

Traveling through the world of pirates coincides with the defeat of the pirate Golden Lion by Wang Luffy. Luo Chen hurried before the navy and found the golden lion that fell into the sea. “Mr. Shiki, do you have any last wishes?” He took out the dagger he had prepared, and said seriously to the frail blond old man. puff! When the dagger pierced the back of the golden lion, the prompt sound followed. 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, inheriting the ability of the Golden Lion] 【Ding! Congrats to the host, inherit the ability of Float-Float Fruit] 【Ding! Congratulations to the host, inheriting the Golden Lion Kendo] … But Luo Chen felt that it was not enough. Therefore, he held two long knives with dead wood and Ying Shi, and aimed at Whitebeard who was about to die in the war on the top. Those who rule the sea are called pirates, what is the name of those who rule the world?

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 83 The Deserving King

[Yes! Congrats to Host, trigger copy ability x]]Note: Effective time–7 days.

After entering the sea area of ​​New World, the system prompt sound came suddenly in my mind.

Copy "ability?"

Luo Chen said something different.

The system is refreshed for the first time since Summit War.

And, just copying ability.

"Replicating ability? There just happens to be a curious ability.

Luo Chen's face brightened.

The refresh of the system made him feel very good.

The surrounding clouds are wonderful.

If someone looks up from the bottom, they will definitely see that there are two large and small islands floating in the sky, and the two are linked by a seawater of more than one thousand meters.

The big one is naturally Nine Snake Island.

The small one is a desert island controlled by Luo Chen at will.

no way.

Luo Chen is okay, he can go in and out of Nine Snake Island at will, and control everything on Nine Snake Island at will.

But the guys like Bullet were disliked by the daughter country.

Don't let go half a step.

Therefore, Luo Chen can only control another deserted island and place these poor single dogs.

The two islands are separated by a kilometer and are linked by a deep blue sea.

All the women have relocated to Nine Snake Island.

Low in the island, there is a huge water balloon that houses Shirahoshi and Mrs. Shyarly.

Everything is in order.

After entering the New World, everyone's emotions were relatively depressed.

In the free time of the ascetic practice, they all came to ask Luo Chen what he needed to prepare.

At this time.


Shiryu took off his shirt, apparently having just gone through combat training.

"Captain, when are you going to Wanokuni?"

The tone is complicated.

Unspeakable anticipation and nervousness.

After all, among the Four Emperors of the New World, Kaido of the Beasts, is the most difficult to communicate and brutal.

The kind of shadow that goes deep into the bone marrow is simply lingering.

"Wanokuni? Next stop!"

Luochen chuckled and said, "Go to Heavenly Yaksha now and ask him to notify Kaido in advance to prepare."

"Remember, we're not here to go to war.

"It's to get back what's yours.

Tone, indescribably relaxed.

It's as casual as being ready to drop by a neighbor's house.

Shiryu looked ashamed.

Isn't this the same as starting a war?

Ten tons of seastone is okay, do you really want Kaido to give you his son as his subordinate?

No one can stand it!!

What's the difference between going to war?

However, you are the captain and you have the final say.

"Then let me tell everyone to prepare first.

Shiryu nodded, turned and walked into the jungle.

The current group has a clear division of labor.


The CP9 to which Lu Qi belongs is in charge of intelligence, and Lu Qi and Kaku are also the main fighting forces.

The Heart Pirates, to which Trazai belongs, is the doctor in the group.

For ordinary injuries, Bebo and others can handle them well.

Bullet, aside from penance, is Isshin thinking about surpassing Roger.

Well, one of the main combat powers.

Needless to say, Weibull is Luo Chen's number one diehard.

Finally, there is Shiryu.

The reason why Luo Chen disliked him at first was that this guy's personality was unpleasant.

But now, it seems to be subtly influenced by him.

Therefore, the coordination of all aspects of the group is generally left to Shiryu to arrange.

As for Shiryu, Luo Chen has never been disappointed.

Wait until "Dressrosa, let Ming brother pay attention to the black market, is there a better Devil Fruit."

Looking at Shiryu's back, Luo Chen thought silently in his heart.

