
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 26 Akainu’s Killing Intent

However, thinking so, Kizaru is still very serious about Sengoku's orders.

As a result, Kizaru looked straight and walked away.

call out!

The yellow light flashed, Kizaru's whole body exuded a dazzling light, appearing in the direction of Deron's advancement.

"So bright!"

"The eyes hurt too much!"

The dazzling light made Delong close his eyes subconsciously, and at this moment a wretched voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Speed ​​is weight. Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light!"


A powerful kick that emits yellow light quickly and accurately hit Deron's face.

The earnest Kizaru has the powerful combat power of "the wages are in place and the Four Emperors do nothing".

Deron may be able to stop Kizaru by trusting his companion's strength, so he didn't have much defense and didn't expect Kizaru to come to him so quickly. When he reacted, he was kicked back to the battlefield outside the ruins by Kizaru at the speed of light. superior.


Deron struck a straight line in the air and hit the ground fiercely.

At this time, he didn't hurt much, just a look of bewilderment. He didn't expect Kizaru to be so strong that he could actually hit him.

When Mingming was playing with him before, he was just a Kizaru who had been dodging. How could he suddenly become a hunk? Delong couldn't understand.

"So strong, worthy of being a monster of the new generation of Marine!"

"Even Master Deron was hit and flew back."

The rest of the John Pirates group also had such a moment of loss of consciousness, the incredible power of Kizaru.

But there is not much worry, Deron's defense is still very strong.

"Bachiqiong Gouyu!"

At this time, Kizaru, who kicked Deron, was still not satisfied, and soared to a height of 100 meters, using the "eight-foot stroke jade" that Luffy used during the war.

Whoops whoops… Whoops!

Countless light bullets scattered like flowers on a celestial lady, spreading to the numerous pirates of the John Pirates below.

Even Deron was beaten back by this endless attack. The other weaker pirates, Haki's strength was not high, and the one who couldn't defend was shot out by the light catapult.

These people are not "Monkey. D. Kizaru"'s eldest nephew "Monkey. D. Luffy", so the Bashaqiong jade is naturally not a stroke jade, but a target jade.


"Mr. Sengoku should have nothing to say this time. Dealing with so many pirates at once is enough to prove that I have used all my strength."

After the attack, Kizaru fell from the air with a slight look in his eyes. He glanced at Sengoku who was fighting fiercely with Kaido, and thought to himself: "I can't say that I am habitually releasing water this time!"

"Kizaru… the bastard!"

Deron glanced around, his face was ugly, and the casualties of his companions were a bit heavy.


"Kill this bastard with me!"

Deron shouted angrily and rushed towards Kizaru. He had no intention of going to Moria anymore, and quickly greeted another powerful cadre of the John Pirates, and the two dealt with Kizaru together, without giving him a large-scale attacking move.




The battle was deadlocked again. Facing the siege of a serious Deron and another powerful cadre, Kizaru could only remain undefeated and could not do unnecessary things.

"Kizaru, this guy actually restrained Deron and another powerful cadre of the John Pirates alone!"

"Fuck!" Moria cursed inwardly.

"What is the strength of this guy, Kizaru, how does it feel that this guy can play with anyone, regardless of strength, everyone is 50-50!"

"Trouble, now I have to find a way to deal with Akainu."

At this moment, Moria's face hidden in the ruins of the highland edge is not very good. According to the previous short-term assumption, Deron asked Akainu to deal with it, and now Kizaru does it for him.

Akainu is still guarding the Bullet. He can only snatch the Bullet under Akainu's hands.

"Akainu's strength is not something I can deal with now!"

Moria understands the strength gap between him and Akainu. If he is alone, it is difficult to steal Bullet from Akainu's hands, and there is basically no chance.

But… Sensing the powerful Shadow Attendant who is still alive, Moria smiled.


"I'm not alone!"

At this moment, he was in the rubble circle on the side close to the high ground.

Here, his shadow can quickly extend to Shadow Servant through the ruined shadow passage, transferring Shadow Servant to himself.

Do as he thinks, Moria controls the shadow to quickly extend to the powerful shadow servants.

"You guys, quickly enter the shadow space!" Moria ordered inwardly.

Since the battle, Moria has lost more than a dozen Shadow Servants that can cover her whole body with Armament Haki, but there are still ten such powerful Shadow Servants alive.

Among them, the CP0 black-robed man who was transformed into a shadow servant in Pirate Town is still there, and his strength is also the strongest among Moria's shadow servants.

Coupled with other shadow servants, Moria thinks it should be able to help him stop Akainu.

These shadow servants, after receiving Moria's order, quickly escaped the battle and sank into the shadows, a total of ten.


A Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral slashed past, and suddenly found that the shadow attendant who was facing him had disappeared.

"Where did you go?"

Marine was stunned. The Shadow Attendants sank into the shadows very quickly, and he disappeared without reacting.

"It seems to be sinking into the shadow!" said a Marine Rear Admiral, who happened to see the scene of the Shadow Servant sinking into the shadow.

"Be careful!"

"Those guys will rush out of the shadows."

A Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral reminded everyone that their faces changed and they all paid attention to the shadows on the ground.

It was discovered that the shadow was no longer visible when it retreated to the rocky ruins, but everyone was still secretly guarding.

After all, the black monsters around him came out of the shadow of the rocky ruins at the beginning.

However, after being on guard for a while and still nothing happened, these Marine generals began to concentrate on dealing with ordinary Shadow Servant.

For a time, the ordinary Shadow Servant dissipated several times faster.

Taking advantage of this time, after taking the Shadow Servant into the shadow space, Moria quickly manipulated the shadow to extend to Akainu.

"Come on, justice will never allow blasphemy this time!"

In the center of the town, beside Bullet, Akainu saw the shadow swimming towards him like a black python. A cold light flashed in his eyes, his body secretly gathered force, and magma emerged from his clenched fists.

Everything was ready, he was ready to attack immediately when Moria and Shadow Servant switched positions, not giving Moria a chance to react.

call out!

When the shadow was nearly ten meters away from Akainu, a black shadow rushed out of the shadow at great speed.

"Kill! Dark Hound!"

Akainu jumped out instantly, condensing Armament Haki's fist covering the crimson lava, and the target took the shadow of the shadow servant head straight out of the shadow.


At the moment when Akainu was about to punch Shadow Servant out of the shadow, the words in his mouth were still finished, and his face changed drastically.

The shadow attendant who came out was prepared and punched Akainu's fist.


The magma bursts!

The first Shadow Servant to appear was the CP0 black-clothed man, his strength is still very strong, not a role that Akainu can easily solve with one punch.

"This thing, the strength can actually be so strong."

Akainu's complexion was gloomy, and as soon as the two fists met, he felt that the Shadow Servant was extraordinary, not only strong, but like steel in defense, plus Armament Haki was not weak.

Even if he was stronger in strength, he knew in a short time that he could not get rid of the Shadow Servant in front of him.

This made Akainu's murderous intent towards Moria almost materialized.