
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 93: There's Two?!

While Turles was consolidating his power, The Golden-Haired Devil, a being of pure terror and ever-growing power, roamed the universe with a singular purpose: destruction. In his wake, planets trembled, stars flickered in fear, and civilizations crumbled under the weight of his boundless fury and unyielding malice. This golden-haired menace cared not for alliances or objectives. He acted as a force of nature, a primal embodiment of chaos unleashed upon the cosmos. With every planet he encountered, he unleashed his wrath upon the unsuspecting inhabitants, reveling in the destruction he wrought.

Of course, how could the PTO let this madman with an infinite appetite for blood and destruction roam free in South Galaxy? As far as those living under Turles's Empire knew, no one was exempt from the Planet Trade Organization's control. This wandering 'bounty hunter' had become known all across South Galaxy thanks to the Hub. Multiple reports have been made on the Golden-Haired Devil yet, it wasn't until this bounty hunter encountered a peculiar group of individuals that those living in South Galaxy could finally know peace.


The sky above Planet Nova burned with the fiery hues of dusk as the Defense Force prepared for battle. They stood resolute, a group of soldiers clad in impressive battle armor, their faces set in grim determination. Among them was Sergeant Rehn, a newly promoted soldier. In her hand was a hefty weapon from the Defense Series of weapons. It resembled a turret gun, blue and white. She handed it off to another soldier who began putting it into position for the incoming threat.

"Stay sharp, you bastards," she barked, her voice ringing out over the din of the battlefield. "We're facing a real nasty son of a bitch. Forget about running away, either. We either deal with him here, or we die. There are no other options."

Her words echoed through the ranks, bolstering the resolve of her troops as they braced themselves for the coming battle. Across the field, the air crackled with tension as the Golden-Haired Devil, approached with an amused gleam in his eyes. His presence alone seemed to warp the very fabric of reality, his aura pulsating with raw power. He towered over the soldiers, his muscles rippling beneath taut, shining skin. With each step, the ground trembled. As he drew closer, Sergeant Rehn tightened her grip on her forcefield shield strapped to her arm, her jaw set in a firm line. "KILL HIM!" she shouted, giving the order to activate the turrets.

The sky erupted in a dazzling display of light as the Defense Force's defensive technology unleashed its arsenal, beams of energy streaking through the air with lethal precision. Rockets flew with unparalleled targeting. Grenades soared through the air, actual bullets blitzed from the turret guns, alongside time-slowing rays. But to their dismay, only one type of weaponry seemed to have any effect on the Golden-Haired Devil. The turrets utilizing the Chrono Nullifier slowed the behemoth down. Immensely so. However, he continued to walk forward with not a single mark on his bare chest.

"RELOAD THE TURRETS!" Sergeant Rehn commanded, her voice tinged with frustration. "We can't let him reach the city!" But despite their best efforts, the Golden-Haired Devil continued his relentless advance, his devil-like smile paralyzing several soldiers in terror. As the menace arrived closer, a green orb formed in his hand. An action that no turret could stop no matter how slow he was. Then, the energy shell left his palm and flew toward the Defense Force stationed on this planet in the South Galaxy.

The green ki sphere tore through the air with a malevolent purpose, its trajectory set on destruction. As it collided with the first turret, a deafening explosion ripped through the ranks of the Defense Force and their turrets, sending shrapnel flying in all directions. Soldiers were thrown off their feet, their bodies crashing into one another with bone-shattering force. Screams of agony pierced the air like daggers. The Golden-Haired Devil, his eyes ablaze with malicious satisfaction, charged forward with unbelievable speed. 

With each swing of his massive fists, he crushed bone and sinew, his victims reduced to little more than broken husks beneath his relentless onslaught. Sergeant Rehn fought with every ounce of strength she possessed, her shield raised in a valiant attempt to stem the tide of destruction. But her efforts were in vain against the overwhelming power of the Golden-Haired Devil. With a single, contemptuous swipe of his hand, he sent her hurtling through the air, her body tumbling end over end until it crashed to the ground in a heap of twisted metal and shattered bone. A wet gurgle escaped her lips as she weakly pressed a button on her scouter.

