

When this group of people was working hard to make the movie even better, Jasmine had already finished filming the IP drama and sent it for review.


It was sold, and the notification in the group was that it would premiere after New Year's, seemingly on the evening of January 3rd.


Interestingly, "The Legend of Consort Zhao" was also sold and set to air on January 3rd.


It was said to be a coincidence, but it was actually intentional. Firstly, the TV station had a demand to broadcast a major costume drama in January. After inquiring, they found out that "Queen Ruo Jia" was scheduled for January, even at the beginning of the month. They couldn't air it earlier because on January 1st, there was a New Year's Eve gala, and January 2nd was not suitable. The earliest they could air it was on the 3rd.


Of course, they could have pushed it back to the 8th or 12th, but the station refused.


After investigating, they heard that "Queen Ruo Jia" had a satisfying ending but a tough start. Instead of waiting for it to get better before going head-to-head, they decided to broadcast on the same day. They aimed to capture the audience before it reached its peak.


"The Legend of Consort Zhao" may not have had a great start, but it wasn't as harsh as the one next door. Additionally, the lead actress was Yu zhiwei, who holds a significant position in the TV drama industry and can attract viewers.


And so, these two major costume dramas collided.


The actors in the WeChat group were quite nervous, a little worried. They feared that the initial plot of torturing the female lead might drive viewers to the other show. Once they got hooked over there, even if the plot later improved, they might not come back.


In the group chat, there was always someone joking about trading 20 kilograms of fat for a TV series.


At first, Jasmine just chuckled when she saw it.


Later, she realized everyone was genuinely worried, afraid they couldn't beat "The Legend of Consort Zhao." So what did she do?


Jasmine @ Director Du Tianlong and said, "[Director Du, ask me quickly, ask who is more powerful, us or The Legend of Consort Zhao, who has higher ratings]?"


Du Tianlong replied, "[Alright, you tell us who is more powerful, us or The Legend of Consort Zhao, whose premiere ratings are higher?]"


Jasmine confidently said, "[Of course, it's The Legend of Consort Zhao~]"


Director Du: ... 


The director's use of ellipsis shows restraint, and all the actors in this play are feeling confused together.


Jasmine: "You say you don't believe it, want to bet with me!"


Du Tianlong: [I won't!]


Jasmine: "[Come on, let's bet!]"


Wang Yu: "[If the director won't, I( the king) will. I think we are definitely more powerful, our premiere ratings will be higher!]"


Jasmine: "Deal! If the next door is taller, I win, and emperor will treat me to a meal, okay? If we are taller, then you win, and I will give everyone in the group a red envelope."


Du Tianlong: "Jas, I've confused you. You are my leading lady, how can you boost others' morale and diminish your own prestige???"


Jasmine made a sassy cigarette gesture and calmly told everyone: "I am the Tempting feat."




In the group, everyone was still puzzled. Even if you are Tempting feat, isn't this move a bit too fancy? Isn't your fake bet disrespectful to the God?


Jasmine felt like she was the conscience of the world.


Carrying the burden of always losing bets, when Ben invited her to make money together, she resolutely refused. She didn't take advantage of anyone, didn't make bets like saying our ratings won't break five, six, seven, or eight, how is that not showing respect?


 On New Year's Eve, Jasmine and the drama crew promoted "Queen Rou Jia." The series premiered on January 3rd in a prime time slot.


The first episode was not tragic at all, the queen, who had been ill for a long time, wanted her sister to enter the palace to accompany her. The female lead, Rou jia, was summoned into the palace, and the camera followed her, unfolding a magnificent court scene where everything appeared prosperous and thriving.


At this moment, the female lead, although a bit worried about her sister, had no other burdens at all. She was like a swan gracefully flying into the lakes of the royal garden, stretching her body and gently gliding on the water, creating elegant ripples.


The feeling was too wonderful, as people are always attracted to all beautiful things. Even those who accidentally stumbled upon this show on TV couldn't help but put down the remote control, let alone those who were eagerly waiting to watch the drama with high expectations.


It has been a long time since I saw such a clean and beautiful female lead in a period drama.


Just by looking at her, you would believe the background setting. Rou jia was supposed to be the queen's sister, possessing all the qualities of an ancient beauty, with every move exuding grace and elegance. However, she also had her own lively and playful side, which could be seen from her spirited eyes.


Like a swan that strayed into the royal lake, she admired the beauty here.


She completely captivated the audience. At this moment, everyone watching the show was happy, and the atmosphere was exceptionally pleasant. Even those who had read the original work and knew the plot temporarily forgot about the conspiracies, and followed her to briefly enjoy a happy episode.


When the first episode ended and the commercials came on, only then did someone remember to go online and sing praises about the show.

—— Did you see it? Have you watched Jasmine's new drama??? If you haven't, change the channel immediately, I'm not lying to you, Rou Jia is too beautiful.


—— That's right! She's my Swan Goddess!


—— ???


—— Wasn't she the Butterfly Goddess during the summer vacation? Now she's a Swan again?


—— I guessed a white lotus flower, didn't expect an elegant and beautiful white swan... well, I got one word right out of the two.


—— Awww, this beginning is so beautiful, but knowing she's about to suffer soon breaks my heart. I have a very low tolerance for watching female leads endure hardships in dramas. I initially thought I'd just take a peek to see what Sis Jas has transformed into this time, satisfy my curiosity, and then leave once I understand it. But before I knew it, I had finished watching the first episode. Now my mind is telling me to run away immediately, but my heart is saying no, you don't want to.


