
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 28 “Don’t Kill” Zephyr

"At least there is no chance to take away the living Bullet. I can only fight for it to see if the dead Bullet can be brought into the shadow space."

"If you can, it's worth fighting once, if not, then go decisively."

At this moment, Moria, who was thinking quickly in her heart, was very decisive. At this time, there was still a Marine powerhouse lurking, and he was not reporting any fluke.


call out!

Looking at the Bullet falling from the air, Moria thought, and controlled the shadow to turn into a sharp shadow gun and fired directly at the Bullet, which was still falling in the air at this time.

"Divert attention? Or…"

Zephyr in the air frowned secretly when he saw Moria's actions, wondering if Moria was trying to trick him into preventing him from taking the opportunity to escape.

"never mind!"

Zephyr didn't understand it and chose to ignore it. Bullet left and right was just a pirate. He only had to keep an eye on Moria and not let Bullet take away.

After all, this was the only reason Sengoku called him to prevent Bullet from being taken away by Moria, and he didn't care about everything else.


Without Zephyr's interference, the sharp shadow gun shot in from the mouth of Bullet's flat body, pierced out of the back of his head, and then the shadow gun turned into Kado, wrapped in Bullet and quickly fell down.


When Bullet landed on Moria's shadow, Zephyr who attacked Moria also landed ten meters in front of Moria.

Only then did Moria see that the attacker was Zephyr.

Ha ha!

Moria gave a wry smile, forgetting that there is still such an Admiral in Marine.

"I surrender!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Seeing the moment when Zephyr, a burly man with purple hair, who looked down at him, waved his fist to attack him, Moria's complexion changed and immediately begged for mercy.

"…" Zephyr paused and looked at Moria somewhat unexpectedly.

There is a play!

Suddenly Moria thought, and the big move "Actor" was automatically activated.

He gave up his plan to use life energy to recover from his injury, and against the corners of his mouth overflowing with blood, he said again: "Zephyr Admiral, I surrendered!"

Speaking, the body trembled unnaturally a few times, as if it caused severe pain because of a muscle strain involved in the speech.

I hope my miserable situation will make Zephyr who "not kill" poorly unable to take action. Moria thought.

If it can be delayed for a while, Moria is delaying time. At this time, his heart is anxious and shocked, Bullet is not dead yet.

His head was shot through, and he was not completely dead. What a monster.

"Surrender…interesting!" Zephyr's mouth raised slightly, and he smiled unnaturally, a little taunting.

Zephyr didn't know Moria's delay, he only knew that a group of pirates had surrendered in front of him before, but turned around and killed his wife and children all over.

To this day, I heard a pirate say surrender to him in front of him. Should he stop as before?

Zephyr didn't think that a bold person like Moria could do something like surrender.

So… let's stun or kill first, Zephyr doesn't want the tragedy to happen again.

He knows Moria's abilities. As long as he is not killed or unconscious, Moria can escape at any time.

So Zephyr raised his fist and slammed Moria's chest, trying to kill him or knock him out.

He didn't kill, he wasn't stupid, he also had the ability to make decisions at critical moments, so he showed no mercy to Moria's shots.


Moria's face changed. At this moment, facing Zephyr's attack, he could only give up Bullet and escape.


"Finally dead!"

Moria was overjoyed, just when he was about to switch places with Shadow Servant and leave, Bullet finally died.

Although Zephyr only paused for a while, it was during this time that Bullet finally died completely.

So Moria immediately opened the shadow space and let the Shadow Servant reach out and pull Bullet's body into the shadow space.

"It's almost!"

At this moment, Moria looked anxious and stretched out two Shadow Attendant's hands from his shadow to grab Bullet's body, pulling him into the shadow space, but he hadn't completely sunk into the shadow space.

So at this time, he can't swap places with Shadow Servant and leave, otherwise, without his control, Shadow Servant in the shadow space cannot pull Bullet's corpse into the shadow space.


Moria was fierce in her heart, her eyes were firm, and she moved her upper body to the right.

At this moment, Zephyr's attack came, and a punch hit Moria's left arm shoulder.


The blood burst, and one arm flew out. Moria gritted her teeth to resist the pain. Anyway, her arm could grow back again. Without distraction, she focused on pulling Bullet's body into the shadow space.

"I didn't run away!"

Zephyr looked at Moria, who was pale and was about to grind her teeth, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart, and then he blasted Moria's head with a punch.

This time Moria didn't move her body, but looked at the rapidly enlarged fist, showing a smile of pressure release.

Because, at this time, Bullet's body has been pulled into his shadow space, and he can now swap positions with Shadow Servant and leave.

"Zephyr, Laozi with the left hand will give it to you!" After a secret word in his heart, with a thought, Moria and Victor switched positions and left.

Victor, who appeared here instantly, was visibly stunned.




The earth shook for a while, and the ground of the 100-meter-diameter pit spread another ten meters.

"Escape!" Zephyr frowned as he looked at the dissipated Shadow Servant.

"If you can run away at any time, why didn't you run away in the first place, but only after losing a hand?"

Zephyr couldn't figure it out, until he glanced at the place where Bullet had fallen, his face suddenly hard to look.


"When did Bullet disappear?"

Zephyr frowned: "Could it be… was taken away by Moria!"

Thinking of this, Zephyr quickly recalled the scenes before.

First, Moria used his ability to attack Bullet, but the breath of Bullet was still there, not dead, so he didn't care.

Then he attacked Moria himself, but Moria didn't use the ability to avoid it. Instead, he only moved his upper body, which resulted in a broken arm.


"At that time!"

Zephyr suddenly remembered. At that time, the moment his attack broke Moria's left hand, the breath of Bullet disappeared in his Observation Haki.

Before, he just thought it was because Bullet had died that his breath disappeared, but he didn't expect to be taken away by Moria.

After Zephyr thought about it, he sighed: "It seems that his ability to swap places with Shadow Servant can't bring living people, but it can be transferred with corpses."

In this way, another difficult pirate appeared on this sea.

Zephyr knew that once Moria could move the corpse together with his ability to leave the battle instantly, then his Shadow Servant army would be difficult to stop.

"What's more, there is the shadow of Bullet this time. If the Shadow Servant is created, it will also have the strength in front of Bullet!"


Thinking of this, Zephyr looked solemn and secretly said in his heart: "It is no longer a question of stopping, but a question of how to stop Moria from destroying the world!"