
I’m a Just Ordinary People, But How Did I Become a hero?

A thousand years ago, a terrible calamity-level beast wiped out the world, killing more than 80% population. After this disaster, known as "The Great Calamity", the remaining population took refuge in the last 5 cities.

Ordinary_Author · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Shopping - Part 2!

One of the best stores responsible for selling Skill books" was the "Fantasy Corporation". Despite the high prices, the quality of their products was by far the best in the market.

It was the first time Derick had entered the Fantasy Corporation. The interior of the store was rather simple, with a counter and some shelves full of books.

At the moment there was no salesman in the store.

Although the books were exposed and without any protection, nobody was crazy enough to steal a book here. Because every "Skill Book" had a tracking spell in it, the only way to remove this spell was to buy the book.

The last person who tried to steal a Skill Book is to this day rotting in jail.

Since there was no one to answer, Derick used his "Eye of Truth" skill and checked it book by book.


After a while he finally chose the "Skill Books" he wanted. In all he saw 50 and chose only 5. and they are:


Name: Death Shot

Rank: Rank F

Requirements: Rank F or above;

Recommended Professions: Hunter, Archer, Mage...

Mana Cost: 20 per use.

Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Description: Allows you to shoot with 100% accuracy.

Damage: 50 + The arrow used.

Price: 4 Gold coins



Name: Fast Steps

Rank: Rank F

Requirement: Rank F or above;

Recommended Professions: Thief, hunter...

Mana Cost: 10 per use;

Cooldown: 10 minutes.

Description: For 1 minute your speed will be increased by 2 times.

Price: 5 Gold coins.



Name: Stealth

Rank: Rank F

Requirement: Rank F or above;

Recommended Professions: Hunter, Lancer...

Mana Cost: 25 per use

Cooldown: 10 minutes.

Description: Your presence is hidden for 2 minutes. Warning: Beings stronger than you can detect your presence; and if you attack, the effect is cancelled.

Price: 5 Gold coins.



Name: Eye of Hunter

Rank: Rank F

Requirements: Rank F or above;

Recommended Professions: Hunter, Ladin...

Mana Cost: 10 per use;

Cooldown: 10 minutes.

Description: Detects monsters or animals in the surroundings.

Price: 1 Gold coin.


Derick went towards the counter and before he could call someone, an elderly gentleman mysteriously appears in front of the counter.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

Derick placed the 4 books on the counter. The total value gave 15 Gold Coins.

"Thanks for the purchase, and come again often!"

Before he could say anything, the gentleman disappeared again.


And finally, after a tiring day Derick returned to his house and went to sleep. To have a more productive day he decided to leave town only tomorrow.


Name: Derick

Age: 16 years old.

Rank: F (0/1000); Potential C.

Mana: 100

Class: Watcher

Profession: Hunter (89%) - Appraiser (50%) - Librarian (25%).



(01) Eye of Truth (F) - [60/1000] - The truth cannot be hidden; through this skill all the target's information is revealed.

Mana Cost: 1 per use.

Current Restriction: Does not work on creatures stronger than the user, for example a Rank F cannot see the information of a Rank E.

(02) Death Shot (F) – [0/1000] – Allows you to shoot with 100% accuracy.

Mana Cost: 20 per use.

Damage: 50 + The arrow used.

Cooldown: 5 minutes.

(03) Fast Steps (F) – [0/1000] – For 1 minute your speed will be increased by 2 times.

Mana Cost: 10 per use.

Cooldown: 10 minutes.

(04) Stealth (F) – [0/1000] – Your presence is hidden for 2 minutes. Warning: Beings stronger than you can detect your presence; and if you attack, the effect is cancelled.

Mana Cost: 25 per use.

Cooldown: 10 minutes.

(05) Eye of Hunter (F) – [0/1000] - Detects monsters or animals in the surroundings.

Mana Cost: 10 per use.

Cooldown: 10 minutes.



Thanks for reading. Next chapter tomorrow.

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