
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 27 Success!


"This guy's abilities are too dangerous for the world. He must not be allowed to continue to develop freely outside. This mess…must accept justice sanctions."

At this moment, both Akainu and Sengoku thought that they could not give Moria a chance to develop outside.

Whoops… Whoops!

"and also!!"

Akainu, who was thinking about it, changed his face again, and nine more shadow servants sprang from the extended shadows around him.

Eight of them rushed at him instantly, either condensing Armament Haki's fists, or slashing at him with a long knife.

The other person jumped over him and went straight to Bullet!

"Don't think about it!!"

Akainu yelled, and the fist against the Shadow Servant CP0 was like an erupting volcano. Suddenly, it exploded with great power, and suddenly blasted the Shadow Servant CP0.

"Great Eruption!!"

Akainu, who got rid of the Shadow Servant CP0, turned around and jumped, avoiding the attacks of other Shadow Servants, and when he arrived at a height of 100 meters, he instantly gathered a magma fist the size of a hill and blasted towards the Bullet position.

The hot air wave hits, although the attack is towards Bullet, but because of the breadth of the attack range, even the shadow servants on the scene are also within this attack range.

"Akainu this lunatic!!!"

Moria roared in her heart, frowned, her eyes flickered, and then quickly made a decision and ordered: "Hold him all for me!!"

Even if it dissipates, it will be held back. Moria understands the purpose of Akainu, that he would rather kill Bullet than let him get the shadow of Bullet.

This is also what Moria is afraid of, so he didn't let the shadow go to Bullet's side at first, and directly let the Shadow Servant appear in front of Bullet.

I'm afraid that Akainu's heart will be ruthless, and when he attacks Shadow Servant, he will destroy the corpse of Bullet and he will not get the shadow.


"I didn't expect this guy Akainu to be so decisive!" Moria bitterly.

This is not to blame Akainu, after experiencing the power of Shadow Servant first-hand, the fool will give Moria Bullet the shadow.



After all, Akainu is not the future Marine Admiral, although it is a monster-level Marine.

But under the full resistance of the nine shadow servants who could cover the whole body of Armament Haki, his attack was blocked for a while.

The Shadow Servant who ran to Bullet came to Bullet at this moment.

No hesitation!

With a thought, Moria and the shadow waiter succeeded in swapping positions.

"Continue to pester him with all your strength!"

After appearing for a moment, Moria ordered the nine shadow servants to continue to resist Akainu's huge magma fist.

He himself immediately manipulated the shadow to cover his whole body, and then separated a shadow to wrap Bullet's body around his back.

call out!

On Moria's back, Bullet flew out of the range of the magma fist, and then accelerated to the high altitude in the direction of the high ground.

There is no one to stop him, it is the safest.

"This bastard!!!"

"Can't let him go!"

Perceiving Moria's success, Akainu's face sank, and he glanced at the ten shadow servants who continued to resist his magma fist. He was cursing inwardly, and his face suddenly burst into blue.

"go to hell!"

Akainu roared, and the already huge magma fist suddenly swelled and burst, instantly swallowing nine shadow servants.

In the end, only Shadow Servant CP0 resisted with his Armament Haki and didn't die. The other eight Shadow Servants were melted and dissipated.

Step on! tread!

After Akainu hit the flying shadow attendants in the air, Moonwalk directly stopped at Moria, his position was just above the high place where Moria flew.


"Can't you let me take Bullet away smoothly!"

Moria, who was stopped in the air, cursed inwardly, and flew down instantly without fighting Akainu. At the same time he ordered: "Stop Akainu."

Step on!

Shadow Servant CP0 had to use Moonwalk to fly towards Moria in the air.

"You can't escape, Moria!" Akainu followed Moria reluctantly.

"It seems that this guy can't use that kind of escape ability."

Looking at Moria, who still couldn't leave with the ability to leave, Akainu smiled Yinyin, understood something, and didn't hesitate to start.

"Great Eruption!!"

Hearing the big drink in her ears, and feeling the heat wave behind her, Moria wanted to vomit at this moment: This is another trick. Does Akainu have no other moves?

However, vomiting over to vomiting, he still dare not take Akainu's blow.

call out!

A dark shadow quickly passed by Moria, facing Akainu's magma fist.


The magma burst, Akainu's attack was blocked by Shadow Servant CP0, but he was also burned by the magma.

With a thought, Moria inputs life energy to Shadow Servant CP0, allowing it to instantly recover.

"Block him with all your strength!"

After giving another order to Shadow Servant CP0, Moria flew into the air again, but this time he was going to fly straight into the sky first, and then flew away from the island of Vico in the direction of the high ground.

"Don't want to go!!"

Akainu roared and Moonwalk flew towards Moria, but this time he was stopped.

Shadow Servant CP0 rushed to Akainu recklessly, and opened Shadow Servant's usual deadly attack mode, not defending but attacking.




Akainu and Shadow Servant CP0 instantly fought three moves in the air, but failed to break through.

Facing Shadow Servant's desperate attack, even if it was as powerful as Akainu, he was stopped, allowing Moria to successfully fly over 200 meters above Akainu's head and fly towards the high ground.



The attack collided and the magma burst, Akainu could only watch Moria leave.

"Is this thing immortal?"

During the battle, Akainu watched CP0, the shadow servant CP0, whose body was smashed with a punch in front of him, instantly regaining his original body, and his face was unprecedentedly solemn.

If all Shadow Servant had this kind of horror-like resilience as an immortal body, then Moria's threat was too great.

Thinking of this, Akainu glanced at the direction Moria was leaving, and thought to himself: "I hope the teacher can keep that fellow Moria!"


Moria, who had already flown past Akainu and was flying to the high ground, raised his mouth and was very happy. He didn't expect it to be so easy.


It's easy!

In Moria's opinion, it was like this. After all, he didn't suffer any injuries, and from the time he used his ability to the present, he couldn't even hold it for ten minutes.

call out!

Moria, who was secretly delighted, when approaching the highest point of the high ground, suddenly felt a darkening in front of her eyes, and a sound of wind sounded.

Then a fist that condensed the terrifying Armament Haki instantly dissipated the shadow covering Moria's head and hit the front face, making him once again feel the sharp pain of the collapse of the front face by the fist.


Only a moment of doubt flashed through, Moria was hit by a huge force from the air into the ruins of the high ground, and Bullet also fell out of his control and fell from the air.

call out!


In the air, Moria slid through a white air force like a ballistic missile, and fell into the ruins of the high ground at an extremely fast speed, smashing a 100-meter deep hole.


The entire high ground opened countless dark cracks because of this huge force.

"Marine still has the strong lurking!"

Moria, who was in the pit covered with blood and had a bloody face, moved in her heart and thought of something.

"Obviously, Marine has already arranged it to prevent accidents from happening."

It can also be seen from this that Marine has a lot of defenses against him, letting ordinary Marine die and not allowing a Marine Admiral level to shoot.

This kind of attention let Moria know that he has almost no chance to take away Bullet.