
I’m a causal with Godly Powers

Life was very calm and simple for one man, but that all changed when many people, including that one man, around the world fell into deep comas. He and the others awoke a few months later, only to find that they’ve awoken with powers. Powers that he man was all to familiar with. Others woke up with the same powers as him, but his being a lot different than theirs. They were gifted those for one reason, and one reason only. That reason is to fight of out-worldly beings/creatures that come through portals from their world to Earth.

Yucano · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Sorry to the readers who thought this was going to be a chapter, BUT! I just wanted to say thank you to the readers who added my story to their collections and reading this story. To be honest, I didn't expect much coming into this. But now, I got even more motivation to keep writing and putting more effort into this story. Don't expect much either, I ain't no professional book writer XD, but if you guys are adding my book to your collections than I'm probably doing something right.

Again, big thanks to you guys. Much love to you all!

Next chapter will be coming out soon!