
I’m a causal with Godly Powers

Life was very calm and simple for one man, but that all changed when many people, including that one man, around the world fell into deep comas. He and the others awoke a few months later, only to find that they’ve awoken with powers. Powers that he man was all to familiar with. Others woke up with the same powers as him, but his being a lot different than theirs. They were gifted those for one reason, and one reason only. That reason is to fight of out-worldly beings/creatures that come through portals from their world to Earth.

Yucano · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 12

"Eh, that was just me. Believe it, or not but you could say I'm on parr with Yhwach and all the top tier Zanjutsu fighters" I scratch the scruff of beard on my chin in thought. "In all honesty, I might be even stronger, but I wouldn't know for sure until I get the chance to fight some strong opponents" I said in a none bragging attitude.

"Whoa whoa hold up, say what now?!" Jonathan spouts in surprise.

I wave a dismissive hand to get him to relax. "It's not a big deal kiddo. I could be wrong though. I could just be untouchable here, but who knows if on their world I can be weak."

Harribel tsk's at that and shakes her head. "You are far from weak. You took me on like child's play, and I'm the third ranking Espada" she huffs out with an annoyed look. "I knew you were holding back, and a whole lot at that. I can barely sense the power you suppress, and I have to say…" she pauses for a bit as she looks me with a bit of fear in her eyes, "it's frighteningly monstrous and overwhelming."

I see Nelliel nod her in agreement as she as well held a little bit fear in eyes. The two teenagers just looked at me with focus as if trying to sense the power Harribel was describing.

"I know Cap is strong, but I don't sense any crazy power coming from him" he says as he walks around me. Sam only nods her head back as she silently studies me.

"Well, to put it blunt, you two aren't strong enough to sense it." I tell them in a way not to get them offended.

Harribel chips in. "If he were to let out even a fraction of his power his spiritual pressure alone can easily kill you two and can easily make I and Nelliel become overwhelmed by it."

"I wouldn't make it sound that dramatic" I rolled my eyes. "But to be honest I wouldn't know. So she might be right since she's more familiar with this type of power than the three of us." I chided in.

The two teens looked at each other nervously and then back to me. "Well it's either you warn us before you go all out, or we train hard enough so we can at least withstand your spiritual pressure."

"It'd be better if you train more" I shrug my shoulders. "Who knows when I'll ever get to use Bankai, or whatever you call our full release state in our terms."

All four of them looked at me surprised, more so Nelliel and Harribel. I already knew why though. They probably thought my Hollowification was my full release but suppressed.

"I'm surprised myself too. In all honesty, I don't even know what my Bankai looks like, only my hollowification" I said.

Sam and Jonathan both are a sputtering mess at the mention of hollowification. The amount of shock, amazement, and a hint of jealousy is very evident on their faces.

"What the hell?!" Screamed Jonathan as he spewed all kinds of obscenities. "How come you got all these cool powers? That isn't fair!" He looks up at me for an answer. Sam doing the same, but not getting overly dramatic as her boyfriend. I rub the back of my head unsure how to answer that as I let out a sigh, eyeing the four of them as they look back at me for answers.

"Look, I don't know myself. All I know is that I woke up with powers and that's it. I have no way to explain it cause this is a pretty weird phenomenon." I then rolled my eyes as I felt my Zanpakutō slowly emerge herself from behind me.

The others noticed the weird aspersion of red and black aura slowly form itself wrapped around me. I see them take their weapons out, but I put up a hand to stop them. "It's cool guys, it's just my Zanpakutō." I said with a little bit of annoyance in my voice. Her body starts appearing around me as her place white white body appears around mine. Her arms wrapped around my neck while her legs are wrapped around my torso. Her face then appears right against mine as she looks at the four with her curious red colored eyes.

"Well well well, who are the new two friends you got Andrew?" She presses her face into my neck as one of her chin eyes glints mischievously through the gaps of her white long hair. "They better now be here to steal you from me. I know they're your type too." She giggles.

I feel a sudden spike in spiritual pressure and I look over to see Harribel staring daggers at the woman wrapped around me. This gets my Zanpakutō to giggle some more and adjusts herself as she lays her chin on my head. "I'd advise you to relax child, I'm no threat to you, or the relationship you might have with my boy here" she grins playfully. This actually gets Harribel to relax a little but still holds her gaze.

"It's nice to finally the two of you in person" she says the motherly smile. "And don't worry, I'm not mean like this little punk here" she playfully pulls on my cheek. This got a vain to bulge from my forehead as my eye twitched in an irritated manner. "My name is Grace, I'm Andrew's Zanpakutō and big sister!" She says as she ruffles my hair.

"We aren't related, but we've bonded pretty well as siblings and to add on top of it, she's far and I mean far older than all of us. She's like a god damn fossil." This got her to yank on my cheeks pretty hard as I started to yelp mercy as she pulled harder. This got the group to laugh at the light hearted display.

"See what I mean, this little punk is an asshole" she said cursed as her motherly nature disappeared.