

Meanwhile, the update is here~ Introducing "The Legend of Consort Zhao" was a carefully evaluated decision by the broadcasting station, as they genuinely believe in its quality. Compared to other historical dramas aired in the past two years, this one excels in all aspects.


The costume and makeup are top-notch, based on a widely read IP with dedicated forum threads spanning dozens of pages before the premiere.


Many people have high expectations for this show.


The investment and cast of this show also reflect these expectations.


Yu Zhiwei's acting career is not as legendary as Jasmine's, but her shows are generally worth watching. She excels in portraying inspirational female leads, and when she decided to take on 'The Legend of Consort Zhao,' the whole crew believed she was the perfect fit for the role.


Even after completing post-production, they still hold this view.


The 'The Legend of Consort Zhao' crew never doubted themselves, as the broadcasting station dared to air it on the same day as Jasmine's 'Queen Rou Jia,' showcasing confidence. They believe these two shows are on par, perhaps with a slight difference, but not significant.


After the premiere's ratings shocked the team, reaching a high of 1.6 within ten minutes, despite minor drops during commercial breaks.


In contrast, 'The Legend of Consort Zhao' had its ups and downs, with an average viewership of only 0.8 after two episodes.


You might think that a starting point of 0.8 isn't bad, as long as the drama is of good quality, they might reach 1.5 within ten days. After all, many drama fans may still be watching other channels, and they may not even know that such a large historical drama is airing. Who would expect that even the drama-loving aunties and grandmas are not very active on Facebook and don't pay much attention to the premiere announcement.




Thinking about it this way, if they were the only large historical drama airing at the same time, the team would comfort themselves like this.


Unfortunately, airing on the same day is "Queen Ruo Jia," which started with a big bang.


The viewership surged rapidly, grabbing several hot search spots on the night of the premiere, high discussion on major platforms, and high audience ratings.


#Jasmine's New Drama# even trended in the top five searches for a while.


Clicking on it, the entire page is full of praise.


Either saying that the Swan Goddess is extremely beautiful and enticing, or regretting taking a glance and now can't get out of the drama...


Except for the online navy and fans of "The Legend of Consort Zhao," it seems like everyone else is discussing "Queen Ruo Jia."


Why is that?


The author of "The Legend of Consort Zhao," after watching the drama, felt it was excellent, but then was struck heavily by the viewership comparison data.


Both dramas are based on novels from the same website, with The Legend of Consort Zhao's serialization doing better. How could the author not feel upset after seeing these results?


She asked her fans if they watched the drama and what they thought of it?


- Excellent!


- The character development and storyline fidelity are very high, the costume and makeup are well done, even without filters, it's a conscientious drama.


- I watched it with my mom, she hasn't read the original novel, but she really liked it.


- Don't worry, I just checked the comments on the novel's site, the review section is very harmonious, all congratulating the drama's premiere, and those who watched it are quite satisfied.


With fans saying it's great, the author herself was puzzled. She subtly mentioned that The Legend of Consort Zhaoiiii's performance was much lower than the neighboring drama, why is that?


- Maybe Jasmine has more appeal than Yu Zhiwei, many passersby choose Jasmine's drama, thinking that anything she acts in will be good.


- Don't worry, once they start with the heart-wrenching plots, their viewership will definitely drop.


- Um... Can I speak honestly?


- Go ahead.


- Because everyone on Facebook was praising it, I couldn't resist and watched the replay of Ruo Jia after seeing The Legend of Consort Zhao, and it feels like, even if I didn't like The Legend of Consort Zhao original novel so much, I might have picked the neighboring drama.








-Actually, the costumes and makeup are similar, the supporting cast is good in both, each drama has its own focus, and it's hard to say who will win, but isn't the most important thing in watching a drama the main character? The protagonist of the neighboring drama is just too perfect.


-- +1


-- +2




The author of the original novel felt anxious after hearing this, but luckily, she wasn't alone. Other members of The Legend of Consort Zhao's production team also tried to solve the mystery of the premiere's failure, so someone started a discussion thread.


"Anyone watched both dramas, let's talk about which one you think is better?"


