
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 37 This woman, I want it!



The water in the square water tank flows out from the lower pipe, the water level gradually drops, and the mermaid in the water tank sinks.


When the water in the tank ran out, the mermaid lay sideways at the bottom of the tank.


Moria put down the water gate in his hand, walked to the other side of the tank, and dropped another gate.


The square water tank sank slowly, leaving only a square crack on the ground.

"The design of this water tank is definitely to catch mermaids. It seems that the wrong person was killed." With a

smile, Moria walked into the water tank and squatted down.

Looking at the mermaid lying on her side posing a seductive picture, Moria suddenly thought to herself: It seems to have been reported in a previous life that sharks do not have urination organs, and the urine is volatilized in the muscles, so the meat of the sharks has Urine smell.

Moriah was wondering if the mermaid in front of her was like this too. She glanced at the lower body of the mermaid, but she did not see any special organs.

In other words, if a beauty sweats, it is called body fragrance. If this mermaid sweats, what is it called... Yexiang?

What the hell! !

Can't think about it any more, no more beautiful people are beautiful, Moria quickly got rid of the distracting thoughts in her heart.

This is the world of One Piece, which is definitely different from the previous life. After all, shark-shaped mermaids are not real sharks.

"By the way, facing a sleeping mermaid!"

"How should I wake her up, be gentle? Or rude?"

"It's a little tangled!"

Moria said, stretching out her left and right hands, and walked towards the two mysterious transparent white veils in front of her.

"A mermaid! As long as he doesn't sweat, he can still...!"


Just as he was about to touch the white yarn, Moria suddenly stopped with both hands, bowed her forehead slightly, and faced a pair of large, slouchy figures. Eyes, he calmly retracted his hands, and said calmly: "I just want to help you with cardiac resuscitation."

The mermaid heard the voice, and her scattered eyes suddenly woke up.

Immediately, he saw that his body with almost no cover was exposed in front of a human being.

"Human!!" The mermaid shouted angrily.

Contrary to Moria's expectations, she didn't put her arms around her chest to block the spring, but raised her huge fist and slammed into Moria's head.

"This reaction can only be experienced by people who have experienced countless battles!"

Moria felt a little curious about this mermaid in her heart.

"It seems that it is not only beautiful, but also has a lot of experience. It is not a vase. Maybe it can be cultivated.



The mermaid's fist swung in the air like a straight line was broken in vain, it softened, and the white and tender arm "thumped" back to the bottom of the water tank.

The mermaid's face changed, and she found that she was weak all over, and she couldn't even move her arms, but she still stared at Moriah with eyes full of murderous intent.

Moria ignored the killing intent of the mermaid, and continued to admire the graceful front half of the body. Forget the back half, he couldn't appreciate it.

"Human, you..."

The mermaid was wrinkled and charming, seeing Moria just staring at her, combined with her current situation, the mermaid would react somewhat.

Moria didn't seem to be the group of humans who caught her, so the killing intent in her eyes gradually weakened, but there was still a hint of vigilance.

It was a human gaze that made her uncomfortable.

"My name is Mopa!"

"You were caught by the traffickers, and then I killed the traffickers."

Moria briefly introduced herself and explained the current situation.

"You saved me?" The

mermaid obviously didn't believe it, how could a human save her.

What's more, she saw a familiar look in the eyes of the man in front of her. This was just another human being who wanted to play with her.

"I was at the headquarters of the East China Sea Naval Division, and I knew that this ship was going to deliver goods to the Tianlong people, so I judged that this was a ship for human traffickers to transport slaves..."

Next, Moria put the conversation with the general manager of the Beauty Chamber of Commerce. , and everything that happened after that including killing all the traffickers was said.

"Heavenly Dragon...!"

Hearing these three words, the mermaid's eyes were clearly filled with fear, and it took a while before she regained her composure.

"Aren't you afraid of Tianlong people?" the mermaid asked.


The mermaid's question made Moria happy. According to the routine, did he want to say: "Dragon people or something, they are just the moths of the world. Sooner or later, I will remove these moths, and the world will be brighter."

Then the mermaid said Fall in love with him at first sight.

But...I don't want to say that. Moriah thought.

"I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid that my strength is not enough!"

Moria finally said this, which means that the strength is not good enough, and the strength is enough to be afraid of a ball, you will be afraid of someone weaker than you.