The first half of the Grand Line.

An island in the Calm Belt.

rumbling —

The scorching flames rose into the sky, forming a huge fireball that fell, and a terrifying flame shock erupted.

"Rubber Elephant Gun Strikes!"

With a loud shout, the fist that covered the armed color instantly turned into an afterimage, destroying the fireball in the air.

"Luffy, your Master Armament Haki is coming soon!

Ace restrained his abilities and smiled while pressing his hat.

"In order to save Sabo, and my dad, we must become stronger as soon as possible!"

Luffy, who was injured but had firm eyes, said in a determined tone.


Ace was silent, a trace of remorse flashing in his eyes.

"If I hadn't listened to my dad, I wouldn't have been defeated by Blackbeard.

Ace, who was trapped in self-blame, looked back on the past and still felt remorse.

"If you can only blame yourself, then it's better to give up rescuing your brother and your brother's father!"

At this time, deep in the jungle, a figure slowly walked out.

Rayleigh looked at Ace and said solemnly: "If you have time to regret it, it is better to work hard to become stronger."

While speaking, he threw the newspaper in his hand and the information collected directly to the two of them.

Picking it up, Ace and Luffy exclaimed.

"What, he who disappeared for more than two months, actually reappeared."

(becj) Luffy's eyes glowed, and he said in surprise, "It's really amazing, he can actually make Shichibukai surrender."

"He is too strong, even if Grandpa is here, he is no match for him."

Ace was shocked and said: "Even the father died in his hands, so powerful and desperate.

However, after speaking, his eyes showed firmness.

"But we will also improve, and sooner or later, I will beat him with my own hands."

"Haha, why beat it!"

Luffy laughed and said, "But if he wants to stop me from being the Pirate King, then I will definitely knock him out."

Look at the rhetoric of the two.

Rayleigh, a wry smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

"It's good to have this ambition, but your progress is still too slow, if you only have this strength, let alone catch up with Luo Chen.

Having said that, Rayleigh paused slightly.

Staring at Luffy Ace, his tone became solemn: "Even your brothers and relatives can't be saved."

This statement came out.

The two brothers suddenly became serious.

"But don't worry, Marine hasn't stabilized yet, and the World government will not announce the execution time prematurely."

Rayleigh turned and left, reminding: "You're not the only ones making progress, your enemies, your competitors, they're all making progress."

The words fell, and the back gradually disappeared.


Ace ", let's continue our penance!"


The two brothers immediately started to practice more assiduously.

The goal is to surpass that desperate demon king.


King's Heights.

"Duh huh huh!

Laughter came from the villa, with a hoarse voice with an iron crossbow, "This man is always unpredictable, is he ready to conquer the world?"

"In this new era, only those who are fully prepared can ascend to the only throne."

Doflamingo sat frantically at the window, looking down at the newspaper and intelligence in his hand.

It is about Luo Chen.

Poaching two Shichibukai from World government.

The whereabouts of the fair and square, to disappear near the Sabaody Archipelago.

All kinds of signs are imaginative.

"This kind of monster is really powerful and despairing!"

The tone was full of envy.

Even if it is as crazy as he Heavenly Yaksha.

In the face of this existence, they all feel deeply powerless and hopeless.

"Dover, you are the worthy king in our hearts!"

Torrepol, snot-hanging, came with a cane.

"Yes, if it is too high-profile, it will be targeted sooner or later."

Diamanti said disdainfully.

"Only the most well-prepared powerhouse can ascend to the final throne."

"And this person, there is only one, and that is you!"

Everyone opened their mouths.

Tone, confident and flying.

In response, Doflamingo just smiled and didn't answer.

And right now.

A shadow suddenly fell from the sky, covering the King's Heights.

Along with the direction of the town, there were faint screams and uproars.

Doflamingo's smile gradually solidified, and his whole body was stiff.

A few drops of cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

And just now, the high-spirited family cadres.

His gaze swept across Brother Ming's shoulder and bet on the sky.

One by one, the jaws fell directly to the ground, the eyeballs protruded, the bladder tightened, and it was almost necessary to urinate.