——Awww, same here! I planned to wait a few days until the plot gets better before watching, but I wanted to see what level this drama is at, took a quick look, and now I can't escape. What can I do???


——Keep watching! If you don't understand how Rou Jia is being tortured, how can you find it satisfying later? There's a build-up before the climax, once you understand, that's the deal!


——I'm sorry, Teacher Wang Yu, I thought you were pretty good and a middle-aged handsome guy, but pairing you with our Rou Jia is like an old cow eating tender grass, it's too terrible!


——I haven't read the original work, but I heard that the female lead was handed over to the emperor by her sister?


——That's right. Let me emphasize, this empress is a scheming villain, don't believe a word she says, she's just deceiving my Rou Jia baby.


Online, many people are going crazy, all shouting, "Baby, wake up quickly, don't be fooled by your empress sister, she's a wicked witch!"


Whenever there's a drama by Jasmine, Facebook and forums are flooded with this kind of behavior. People are used to it, but at the same time, there's a bit of anticipation. Many people don't like watching dramas but love following the poisoned audience along with the storyline.


At this moment, there's a group of heartless people laughing.


This is how their drama group is.


According to the feedback on viewership data, "Queen Ruo Jia" is crushing "The Legend of Consort Zhao" at the beginning. Fans are discussing on forums, saying that the female lead in Zhao Fei looks a bit like a seasoned official, too stable, not as appealing as Rou Jia.


Rou Jia, oh, she's full of vitality, like a vibrant swan.


The atmosphere in the dreamy opening group immediately improved.


After the atmosphere improved, the actress playing the empress thought she might get some backlash tonight, so she quickly went on Facebook and said that while filming, she was just following the script and didn't think of anything else. Just now, watching the drama with her family, when the empress insincerely treated Jia Jia, she got so angry that she couldn't help but curse. Her mom, who was watching with her, was confused and asked, "Are you crazy? Isn't that you playing?"


This actress playing the empress is not a top-tier celebrity, but she still has millions of fans following her.


After she updated, people immediately started laughing.


——Both of us are so angry that we forgot this role is played by our sister.


——Initially angry, but when I saw this, I burst out laughing. It's so cute to get passionately angry at a role you're playing and forget that it's you!


——The beginning of this drama is really stunning, the costumes and makeup are very comfortable, the main and supporting actors are extremely good-looking, especially Jia Jia's temperament, too beautiful.


——Sister is cute, but you playing this role is so annoying! Thinking about how she's about to send my Jia Jia to sleep with the emperor and even prepare to give her a bowl of child-avoiding soup, I feel like I'm going to turn black on the spot!


The empress's actress even turned the tables on this fan, replying, "[I even had quick-acting heart-saving pills next to me, didn't feel it while shooting, but watching the drama, I'm having a heart attack.]"




This sister can be said to be very clever, knowing that you all want to criticize me, I'll criticize myself first, so you'll have nothing to say.


Other members of the drama group are liking her remarks while giving her a thumbs up in the group chat.


["This move is amazing!"]


["Learned, I've learned."]


["Truly deserving of being the empress." ]


["Jas's Tempting feat is powerful, I see people on Facebook criticizing us, Consort Zhao has been suppressed." ]


["How can you say it's Tempting feat? Clearly, our drama has good quality, Jas, this female lead is truly outstanding, she's appearance is like a moonlight shining brightly.]


[Why is "Tempting feat" all the rage? Clearly, our show has great quality, and Jas, the female lead, is truly exceptional, entering the scene at the level of a moonlight goddess.]


Jasmine made them blush, remembering the bet she made with her co-star, Wang Yu, about the emperor. This caused a wave of red envelopes to disrupt their mutual praise rhythm.


In the group chat, everyone laughed at Jas's generosity. At the same time, the audience was infuriated by the queen's actions, with comments in the novel's review section and the drama's fan forum filled with insults towards the queen and her family.


Those with a clearer mind remembered that the female lead is the queen's own sister and except her.


Some even cursed both the female lead and the queen, wishing death upon the entire royal family for the night.


Among the audience, the die-hard book fans might have a bigger heart, having read the original story multiple times and knowing the plot inside out. They focused on worshipping the female lead's beauty during the show, only remembering to praise it after watching.


This might be one of the few times book fans are satisfied with a TV drama, even though it has only aired two episodes.


Anyway, they believe Jasmine brought the character Rou Jia to life, as in the book, Rou Jia was originally a beautiful and proud swan who fell into a pool of filth, gradually turning herself black.


-- "This opening scene deserves a perfect score."


-- "Absolutely."


-- "This is the Rou Jia in my heart!"


-- "Let's not talk about Jasmine's TV drama anymore, it's awesome!"


-- "Jasmine is forever divine!"


After enough praise for the swan goddess, someone remembered to ask: "Has anyone watched 'The Legend of Consort Zhao'? How accurate is it? Is it worth watching the replay?"


Those who had already seen the show hadn't reached this question yet, as the paid water army was quick to respond. Whenever someone asked about 'The Legend of Consort Zhao,' they would shower it with compliments, from the plot to the acting, and even the costumes, concluding that it wouldn't lose to its counterpart and encouraging everyone to watch it.


With this operation, they managed to attract some viewers.


After finishing on this side, with some time before bed, catching a replay of an episode of 'The Legend of Consort Zhao' was still an option.


But as people tuned in with anticipation, after watching for about ten minutes, something felt off.


It wasn't terrible, just not as good as imagined...


Yu Zhiwei, with a pretty strong presence. Compared to the neighbor's swan, this leading lady seems a bit too conventional. I've seen many like her before, not really captivating, you know?

