
I’m a causal with Godly Powers

Life was very calm and simple for one man, but that all changed when many people, including that one man, around the world fell into deep comas. He and the others awoke a few months later, only to find that they’ve awoken with powers. Powers that he man was all to familiar with. Others woke up with the same powers as him, but his being a lot different than theirs. They were gifted those for one reason, and one reason only. That reason is to fight of out-worldly beings/creatures that come through portals from their world to Earth.

Yucano · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 1

I let out a sigh of relief as I wipe the little bit of sweat sliding down my forehead. "Phew, that wave worked up a bit of a sweat." I look over my shoulder, waving a hand at the over two who joined me in the slaughter. "Appreciate you two coming down all the way to Los Angeles to help me. Means a lot" I shoot them a smile of gratitude.

"Psssh, s'all good! Just glad we made it in time before you killed off all the fun again" a young girl around sixteen grins as she plants her katana zanpakuto on her shoulder.

"Gotta agree with my girl Captain. First time we got here you already killed off the whole damn wave! We didn't get to try out our powers" the boyfriend of the young girl shakes his head in annoyance. "To top it off we flew here from Sacramento for nothing. Our zanpakuto's were pretty pissed that they didn't get to absorb any dead hollow's spirit energy."

I shrug my shoulders as if saying that it wasn't my fault. "At least you got to do it now, so stop complaining. Also," I look at the boy with an hard annoyed look "don't call me captain. You two better not get any fucking ideas about me being your captain, or forming a squad and you guys declaring me your captain."The two look at each other with bright smiles as if I said something good.

"That's a great idea, Captain! We'll gather up the few that live in Cali, and make a squad!!" The young girl jumps up in excitement. The young boy nodding his head in agreement.

I let out a tired sigh as I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "Please don't, and stop calling me captain I said. Makes me feel fucking old. I'm only twenty-two and shouldn't be feeling that way."

"But Caaaaaap" she whines out, "why not?! It'd be so awesome to have you as our squad leader. It'll be just like in the anime."

Before her and her boyfriend could continue I lightly release some of my spiritual energy to scare them. I cross my arms across my chest and look them both dead in the eyes. They both look back at me with slightly sweaty faces as they look up at me with fear in their eyes.

"Don't, and I repeat… don't make a squad. Am I understood?" They nod their heads rapidly.

"U-Understood, b-but can you p-p-please stop trying to crush us with your energy" the boy young stutters out with a labored breathe.

I lower my energy and give them an apologetic look. "Listen you two, I appreciate you wanting me to be your captain and all, but in all honesty, that job is not fit for me. Plus, sounds pretty cringe."

They both look down sadly, and were ready to say something but are interrupted as loud alarm goes. The alarm signifying the all clear of the wave.

"Guess it's time to go babe. Let's go meet up with our families at the military shelter" the boy then looks at me waves his hand as he and his girlfriend slowly lift off the ground.

"We'll see you at the next wave, Captain. Hopefully by that time you'd have change your mind" he smiles with hope in eyes.

Before I can retort back, they fly off going north with their hands waving back at me. I lightly smile and wave my hand back at them. 'I hope those two stay safe. I pray to God that nothing bad happens to them' I said in my head.

I then look towards a dark alley and narrow my eyes towards it. "Don't know why you've been hiding this whole time, but I suggest show yourself… Arrancar."

As soon as I said that a blonde haired female Arrancar appears in front of me with her sword pointed at my throat. Her mellow aqua colored eyes look deep into my brown colored ones as if studying me.

"Strange how those other two couldn't sense me, but I'm assuming cause they weren't strong enough" she says in very low mellow voice. Her eyes narrow a little at me. "But you, on the other hand knew exactly where I was and I know I was hiding my presence pretty damn well. I know you and those other two aren't Soul Reapers, but yet you have powers just like them" she pushes her sword into my throat. "I demand answers, and you will provide them to me."

"Pfft, you will demand nothing from me sweetheart. But lemme warn you…" I slowly start to let some of my spiritual energy ooze out from me as red and black aura starts to form around me. A mask in a shape of skull slowly forming around my face as the white of my eyes turn black, and the color of my brown eyes turning bright yellow. The same bone like material forming around my arms and hands, as I pound a clenched fist into my open palm. The impact sends a shock wave toward the female Arrancar, which pushes her back a few feet.

She looks at me with wide eyes shaking in fear, as she steps back in shock. I look straight into her eyes as her's stare back into mine.

"I'm not someone you want to fuck around with" I threateningly said in very cold demonic voice. I take a step forward but then quickly disappear.