The remaining soldiers, their resolve tested to its breaking point, all attempted to retreat after seeing the death of Rehn. Still, their efforts were futile in the face of such overwhelming power. The Golden-Haired Devil pursued them relentlessly while manically laughing. No one escaped the wrath of the Golden-Haired Devil, who crushed skulls, destroyed rib cages, and incinerated multiple soldiers to ash in explosions.

All members of the Defense Force stationed on this planet died. It didn't take long before the madman made his way to the city, eradicating them all in one big blast that damaged the planet's core. It seemed to be on the verge of imploding but some new signs of life made themselves visible as they came flying past the Golden-Haired Devil's eyes.


The aftermath of the Golden-Haired Devil's rampage left the once bustling cityscape in ruins. Buildings lay crumbled, smoke billowed into the sky, and the air was thick with the acrid scent of destruction. Five Attack Balls landed in the ruins. As the people inside left their pods, they arrived directly in front of the devil. He stared at them with some interest, recognizing their spaceships as ones only belonging to slightly stronger bugs than normal. When the five landed in front of the blonde killer, they formed a unique, amazing pose!

"The Mighty Ginyu Force!" They finished their pose with a combined explosion behind them.

"What a waste of my time." The giant man casually tossed a ki sphere, meant to kill all five of the insects at once.

"You're a Saiyan too, huh? But you don't have a halo over your head like the other revived ones. I suppose Lord Frieza missed more than a few Saiyans back then…" Captain Ginyu muttered as he effortlessly backhanded the attack into the atmosphere.

"They're more resilient than we thought, Cap'n!" Jeice added.

"This guy is on a whole 'nother level compared to regular Saiyans." Burter sensed the man's ki.

"Let me take him first! I want to try out my new mastered form!" Recoome requested.

"I'm sick of Saiyans." Guldo spat as he looked at the blonde giant.

"I am going to bathe in your blood." The Golden-Haired Devil charged forward.

He was somewhat interested in these worms. That pointy-haired one with a tail, was a Saiyan. This devil wanted to see just how long he'd last compared to the other bugs. If he didn't make it fun, the devil would ensure their deaths are painful and long.

"Alright Recoome! Let him have it!" Captain Ginyu gave his okay.

"Thanks, Captain! Recoome shot forward, locking hands with the powerful giant.

In just a second, the difference in power became evident as a crater formed around the two. Recoome was being pushed back! But just as the Golden-Haired Devil was about to break Recoome's arms and crush him to paste with his overwhelming power, Recoome transformed! Recoome's muscles expanded greatly along with his height and power. Now, the two seemed to be on more even footing as they struggled to take control over the other.

Recoome was utilizing a mastered state of the Max Power form! A state previously only thought to be usable by Earthlings. No longer did this form take an excess of energy when utilizing energy moves and neither did it slow him to a crawl. Recoome could utilize 100% of his body's natural limits. But that wasn't all. Mastering a form is more than just eliminating its weaknesses.

But improving upon the original! Recoome has done such a thing and was more than happy to show it in this brawl with this criminal Saiyan! "200% Ultimate Power!" Recoome shouted as his body grew even more hideous and filled with muscle. Now, Recoome was pushing the Super Saiyan back, his feet digging into the dirt.

"What?" The blonde devil began exerting more of his power.

"What?" Recoome mocked him as he went even further beyond. "300% Supreme Power!" Recoome no longer looked like a human being but muscles impersonating the human form.

He broke his grip with the blonde devil and punched him across the chin, sending him flying across the planet. As he was becoming smaller in the distance, an eruption of blood flew from Recoome's fist. He pressed down on his scouter a few times before two Recovery Drones flew over to him. As strong as he was exceeding the physical limits of his body by over 300%, that power wasn't free. Recoome's body tore and bled with even the slightest movement. If he truly wanted to go all out, he would need the aid of these two Recovery Drones to keep his body from tearing apart and killing him.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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