
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 32: The Changes.

Saiyan Saga

"My, my, Kakarot…" Raditz couldn't help but clench his fist as he looked at that familiar visage.

His body shook from anger and rage as he had no choice but to impose the face and body of that other Saiyan over his brother's. While his days grew as peaceful as they could in an organization like the Frieza Force, he would never forget the humiliation he suffered at the hands of Turles back then. Forced to beg for his life and made a fool of for the rest of his days until the burnt bastard fled into space. Hmph, his brother better not get on his nerves. He's already pissed just looking at him.

"Tell me, is that whelp over there I see yours?" Raditz asked, frustration building even more inside of him.

"N-No!" Goku vehemently denied it.

"Oh, is that so." Raditz chucked. "I suppose that every miserable earthling has tails nowadays, then?"

"You stay away from him!" Goku demanded.

"Sorry, no can do. If my dear little brother won't be kind enough to help me, I'll just have to ask my cute little adorable nephew." Raditz smirked as he began walking toward Gohan.

"Take one more step, and I'll kill you!" Goku threatened, stepping in front of Raditz.

In an instant, Raditz unleashed most of his frustration from Turles on Kakarot with a brutal knee attack. Just the fact that Kakarot reminded him so much of that blasted Saiyan infuriated him. Raditz had the displeasure of meeting Turles's half-breed as well. At the time, he was as much a pipsqueak as Kakarot's son, but there was a distinctive difference between the two halflings.

While making his demands toward his incapacitated brother, Raditz snatched up his son and started to fly off. "GOHAN!!!" Goku reached up toward the sky shouting in pure agony and distraught. "DADDY!!!" A waterfall of tears fell from Gohan's face as he struggled to reach his father.

Turles's brat wasn't anywhere as weak as his nephew, which confused Raditz greatly. Both were low-class Saiyans, but there was such a significant difference in power between them and their offspring despite how similar they looked. When he tried to punish Turles's brat for the humiliation he received from his father, Raditz was the one who ended up in the medical room somehow. In his greed for retaliation against Turles, somehow, he failed to properly measure the half-breed's power level before attacking him. At an age where he was barely old enough to keep himself from soiling himself, he was powerful enough to defeat both himself and Nappa. What a load of nonsense…

"Shut up, brat!" Raditz shouted at the wailing child. Why couldn't his nephew be as quiet as that absurdly powerful halfling?



A four-year-old Basil quietly wandered around on a prominent Frieza Force base. On the side of him were Sei and Sia, Sai's children and Basil's current crewmates. Sia had a pink bow on their head. Both of them were dressed up in full armor, custom-made scouters, and no chaperone. As they traveled together, frequently, the other soldiers would giggle and laugh at the sight of them.

"I didn't realize this was the daycare planet."

"Whose little runts are these just roaming around? They need to stay out of my sight, disgusting brats."

"Is that a saiyan? I didn't know they could be red like that."

Basil ignored their words as he focused on the task his father gave him. Familiarizing himself with the Frieza Force and how it's run. The three of them just returned from conquering a weak planet and were reporting back to their superior their completion of the mission. Eventually, Basil's squad made it to Officer Cranberry, their direct superior.

"Officer Cranberry. Planet Namchek has been subjugated and is ready to be utilized for the good of the Planet Trade Organization." Basil reported while looking up to the humanoid alien wearing a helmet and scouter.

"It is, huh? I always knew you Saiyans were a strong bunch, but even a pipsqueak like you has impressive power…" Cranberry scanned the little monsters' power levels only to nearly choke from what his scouter read. "H-H-How is this possible?!" Cranberry stuttered in pure shock.

"We shall be off, Officer Cranberry." Basil took their pol for the mission and headed toward the exit, taking no interest in Officer Cranberry's unprofessional state.

On their way out, an unfamiliar duo greeted them. One was a saiyan with too much hair, and the other was a saiyan with no hair at all. It only took an instant for the two adult Saiyans to recognize the Saiyan child. After all, there was only one other Saiyan willing to play dress-up with saibamen. A particular Saiyan they both held a grudge against.

"Hold it there, little brat. Tell me the name of your father." Raditz demanded while standing in the way of the shorties.

"You're in my way." The halfling suddenly appeared in front of his face and kicked him.

Raditz was knocked into the wall in the hallway, heavily disoriented with his vision blurry. The only thing he could hear was the sound of Nappa shouting and then something landing right next to him with a heavy crash. What happened? What was going on!?

"Next time you attempt to inconvenience me with nonsense, I'll kill you. This is your only warning." The half-Saiyan's high-pitched voice flowed into their ears.

Then both Raditz and Nappa were blasted nearly to death. Their bones were crushed by the force of the blast, forcing them to crawl their way to the medical rooms. The laughter of two saibamen was the last thing they remembered of the encounter with Turles's child, Basil!

Neither of the two mid-class Saiyans could fathom the unexplainable power of the half-breed. After all, how could they know that Basil grew up dining on the divine Fruit of Might?! It was crushed and juiced to help the young Saiyan infant digest it better until he was old enough to eat it directly. For most of his life, Basil has been eating fruit meant for the gods!


"A power level of 710, huh? That's amazing but not good enough, Nephew…" Raditz clicked his tongue when comparing it to that red halfing.

"Hahaha! Who would've thought you'd be such a naive fool, Kakarot!" Raditz ground his boot into Goku's abdomen after narrowly tricking him. "You truly are nothing like that incorrigible bastard in any measure! I had nothing to worry about from the beginning!" Raditz gloated.