"Why didn't the premiere break 1? I think The Legend of Consort Zhao was filmed very well, from casting to costume design, all very well done, weren't the first two episodes of high quality?"


"Can't believe it, how many online navy did the Four-character drama team hire to flood with positive comments? Before criticizing others, go watch someone else's drama, how dare you criticize The Legend of Consort Zhao?"


"Originally, Jasmine was in a better position, but seeing her hire so many online navy to praise herself and criticize Yu Zhiwei, I feel disgusted."


These kinds of posts popped up like mushrooms after the rain, making true passersby laugh.


- Online navy, scram, you Yu Zhiwei is not even worthy of my Jas personally coming to criticize.


- She's getting anxious, she's seeing the viewership, the hot searches, the praise all over the internet for Rou Jia, and she's getting anxious!


- I watched The Legend of Consort Zhao first, then saw the good reviews for Ruo Jia and went back to watch the beginning, after finishing it, I directly abandoned The Legend of Consort Zhao.



- "If there wasn't Ruojia airing at the same time, I'd be willing to watch Consort Zhao. I think the reason why your ratings are so bad is fundamentally due to wrong decision-making. Scheduling conflicts aren't scary, it's just a matter of who ends up embarrassed. Think about the movie market, if there were blockbuster films destroying everything airing at the same time, they would still attract audiences. What's so hard to understand about that?


-Both shows airing simultaneously during prime time, if I had to choose one, I'd definitely choose Rou jia.


-I don't know if the female lead has acted in too many roles like this, but I think Yuzhi Wei is a bit over the top, coming off with an air of a senior cadre, not as lively as Jasmine.


-Both shows have strong female leads, but your female lead lost.


-It's funny, over a year ago, they collaborated on that girls' show, and later there were rumors online that even among the four female leads there was a ranking, and Yuzhi Wei was the true female lead. She already reaped the benefits of that show and now she's back.


-I heard Jasmine was originally cast as The Legend of Consort Zhao, but the director felt Yuzhi Wei's image was a better fit and cast her, forcing someone to take on Ruo jia. If this rumor is true, it's quite amusing.




Because they haven't directly confronted Jasmine, Yuzhi Wei's camp is making a big effort to take a swipe at her, taking this opportunity to step on her.


All of this is just insiders in the industry, releasing pieces of information one after another, almost like a soap opera.


Jasmine only paid attention to the premiere for the first two days, knowing that the ratings were good and the reception was positive, she wasn't worried, and shifted her focus back to films.


One day, on set during a break, the second female lead, Tang Wen, dragged a small stool over and asked her, 'I saw online that originally you wanted to play Consort Zhao, but they chose Yuzhi Wei and you were then cast in Ruojia. Is that true?'


When Tang Wen asked, everyone nearby perked up to listen.


Jasmine chuckled, 'Who said that? Stirring up trouble?'


'Is it true or not?'


Who can resist the cute little sister when she acts coquettish? Jasmine said, 'Both production teams did invite me, that's a fact. But before I had a chance to carefully evaluate Consort Zhao's side, they had already made their decision, so I definitely crossed that option off and went to watch Ruojia instead. After watching it, I thought it was great, I've never played such a role and found it very interesting, so I took it on.'


Tang Wen nodded vigorously, 'Ruojia is better than Consort Zhao.'


'After work, instead of resting properly, you're still watching dramas?'


'I couldn't help it, your drama is so good.'


This conversation resonated with many people, everyone around was nodding in agreement, yes! It's really good.




This was not the first time Jasmine had encountered such a situation. Thinking back to when she worked with Yu Yang on 'Seeking Immortality,' it happened to clash with 'Girls' airing, Yu Yang's performance was so captivating, it was infectious.


Remembering that past, Jasmine suddenly realized, this time Dog Brother is not bad, very stable.


She checked Facebook and her WeChat Moments, on the day Ruojia premiered, he posted to support and asked if anyone was watching with him. Besides that, it was just praising the Swan Goddess, totally unruffled, his fans were left dumbfounded.


--'Bro, if you're kidnapped, just blink, the police are mobilizing now and can still save you.'


--'My intuition tells me that the recent posts were not made by our bro, maybe the account was taken over.'


