
I'AM~Destroy Spirit Ring Doulo

There is no system, money martial arts, and innate soul power are only at the third level, and the apprentice master is even rejected, and can't be licked dog Tang-san and Xia Wu . Su Xing is angry, it is better to ask for others than to ask for himself, after all, he was also a scholar in his previous life. Relying on the exploration of soul power, soul ring and soul spirit, and soul battle, Su Xing successfully walked out of the path of being a strong man of his own. No matter how strong you are, let me hit with my spirit money. Take the route of self-development of soul skills! Soul rings, soul battle, etc., No need be licked dog because i'am Transmigrator too. so good bye ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 40 Magnetic Escape: Sword Comes!

"They still want to play one-on-one?"

"That's right, they all want to prove themselves!"

Seeing the situation on the field, Flender was surprised at first, and then relieved.

He knew that Su Xing wanted to prove that Yu Xiaogang was wrong.

Tang San wanted to prove that Yu Xiaogang didn't see himself wrong.


Flender shook his head slightly, but didn't say anything.

In fact, he felt that when Su Xing was enough to stand opposite Tang San for a one-on-one battle, it had already proved that Yu Xiaogang had misunderstood.

Regardless of the achievements after awakening, at the age of awakening, with the original talent of awakening, it is already very terrifying to have the current strength!

"Little San!"

Yu Xiaogang also saw it, with a complicated expression.

Yu Xiaogang never imagined that there would be such a day when the disciple he valued would be one-on-one with the one who was rejected by him!

To be honest, the achievement of awakening was indeed beyond his expectations, and it always shocked him.

But say sorry?


Because Yu Xiaogang knew very well that his various research theories could only be verified by top-level talented Spirit Masters.

With poor talent, he may not even be able to withstand the age limit of the spirit ring. How can he verify his various theories?

"Defeat him, little San, your talent is definitely the strongest teacher has ever seen!"

Yu Xiaogang said secretly in his heart, looking at Tang San who had re-summoned the Eight Spider Lances with spirit bones.


Seeing Tang San fully armed, Su Xing also slowly stretched out his right hand, flashing lightning, and pressed it to the ground.

"Magnetic Dun, sword coming!"


As Su Xing's right hand slowly rose, a super alloy sword was pulled out from the ground by Su Xing.

As if there was a sword buried there.

With the flashing thunder and lightning, a slender blade two meters long was held in Su Xing's hand, the tip of the sword pointed directly at Tang San.

This is the magnetic tunnel that Su Xing has researched based on the lightning soul power, and then uses the magnetic tunnel to extract various metal minerals in the ground and gather them into super alloys.

However, this magnetic escape has not been fully developed, and the magnetic force has to be attached to the lightning, and cannot be used separately.

Otherwise, it shouldn't be too simple to use the magnetic escape to deal with Tang San's hidden weapon.

Of course, those metal hidden weapons!

It's a pity that it doesn't work now, and Su Xing can only use the incomplete magnetic escape to refine the super alloy sword.

This was also because, without a weapon in hand, it was difficult for Su Xingxing to approach Tang San who possessed the Eight Spider Lances.

Eight Spider Lance's domineering poisonous awakening knows that, with his current physical strength, he is still unable to be immune, and if he is injured, he will lose.

"So handsome, Brother Su Xing actually created another soul skill!"

Ye Lingling off the field cheered when she saw Su Xing's handsome appearance, but she didn't see her usual coldness at all.

"This girl! There is only waking up in her eyes!"

Brother Shishimo and Yufeng felt good when they saw this.

"This woman really likes him!"

Zhu Zhuqing also glanced at Ye Lingling, and her beautiful eyes flickered.

Xiao Wu also glanced at it, and her mood instantly became bad.

Of course she wasn't jealous, how could that be, she only likes her third brother.

She was unhappy because she felt that there were beauties who liked him in awakening, and he still liked Zhu Zhuqing, but he also sullied her, she was simply not a human being.

If possible, she really wanted to call Daming Erming and kill Su Xing to avenge her.

"This spirit ability is useless

, it's just creating a weapon!"

Yu Xiaogang looked at another self-created spirit ability that had awakened and shook his head.

However, he was not convinced, and he was secretly surprised that Su Xing was able to create a metal weapon with the soul power of the lightning attribute.

Because he actually failed to see the principle of this spirit ability, and did not know how Su Xing did it.

"Is the self-created soul skill really that simple? Then can I try it too?"

Yu Xiaogang also thought about the awakened self-created soul skill.

He is now a level 30 soul master, but he only has a soul ring and a soul skill, and it would be shameful to say it.

Especially compared to Awakening, there is no soul ring, but he has more soul skills than him.

No one can compare to him, and he can't be compared to Awakening!

" Come

on, let's see who is stronger between you and me!" In the

arena, after possessing the weapon, Awakening figure flashed, and he charged towards Tang San with his sword.

The awakening, covered with lightning, turned into a bolt of lightning and struck Tang San.

"Purple Demon Eye!"

"First spirit ability, entanglement!"

Tang San didn't dare to neglect, and after displaying the Ziji Demon Eye to see the movement trajectory of awakening, the first spirit ability was displayed.

Puff puff! ! !

One after another blue silver grass appeared between him and Su Xing, blocking in front of Su Xing.

Tang San also knew that under normal circumstances his Blue Silver Grass couldn't catch Awakening, so he didn't plan to catch Awakening, but only interfered.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Then his hidden weapon threw it towards the awakening.

"Your hidden weapon, can't stop me!"

Awakening with a super alloy sword, seeing this, he snorted coldly, did not evade, and went straight up.

Ding ding ding ~~~

puff puff! ! !

Everything that stood in the way of Su Xing, whether it was Blue Silver Grass or a hidden weapon, was cut off by the blade in Su Xing's hand.

"What a sharp sword, is that made of composite metal? How could such a composite metal weapon be created in an instant!" Seeing the scene in front of him, Tang San was startled.

Afterwards, he was very jealous of the awakening with this ability. If he could master it, it would be very convenient to create hidden weapons or something!

But soon Tang San reined in his other thoughts, and after seeing Su Xing rushing up, instead of retreating, he advanced, and directly attacked Su Xing.

Wake up to get close to him, why is he not?

With the speed of awakening, his hidden weapon and blue silver grass are basically useless at a distance, and he can only rely on the spirit bone and eight spider spears attached to it!

"Ghost Shadows!"

Controlling the Eight Spider Lances, Tang San also displayed his Ghost Shadows.

Ding Ding Ding~~~

The figures of Su Xing and Tang San then collided, and the sound of Jin Ming clashing continued.

The speed of the two is extremely fast, and the audience outside the field can only see the figures of the two constantly flickering, and only the short contact during the fight will leave some afterimages!

"That Tang San can actually keep up with the speed of awakening!"

Yu Tianheng and the others, who knew the speed of awakening, were secretly surprised when they saw this!

Unexpectedly, there is such a pervert among the Shrek Seven Devils!

"I can barely keep up with his speed, but his strength is much stronger than mine. I can feel that my Eight Spider Lances are about to break!"

"What should I do? If this continues, I will lose!

" The Clear Sky Hammer?"

However, Tang San, who was fighting against Su Xing at this time, was secretly anxious in his heart.
