

Traveling through the world of One Piece, I discovered that I turned out to be a person with the ability of magnetic fruit. Hey, isn’t this Eustass Kid ability? Is it because I am dead? What magnetic fruit’s ability can only control metal and form a robotic arm to fight? Have you misunderstood something in your understanding of magnetism? Primary version: Iron Sand Sword, Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Electromagnetic Force, Electromagnetic Giant, Upgraded version: Gravity, Vientiane Sky Attract, Earth Burst Sky Star, Repulsion, Shinra Tensei, Million Repulsion Fist. Awakening version: control the planet’s magnetic field Akainu: Bastard, this guy’s electromagnetic cannon is shooting wanton again Sengoku: Destroyed the navy headquarters in one blow, Shenra Tianzheng was a terrifying move. The Five Old Stars: The Warring States period, Mariejois is being destroyed, and the starburst of Yuri Gadiere has sucked the entire Mariejois into the sky…

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 98, Yuri: He Kaido doesn’t have that much face…

"Master Yuri, please don't be kidding." Quinn said with an ugly face.

They are Beasts Pirates, they have always been the only ones who robbed others, but today they are going to be robbed on their heads?

If they were known, would they still want to mix Beasts Pirates?

Even if the opponent is Jiadi Yuri, one of the Four Emperors.

"Do you think I'm joking with you? You all grabbed my head, thinking that it can be revealed just by looking at Kaido's face? He Kaido doesn't have that great face." Yuri said coldly.

Hearing Yuri's words, Quinn's face changed a little.

"Gabriel Yuri, we are Beasts Pirates. Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this? The boss of Kaido is not easy to provoke, and we are not easy to provoke Beasts Pirates," Quinn said.

"Well, what you said is reasonable, but you Beasts Pirates can't be robbed, and I was robbed and let go so easily, how can you let me mix in New World? Your Kaido boss is not easy to provoke, you Beasts Pirates is not easy to mess with, am I just 30?" Yuri asked with a smile.

"Gabriel Yuri, even if you want to win us, it is not that easy. You are only one person. Don't think that you can relax each other with us, and I have already let people inform the boss of Kaido. As long as we hold on for a while, who will win in the end? Not necessarily.

While speaking, Quinn's body changed dramatically, and Zoan's ancient brachiosaurus fruit ability was transformed into a beast.

In a blink of an eye, a huge brachiosaurus appeared in front of everyone.

It is impossible not to resist,

If Kaido boss knew that he was robbed without resisting, he would kill them directly.

Based on his knowledge of Kaido, Kaido will definitely do it, even if he is the big name of Beasts Pirates.

In other words, precisely because he is a big sign, there is no reason to surrender without a fight.

But Quinn is very self-aware, and the person who can cause Kaido to be seriously injured, and Whitebeard will return without success, he is definitely not an opponent.

So when I knew that the other party was Yuri, I immediately realized that it was not good.

Being timid, he immediately cast a look at the crew nearby and asked him to signal Kaido for help.

At this time, the boss of Kaido should already know that he is in serious trouble, and he wants to come. Kaido is flying here, and it will not be long before he arrives.

At the same time Jack stood up forcibly, he transformed into a mammoth form again, and wanted to fight with Quinn.

"so big.

"This is Master Quinn's ability to plant brachiosaurus fruits in ancient times."

Quinn "Sir is our Beasts Pirates's big sign, and Jack is also an ancient ability, facing two ancient species at the same time, even if the opponent is the Four Emperors, it is impossible to easily be defeated."

"That's right, Kaido boss is already rushing here, as long as we hold on for a while, it will be fine."

The morale of the people at Beasts Pirates immediately rose.

Seeing the crew members with high morale, Quinn showed a triumphant look.

He said that he had notified Kaido about this, one was to deter Yuri, and the other was to boost his morale.

"Is Kaido coming over? It seems I need to be faster." Yuri said nonchalantly.

Is Kaido here? He is here just right, so I can talk about the ransom.

But before that, I need to take these people down before Kaido arrives.

How else would you talk to him about the ransom!

It turned out that Yuri not only wanted to rob Quinn and others, but also planned to arrest them and ask Kaido for a ransom.

"Even if you are Gabriel Yuri, it is impossible to get rid of us in a short time. The Kaido boss will be back soon and I will never spare you at that time." Quinn said with a sneer.

He wanted to come, even if Yuri's strength is strong, it is impossible to solve them in a short time.

What he said is also the big sign of Beasts Pirates, the big pirate offering a reward of 1.3 billion Baileys, and the ancient fruit of Zoan brachiosaurus. It has a strong defensive power, and it can survive the arrival of Kaido boss even if it is hard supported.

"No, I will resolve everything before that."

After Yuri finished speaking, the surrounding magnetic fields quickly converged towards him.

In order to solve it before Kaido comes, he directly enters the state of Devil Fruit's awakening.

After entering Devil Fruit's awakening state, Yuri's breath changed drastically.

"It's started, and the battle will end in an instant." Kata Kuri said, looking towards Yuri with extremely concentrated expression.

"Gabriel Yuri's breath suddenly changed, is Devil Fruit awakened?" Perrospero

"It's amazing, I only felt this kind of breath in my mother's body." Dafu said.

Normally, Yuri's breath is also very strong.

But there is no such horrible aura of being the Four Emperors,

But after Devil Fruit awakened, it was a completely different feeling.

There is a, oh, this is the feeling of Four Emperors Gabriel Yuri.

Similarly, Quinn, Jack and others also felt the great change in Yuri's body, and their faces couldn't help showing a vigilant look.

"Universal Pull." At this moment, Yuri raised a hand 950, and a strong gravitational force appeared immediately, and Quinn only felt a strong gravitational force draw him in.

"Brother Quinn." Jack exclaimed and stretched out his trunk to catch Quinn, but it was too late.

"Is that the trick just now? I'm not Jack." Quinn said calmly at this time, with Armament Haki all over his body and chest protectors with both hands.

"Holy Luo Tianzheng, Tian Chong." Seeing Quinn's whole body armed with a protective body, Yuri's mouth curled up, and he punched out at the same time, just hitting Quinn who was sucked in front of him.

The terrifying repulsion exploded from Yuri's fist,

Quinn only felt that a terrifying repulsion hit him,

Under the impact of this force, his Armament Haki was broken open, the internal organs vibrated, and a big mouth of blood spurted out of his mouth.

At this time he remembered a word Kaido once said to him,

They face Gabriel Yuri and will be knocked out by Ko accidentally.

He would never believe it before,

Who is he, the big pirate of 1.3 billion Baileys, even the boss of Kaido can hardly knock himself out.

But now he believes,

At the same time, he also slowly lost consciousness.