"You..." The

mermaid was shocked, she understood the meaning of the man in front of her, as long as the strength was in place, it didn't matter if the Tianlong people came.

"What's your name!" Moria asked casually.

"I didn't expect...you, a human...will save me!" The

mermaid didn't reply to Moriah's words, and at this moment, her heart fell into an unspeakable shock and complexity.

Through the remarks and Q&A just now, and the fact that she saw the two guards in front of the door who could not afford to fall to the ground, the mermaid basically believed what Moriah said.

It was Moria who saved her, even at the cost of offending the Tianlong people to save her.

People who have not experienced darkness do not know how precious sunlight is.

Only when you have felt full of malice, can you feel incredible about the sudden kindness.

For the mermaid, whether in the days of living on Mermaid Island or now, the human beings she has experienced are either greedy or fearful towards her.

In short, except for a brain-dead...

"Oops, Sidoro!! Steel Mill!!"

"You can't mess around!" The

mermaid looked anxious at this time. She woke up and arrived here after being caught. She didn't know how many days had passed. Ask Moria: "Lord Mopa, do you know what day is today?"

What day is today?

Familiar question?


Isn't this the question that every traveler loves to ask when he first crosses over!

Moriah secretly complained in her heart, but said confidently, "I don't know."

Serious people who will keep a diary, who will remember what day is today? Moriah said that after he came to the world of One Piece, he never looked at the date.


Thinking that before he was caught, there was a bounty hunter hunting powerful pirates in the East China Sea, and the mermaid asked again, "Do you know which famous pirate has been caught recently to receive a bounty?"

Moria replied: "Today, during the day, Iron Head Thrall was killed and put on a bounty."

I did it. Moria added silently in her heart.

Ironhead Sal?

Daytime today?

It was close to night when she was arrested, that is to say, at least a day had passed, but it was not enough to determine exactly how long.

The mermaid thought to herself, and asked again, "Is there any more?"

"A week ago, the Tiger Pirates were exterminated and exchanged for a bounty."

I did it. Moria added silently again in her heart.


"It was a week ago!" The

mermaid's face turned pale when she heard that. Before she was caught, she was sure that the Tiger Pirates were still there.

That is to say, at least more than a week has passed since she was caught.

Then Sidoro and Gunmir must be looking for her, if the navy finds out....

Thinking of this, the mermaid's heart darkened. From being targeted by human traffickers, she knew that their identities could not be hidden in the East China Sea.

"Can you take me back to Kelin Village on Fante Island right away?"

"I need to go back there as soon as possible. My brother is still waiting for me. If he doesn't go back, I'm afraid he will do something stupid."

"Please, Mo ... Lord Mopa"

The mermaid had tears in her eyes. Although she didn't want to do this to a human, she still begged Moria to send her back.

She knew how important she was in her brother's heart, and she was afraid that her brother would do something stupid in order to find her, causing the navy to encircle and suppress her.

"At the moment, the progress of the strategy is still... I can't see it."

Moria was depressed, and she was really distressed that she had never been in a relationship.

Fortunately, his purpose of coming to the East China Sea has basically been achieved, and he has time.

The development of Shadow Slave is completed, and the rest is to find an ordinary family, settle down with Perona, and then return to the new world to continue hunting the strong.

But now the plan has changed. After half a year, he will go to advance the city's rotation of guards, and he wants one.

So he still has to stay in the East China Sea for half a year, and... the pirates can't kill any more. Wait until it's almost half a year before you kill, and when you give the navy a certificate, you can successfully enter the navy and become the navy that rotates to the promotion city.

"Just use this half a year to see how your own charm is. If you can't do it, you can only force it!"

Moria, who was determined, met the mermaid's pleading gaze and said, "Okay, let's go!"

"Thank you . "..." Before finishing her words

, the mermaid watched in amazement as a shadow came from under Moria, quickly rolled herself up in the air, and walked out behind Moria.

"This ability...shadow!!" The

mermaid thought for a while, then her pupils shrank, looking at Moria walking in front of her, she was shocked.

"Moonlight Moriah, the best actor with a bounty of 1 billion 20 million Bailey, why did he appear here, in the East China Sea?"

"And... saved myself??"

"And... how did the real person and the photo on the bounty list ?" Different?" The

mermaid had a lot of doubts and incomprehensions in her heart, and she didn't solve it until she got on the back of the giant eagle.