
I'AM~Kaidou Of The Beasts

!~~~Don't forget Comment and Vote Power Stone so update not become lazy and so slow as snail~~~! Travel through the world of pirates and seize the beast Kaido. Seeing through this world, only power can control everything. He awakened Devil Fruit in the first battle on the Island of Gods. Before the era of the great pirate started, he had already attained the original peak state. But this is far from enough! After the Battle of Ait Wall, he aimed his fangs at Wanokuni nearly ten years in advance. Fight Roger, seize the country, and sway the world! (true strongest creature sea, air, and earth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name: I Possesed Kaido Of The Beast", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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304 Chs

Chapter 248 Disappear, soul

The reason why Hancock was able to rush back from the other battlefield to contain Shanks was of course because her battlefield had already been completed.

As one of the top fruits of Paramecia, Soul Soul Fruit, although its momentum is not as exaggerated as Lion Fruit or Shock Fruit, it has an extremely useful feature–

Enemies who are weaker than their own abilities can be killed with the soul ingest ability of the soul fruit.

Just like in the original book, the object of fear of BIG.MOM will be taken away from the soul in an instant.

And Hancock is the object of Guy's coveted heart for her beauty, and will be taken away from her soul.

So for Hancock, the number of people is meaningless to her.

Even if one hundred thousand Marines were dispatched during the war, she would be able to kill nine "eight forty-seven" nine thousand of them if she walked around.

But I don't know if Crocodile is faulty in that aspect or because of other special reasons. He really didn't show any flaws. It took Hancock a little bit of work, but he still lost the battle.

As for Lederfield, it took more effort.

Hancock's beauty didn't produce much effect for Lederfield. I'm afraid that the old stuff is really unusable too old for his lust to erupt.

And when Beasts Pirates and Marine confirmed a short-term partnership, Kizaru immediately rushed to reinforce, Hancock did not continue to entangle with the other side who looked like an old bat, making Lederfield more entangled, and quickly got away and blocked Shanks' actions. .

And there is one end of the battlefield, which is quite eye-catching.

In front of a black iron giant whose size is larger than the giants and covered by Armament Haki, the Pirates of Spades and Aokiji troops are standing in front of it.

"This is too big, right?!"

Cavendish shouted in surprise.

"It is impossible for my barrier to withstand such a large area!'

Bartolomio was also extremely rare to put away his unruly character, and stared at the monster made by Bullet in front of him.

"If it is on land, he can grow bigger. This is a blessing in misfortune."

Aokiji inserted Kabuto with one hand, raised his finger at Ace, and said sideways: "How about? Fire, let's solve this guy together."

"I don't mean to cooperate with you, I just think this bastard is not pleasing to the eye!!"

Ace yelled and jumped out first. At the same time, with his hands folded, a mosquito coil-shaped spiral flame array was formed from the center of his body in the air, and after two seconds, it climbed into a huge fireball like the sun.

"Great Yan Jie-Emperor Yan!!!"

"Hahaha! Roger's son! You Laozi died before I was defeated, but it has always been my regret, so let you make up for it!"

Among the armed giants, Bullet laughed wildly and greeted him with a fist.

However, in the next moment, Bullet felt his steel giant's movements stagnate, his expression slightly changed and looked down.

"Ah la la ~ really a young man who doesn't listen to persuasion."

I don't know when, Aokiji was already standing on the frozen sea, with his right hand inserted at the giant's ankle, completely freezing the part below the knee of the beast made of the combined fruit.

"Damn it!!"

The body of the fit giant temporarily lost its balance, but even so, Bullet still threw his fist to Ace with all his strength to greet the past.


The top armed colors collided with the sun made by Mera-mera Fruit, and the aftermath of the explosion became a highlight of this chaotic battlefield.

This is definitely a war of terror beyond the scale of the top war.

It has reached the realm of "Shichibukai walks everywhere, over a billion is not as good as a dog".

Whether it is HancockVS Shanks, KizaruVS Lederfield, or Ace, AokijiVS Bullet

They are all top-level battles in the world, not to mention the battle between the other side, Bandy-World and Akainu, the Pirate and the two mad dogs in Marine.

He joined the Whitebeard Pirates more than 30 years ago, and later jumped to the Roger Pirates, and returned to the Whitebeard Pirates after Roger's death. Now he is in the Red Hair Pirates Kozuki Samurai Group.

Half of them were in constant confrontation with Beasts Pirates officials, while the other half was besieging Kaido collectively.

Kozuki Hiyori, who had no military value, was guarded by Koala.

"Rihe's safety is up to you. Do whatever you want, just do it as you like."

Koala, who stood in front of Hiwa, remembered what Kaido said to him last night.

She didn't know why Kaido had entrusted Hiwa's security work to herself.

As a murloc karate master Koala, even if placed among the pirates, he can get at least more than 200 million rewards.

However, in such a big scene, it is obviously not enough to see.

But what really puzzles Koala is the second half of Kaido-whatever you want.

What does this mean?

"The fire willow flashed!'

"Oden Two Swordsmen-Guns-Ghosts!"

"Ninfa Flower Shuriken!

Nishikimon, Kozuki Oden, and Raizou shot at the same time.

Between the swords and the shadows, countless attacks attacked Kaido's entire body like a violent storm.

As if endless cannons were bombarding an immovable barrier like a mountain, Kaido's body slowly retreated.

"Yao~ not bad, it seems that you haven't just been jumping side to side among so many pirate groups in the past few years~"

Kaido, who was slowly retreating, suddenly smiled and opened his mouth. In the next instant, a red arc flashed across the surface of the skin.

"However, at this level, it is not enough to sober up!"

In the next instant, Kaido's eyes burst with fierce light, accompanied by the gleaming of thunder and lightning around his waist, and the roaring thunder, forming a pillar of thunder that soared to the sky, breaking the top of the cloud over the Sea of ​​impeldown

"Disappear to me, the dead soul that should have died 20 years ago."

Almost a pillar of thunder covered by an island, Kaido's contemptuous voice faintly spread into the ears of all the members of the battlefield.

At the same moment, far away in Baldige, the island of white soil.


The cup in Tao's assistant suddenly burst without warning.


Momanosuke was so scared that he jumped back, and when he looked at his hands, there were a few more blood stains.

"Hey, what's the matter? Momanosuke."

Sanji, who was practicing Haki with Sabo's assistance, turned his eyes and asked.

"No, nothing, just the cup suddenly"

Momanosuke looked at the slag of the water glass at his feet incredibly.

"It's really unlucky

Nami said inwardly. .