
I’m a Just Ordinary People, But How Did I Become a hero?

A thousand years ago, a terrible calamity-level beast wiped out the world, killing more than 80% population. After this disaster, known as "The Great Calamity", the remaining population took refuge in the last 5 cities.

Ordinary_Author · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Next day 5 o'clock in the morning.

Since he already had everything prepared, Derick headed towards the town square to rent a horse, specifically a carriage, since he wanted to be rested when he got there.

The name of the town is "Mountain City" located on top of a flat mountain. Total area 900 km2.

Every corner of the city, east, west, north and south has a small town that serves as a resting place for the soldiers, and also served as a control for people coming and going.

Outside the walls the northern and western region is forested, while the southern and eastern region is a large desert.

Derick's destination was the western part of the city, it was approximately 15 km from the city center.


"We are almost there" the coachman spoke.

As the coachman was not very fast at Derick's request, the trip took about 2 and a half hours. The trip cost 10 silver coins.

Even before he arrived, Derick already saw that the atmosphere here was totally different from the main city.

All the people here, mostly soldiers, had a blank look on their faces as if they had seen the devil in the flesh.

Some were on the ground resting, while others carried wounded soldiers on stretchers for treatment, the luckier ones were missing one of their arms, while the unluckier ones, well they were dead.

"So that was my Father's Day to day?" Derick muttered as he remembered his late father. Ryan worked in the North, although it was a different location, it was most likely the same there.

"We arrived." The coachman stopped and parked the wagon.

"Thank you." Derick got off and since he didn't want to waste any time went straight to the city gate.


When he got there, there was only one guard at the gate and no one else.

"Good morning." Derick spoke his reason for being there and handed the dog tag to the guard.

The guard at the gate looked at the dog tag and confirmed that it was not fake, but before allowing passage he looked at Derick. "Derick, are you sure you want to go out there alone?"

Derick looked at the guard and with confidence spoke "Yes, I am sure"

"Well, do what, if that is your wish" Looking a little pityingly, the guard allowed Derick passage "Make sure you get back before dark, otherwise you already know?"

Just when everyone thought that the only problem that was "The Great Calamity" had been left behind; another problem arose which was the endless waves of beasts trying to invade the city. Every night between 6:00 pm and 6:00 am a new wave tries to invade the city.

This started 100 years ago, after that day every day a wave of beasts tried to invade the city.

Because of these waves' humanity couldn't evolve much, since it was not possible to keep a camp for a long time, and also the further away from the city the stronger the beasts became. Only a small group of 5 to 10 people could go very far and stay in one piece.

Note: If you can't imagine where the city is, search "monte Roraima".

Wikipedia: In South America, Mount Roraima, one of the highest plateaus in the region, has two unusual features: besides spanning three countries (Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana), it is completely flat.

Note 2: Illustrative image of the city.


Thanks for reading. Next chapter tomorrow.

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