined.

"Ming woo woo! Lord Oden!"

Raizou and Kanjuro shouted in tears.

"You have to cry and wait for the princess to escape with Rihe and then cry! Go!'

Jinweimen resisted tears and yelled at the painful samurai group.

"These guys think it's so easy to save?

Kaido raised his eyebrows and cast a glance at Kinemon and his party who were fleeing frantically.

For some reason, there was no immediate pursuit. .