--'Who let Sister Jasmine's show always cause real harm to him? It can shatter his mentality in a minute, if I were the company, I'd be scared.'


--'Shattering his mentality is true, but destroying his image? Isn't he the officially stamped fool?'


These were hot comments that made Yu Yang almost unable to resist replying.


His assistant held him back firmly, 'Don't do it, bro, these are your fans, just kidding!'


Yu Yang took a deep breath, telling himself to calm down and not act impulsively.


Feeling better, he gestured to his assistant to let go, then asked him, 'You watch the show every day, right? How far along are you?'


'Not satisfied yet, bro, just wait a little longer.'


'Is the screenwriter insane? Tormenting the female lead for so long???'"


"...It's not just about being cruel, there's also resistance, you know? The female lead is still relatively kind, looking a bit restrained."


If you watch a lot of TV dramas, you'd understand that the ratio of before and after a character turns dark is usually either fifty-fifty or forty-sixty, it can't always be ninety-ten, right? If she turns bad after just one or two chapters, there won't be enough motivation, and the character of the female lead will have problems.


"Don't worry, bro, when things get intense, The swan turned black, I'll let you know first so you can enjoy it all at once."


Everyone thinks Yu Yang is amazing this time, he's keeping it together, but the truth is he's pretending to be watching the drama when he hasn't actually start.


On the contrary, Chiyu, who hasn't even posted a related Facebook post, went to watch the show on the first day it aired. Ii


He was really upset.


His distress comes from not being able to empathize with the emperor played by Wang Yu, his perspective is strange, he feels like he's just watching the person he likes being trapped, feeling powerless to do anything.


When the scene shifted to the bedroom, even though only a little bit was shown, Chiyu couldn't bear to watch the intimate scene, he immediately turned off the TV.


Watching Ruo Jia from resistance to powerless resistance, she struggled to leave the palace and return to her previous life, but ended up deeper and deeper into it, unable to break free. Ii


Everyone is hurting her.


The elegant and beautiful swan is trapped, it can't fly away, the tears it sheds are crimson blood, its pure white feathers gradually turning black, finally becoming completely black.


The symbol of beauty turned into a bad woman she never wanted to become, and Chiyu felt even more distressed than before.


Why do those who easily get what they want never cherish it?


They casually destroy the beauty and purity that others dream of.


When Chiyu was reading the original novel, he thought the show was a bit explicit, but once he got caught up in the plot, he couldn't care less, feeling distressed every day.


Among the people around Jasmine, Ben and Andrew Yan were the most composed.


Ben, after watching the beginning, said, "If my grandmother encountered such a situation, she would definitely call our ancestors to find out what kind of beast was in the family."


Andrew Yan felt that if the same thing happened to Jasmine, it wouldn't lead to palace intrigue, but a suspenseful thriller crime story.


Feel sorry for her?


Not necessary.


Andrew Yan, with an expressionless face, watched the show for more than twenty days, and after finishing it, boldly commented that the plot was not exciting. He said that if he were to write it, the female lead would turn dark the same night she was slept with, expose the queen's conspiracy, kill her beloved child within three episodes. The crown prince would ascend the throne, indirectly causing the queen's death, then killing the emperor on average every three episodes until the end, where the emperor dies in the end.


Jasmine: ...


[I'm just saying, you won't pass the review.]


——[Add a crown prince who secretly loves the female lead, starting off by caring for and worrying about her, gradually realizing something is wrong, out of love trying to guide her towards goodness, the female lead pretends to reflect but ends up committing a crime, leading to the emperor's death. Devastated by the emperor's death, the crown prince takes up the banner of justice, punishing the wicked and promoting virtue, on the day of the female lead's final judgment. The truth of the palace tragedy is revealed to the public, and the powerful and wealthy families dare not engage in coercive actions again, fearing they will follow in the footsteps of the emperor. Doesn't this have educational significance?]


Jasmine was almost brainwashed by him, snapping out of it, she shook her head.


[I suspect the crown prince wants to use the female lead to kill his father, and he's also ruthless.]


[Your values are twisted, if you say that again, I'll hang up on you.]