"You… Dirty… Little!" Raditz held his wounded chest from Gohan's sudden headbutt filled with frightening power. "Your power level… It's dropped back to 1! It changes based on your emotions, doesn't it!? That other brat wasn't like that at all! What's wrong with you two!? You two are a mockery of the entire Saiyan Race!" Raditz cursed as he knocked the halfling out with a blow to the head. "I'm doing a service by killing you both." He decided. The father-son pair drove him crazy with how different they were from Turles and his half-breed.

"981… 1,220… 1,083…" Nappa scanned the power levels of Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin. "Fools! D'you think you can challenge us with power levels like those!?" He scorned.

"Nappa, take off your scouter." Vegeta directed.

"What?" Nappa didn't understand.

"Just like that low-class scum's brat. These pieces of trash can change their power levels to suit them just fine." Vegeta shared as he dropped his scouter.

"Another low-class Saiyan that's managing to best me in power? I refuse… I absolutely completely refuse such nonsense! That utterly disgusting face of yours! I'll wipe you and this miserable planet from existence! I won't allow you low-class whelps to forget your place in life!" Vegeta shot up into the sky.


Namek Saga

"Dende, tell everyone… that a great unknown power is headed to Planet Namek." Guru urgently requested.

"What? Y-Yes sir!" Dende rushed outside of Guru's home. "Listen! The Great Elder says someone else is coming to the planet!" Dende did as instructed.

"What?!" Nail reacted with shock.

"The Great Elder?" Vegeta repeated in confusion.

"I-It's true! Something really is on the way!" Krillin sensed the enormous incoming power.

"It's a huge power!" Gohan exclaimed.

"It's Goku! Goku is finally here!" Krillin excitedly jumped around.

"But there's something strange…" Gohan pointed out. "It feels like more than one power."

"It can't be!" Vegeta began sensing the energy above. "The Crusher Force!?" He guessed. "One… two… three… four… five…six… seven…" He shook his head. "This isn't the Crusher Force but the Ginyu Force!" Vegeta didn't know if it was relief or disappointment in his voice.

"Turles of the Crusher Force!?" The Ginyu Force reacted with shock and slight fear looking at Kakarot's familiar visage.

"My name is Goku. I'm a Saiyan from Earth." Goku introduced himself.

"Hahaha, you fools. This idiot may not be Turles, but he's just as much of a threat as him." Vegeta cackled at The Ginyu Force's relieved expressions.

"As long as he's not that mutant freak, I don't care who he is! He's no match for me!" Recoome declared.

"Haha, I got nervous for a second, mate. Only someone like Turles could move that fast, I must have been seeing things." Jeice chuckled.

"Heh heh. Check out his power level. You were definitely seeing things." Burter laughed.

"He does look damn near identical to that monkey freak. I wonder why." Jeice muttered.

"All Saiyans look alike to me." Burter had already put it out of his mind.

"You can't beat me." Goku declared to Recoome.

"Huh!?" Recoome couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Pft! Bwahahaha! Did you hear him?! He thinks he can bluff his way out of dying just because he looks like Captain Turles!" Recoome cackled. "Just that ugly mug of yours is enough motivation to get my gears going to kill ya dead!" Recoome rushed the lighter-skinned Saiyan.

"This is him?" Ginyu took a double take. Jeice was right, this Saiyan looks exactly identical to Turles. A sadistic smile formed on his face. This may be his chance to finally catch up to that insufferable monkey and become Frieza's, only right-hand man. "To think there would be more than one mutant Saiyan in the universe. I don't know whether to be impressed or infuriated that Lord Frieza didn't wipe you all out." Ginyu stepped forward toward Goku.

"Mutant? I would say I'm pretty normal." Goku defended himself.

"Well, at least they don't sound alike. I don't think I'd be able to control myself if you did." Ginyu grinned. "Show me how you match up to my eternal rival Captain Turles of the Crusher Force!"

"Heh heh heh… You're so strong…" Ginyu complimented Goku.

"Yeah. What's so funny about that?" Goku was unnerved by the laughter of a weaker opponent.

"Jeice, hold my scouter." Ginyu tossed his scouter to the second last remaining member of the Ginyu Force.

"This'll be good!" Jeice already knew what was about to happen.

Ginyu mutilated himself by piercing his chest while smiling at Goku. "W-What are you doing!?" Goku couldn't understand.

"You aren't anywhere near my eternal rival's strength, but I've taken a liking to your body. That body with supposedly infinite potential, as my rival says. I'll be able to catch up and shorten the distance between me and Turles in no time! Change!" An unbelievably fast beam fired from Ginyu's body.

"Who is the heck is Tur-" The technique landed.



"So he's finally arrived." Turles looked up at the incoming spaceship crashing to Planet Yardrat.

"Don't lose focus!" Soba instructed him as he attacked from behind Turles.

"I haven't." Turles blocked the blow with his tail without even looking. "It seems we have a guest coming soon. Should we put our training on hold?" Turles offered.

"I suppose so." The strongest Yardratian warrior agreed.

"With the way he's flying in, I think he might need some healing as well." The ship looked like it was completely out of control.

"Ooh! I'll heal them, Daddy! I need more practice with my healing!" Bon offered, racing off to the potential crashing site.

"Let's go greet our new guest." Turles was looking forward to this meeting.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

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