

Traveling through the world of One Piece, I discovered that I turned out to be a person with the ability of magnetic fruit. Hey, isn’t this Eustass Kid ability? Is it because I am dead? What magnetic fruit’s ability can only control metal and form a robotic arm to fight? Have you misunderstood something in your understanding of magnetism? Primary version: Iron Sand Sword, Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Electromagnetic Force, Electromagnetic Giant, Upgraded version: Gravity, Vientiane Sky Attract, Earth Burst Sky Star, Repulsion, Shinra Tensei, Million Repulsion Fist. Awakening version: control the planet’s magnetic field Akainu: Bastard, this guy’s electromagnetic cannon is shooting wanton again Sengoku: Destroyed the navy headquarters in one blow, Shenra Tianzheng was a terrifying move. The Five Old Stars: The Warring States period, Mariejois is being destroyed, and the starburst of Yuri Gadiere has sucked the entire Mariejois into the sky…

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 28, The Gabriel Pirate Group’s strength and combat power greatly increased

"These pirates are really crazy, we don't know how many pirate groups have been sent during this period of time."

"Captain can't go on like this, even if you want to train us, but you don't even have time to breathe, something big will happen."

"Even if the captain, the strength of these people is getting worse and worse, they will not be able to achieve the purpose of training. They are too numerous and endless like ants. If this continues, they will be consumed by them. You have to think of a way. ."

After eliminating the pirate group once again, Bege and others said to Yuri.

"Haha, didn't you feel it? In fact, with the continuous fighting during this period, your strength has improved a lot, so you feel that these people are too weak." Yuri said with a smile.

Upon hearing Yuri's words, everyone who was there again was taken aback.

If it hadn't been for Yuri to say it, they hadn't felt it yet.

As Yuri said, the high-intensity fighting during this period made their strength seem to be really stronger.

He hasn't grown much physically, but his combat experience, combat skills, and Armament Haki's control are greatly improved.

Especially the combat experience, it's an earth-shaking general progress.

Several of them awakened Observation Haki.

To put it bluntly, their current strength is comparable to many powerful pirates in New World.

Because of this, they felt that the strength of the incoming pirates was getting worse and worse.

"Haha, what the captain said is true."

"I have improved so much, I didn't even notice it."

"It's because there are too many pirates who have attacked during this period. Sometimes they don't even have time to eat. How can they have time to think about whether their strength has improved."

"Moreover, we are all tired and fighting, so naturally there is not much feeling that our strength has improved."

"It feels like Armament Haki has improved a lot. This kind of progress is even more than one or two years of training."

"Sure enough, sometimes it is necessary to fight, so that the strength can be improved."

Everyone said excitedly.

"Oh, as expected, fighting is the best way to improve your strength." Even Robin said in surprise.

During this time Robin also actively participated in the battle.

Although Robin's nature is kind, she has experienced so much, and the main reason for the pirates' attack this time is because of her, so she appeared to be very active this time.

These three years of training, whether it is physical fitness or the development of Flower-Flower Fruit ability, have allowed Robin's strength to reach a certain level.

Unfortunately, limited by his own strength, Armament Haki has not awakened.

However, after Yuri's focus, Robin also awakened Observation Haki.

Without Observation Haki, Yuri can't worry about taking Robin out.

But even when it comes out, Robin's Observation Haki is only a preliminary level of awakening.

But after this period of fierce fighting, Robin felt that his Observation Haki had improved a lot.

And this battle also made her use of Devil Fruit a step further.

"Haha, cut Armament Haki's defenses, Captain, I feel like I can do it now."

Dazbonis smiled and stretched out a hand, his five fingers turned into a blade. At this time, Armament Haki flowed to the blade of his finger, forming a flowing arrogance on the blade.

Emission, which made Yuri always want to practice successfully, but still hasn't touched the door until now, was easily displayed by Daz.

Among all the people present, Dazbonis has made the most progress.

Ever since Yuri knew the power of some monsters in New World, and knew that Armament Haki still has a defensive force in the world, Dazbonis has been training desperately.

While fighting, develop the ability to cut fruits and enhance the cutting edge of fruits,

I hope that one day my blade can easily cut everything and cut Armament Haki.

Daz's training is very crazy, it is a kind of ascetic practice.

And under Yuri's teaching, he had already awakened Armament Haki a year ago.

After an extremely high-intensity battle during this period, his ability to cut fruits has greatly improved.

The sharpness of his blade theory is not even weaker than that of some supreme sharp knives.

And what both Dazbonis and Yuri didn't expect was,

After Dazbonis's cutting fruit was improved, he blessed Armament Haki on it, and he was able to automatically display the armed skill Emission that Yuri had always wanted.

It's as easy as a matter of course.

However, his Emission level is still average, and Emission is also graded.

Now his blade plus Emission can indeed cut off some strong Armament Haki,

But let alone monsters like Kaido and bigmom, even Yuri's Armament Haki can't even cut it.

"But these pirates really can no longer sharpen your edge, let's go, let's go to New World."

Yuri said with a smile, and then took out a coin.

Yuri's fingers clasped the coin, and the thick layer of Armament Haki was condensed on the coin,

The next moment, an orange-red light flew from Yuri's hand.

A few miles away, a pirate ship was instantly shot through by an orange light.

The high-speed fierce combustion and powerful impact immediately caused the pirate ship to explode.

"What's the situation? An attack from there."

"The pirate ship of the Watt Pirates was shot."

Naturally, there is not only one pirate ship nearby, but also more than one pirate group.

The pirates who want to snatch Nico Robin and get Raftel's trail are unknown.

At this time alone, there were more than a dozen pirate groups.

But at this time, orange lights flashed again.

Before all the pirates had time to see what the attack was, their ship was shot. *