
I'AM~Kaidou Of The Beasts

!~~~Don't forget Comment and Vote Power Stone so update not become lazy and so slow as snail~~~! Travel through the world of pirates and seize the beast Kaido. Seeing through this world, only power can control everything. He awakened Devil Fruit in the first battle on the Island of Gods. Before the era of the great pirate started, he had already attained the original peak state. But this is far from enough! After the Battle of Ait Wall, he aimed his fangs at Wanokuni nearly ten years in advance. Fight Roger, seize the country, and sway the world! (true strongest creature sea, air, and earth) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name: I Possesed Kaido Of The Beast", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 239 you pirate??? do you think its you always be right

Luffy can definitely be rescued. Kaido can guess even if the revolutionaries don't unite with Red Hair Pirates.

Evakov hiding in Impelton LV5.5 is likely to be an insurance for revolutionaries.

Although the redheads united with the revolutionaries, that really surprised Kaido a little bit.

But it is not enough to influence the decision, anyway, this time I absolutely want to kill the Kozuki group.

Let those people jump for more than 20 years, and it's time to take back Ben.

At night, the three battleships dispatched by Beasts Pirates were coated in the deep sea, all the way to the Guy Song, the paradise of the Grand Line.

Koala strolled alone on the deck of the main ship, her arms crossed on the railings.

In terms of overthrowing the world government, no matter Kaido, Dragon, or Shanks, the purpose is the same.

She herself also hopes that these three powerhouses can unite against the World government.

As for the views of the Kozuki family, as far as Koala's personal perspective is concerned, she has no feelings for them.

Although very pitiful, Koala is personally biased towards Kaido because of Kaido's life-saving grace.

Moreover, Koala's personal opinion also thinks that the limitations of the group of Kozuki Oden are too narrow, they just want Wanokuni.

The other three want to completely change the world.

She doesn't have the Lei Feng spirit of Luffy, nor the loyalty of Sabo's buddies.

On the contrary, she had experienced a life as a slave and grew up among revolutionaries. She thought that she was a standard revolutionist. She believed that as long as she could bring peace to the world, she would make little sacrifice.

Under such circumstances, Koala also felt that handing over the Kozuki family to facilitate the alliance of these three giants, so that they could form a group of powerful forces that could shake the 800-year dominance of the World government.

Unfortunately, this can't be done at all.

First, it is impossible for Shanks to hand over Kozuki Oden. After all, he and Luffy and Roger are the same kind of people, and they can do everything for their companions, whether it is to destroy a country or the world government. Behemoths fight against each other.

Second, Kaido will not let Kozuki Oden go, even if Koala has regressed, Kaido will settle accounts with the Kozuki family and Red Hair Pirates after solving the World Government.

But Kaido also disagrees.

In Kaido's view, this is the last battle.

He will never allow uncertain factors to interfere with this war before this world's best war.

Just like the war on the top in the original book is going to the end, the red-haired brat is going to disrupt the situation.

Kaido is determined to make a decision with the World government this time. After this battle, only one side of both himself and the World government can survive.

"But why does Mr. Kaido hate World government so much?"

Just as Koala was leaning on the railing and watching the night view of the deep sea, a thought came to her mind.

The World government listed Kaido as the number one enemy in the pirate camp, not only because of his actual strength, but also his attitude towards the World government.

Kaido has been famous for forty years since he joined Rocks Pirate.

It can be said that every action has a shadow against the World government.

From the earliest battle of the Island of God, later the Ohara incident, the burning of Mariejois, and now he went to the end of the battle.

It can be said that in every major action of Kaido, it is all about smashing against the huge pillar of World government.

Moreover, every impact caused made this huge pillar look fierce and overwhelming.

It can even be said that if it weren't for Kaido to make a fuss, the dragon would not be able to develop so fast.

Because the World government was so miserable by Kaido, it had to add taxes to the franchise countries, causing many impoverished countries to leave the ranks of franchise countries.

This led to the reason why the dragon can quickly absorb these forces and grow the revolutionaries at a rapid speed.


"ah hhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!""



Just when Koala was alone on the battleship in contact with each other, suddenly a loud groan that seemed to be crying and joyous came into his ears.

Even if she hadn't experienced it, she was still an adult woman over 20. Koala immediately heard what it was, and her face blushed, as if she turned and left.

But before she could escape, she suddenly felt that the voice seemed familiar and difficult. Could it be Kozuki Hiyori!?


At this moment, the door of the room was opened.

Kaido's burly figure walked out of the room.

The animal skin policeman did not drape over his shoulders as before, showing strong muscles.

After opening the door, a sour smell came from the room, and Koala blushed even harder.

Kaido, who was about to go into the sea, saw Koala standing at the door, with his head down like an ostrich, and his eyebrows curled up,

"You like listening?"

kaido smile so wide

"No, it's not!!"

Koala was ashamed of wanting to jump into the ocean. To avoid being perverted as a female, he quickly explained:

"I, I just happened to be here!"

Kaido was originally teasing this little girl, but didn't continue to joke, but with his horns slightly raised, he jumped directly through the film into the sea.

A few minutes later, when Kaido rushed to board the ship, Koala's pretty face was still blushing, but still couldn't help asking: "Why, Mr. Kaido is so obsessed with opposing the world government?,

Kaido, who had just wiped off the water stains on his face, stagnated and looked slantingly at Koala,

"Are you interested?"


After a brief silence for two seconds, Koala nodded heavily.

"Have you heard of [Artemis] this country?"

Kaido asked with a mysterious smile on his face.

Hearing that, Koala quickly searched in her mind, but even though she looked through more than 170 participating countries and non-participating countries he knew, there was no country by this name.

"A small broken country that has been wiped out for more than half a century, cannot pay the heavenly gold, and is excluded from the franchise country. It is normal to not know.

Kaido smiled even more,

"A little devil was born in that country more than fifty years ago." Wan,