
I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.

Synopsis: Asher traveled to the Marvel world, and awakened a ''Summoning System for Mythical and Legendary Pokémon''. He can summon all Mythical and Legendary Pokémon, and in the process obtain a random ability. Do you have "The Space Stone? I have Palkia - Lord of Space!" "Do you control Time? So survive the "Roar of Time" of My Dialga! ” .... Walking to Battle, riding Arceus, followed by Mega Rayquaza and with Celebi sitting on his shoulders. Ho-oh, Lugia, Darkrai, Mewtwo, Giratina and many more, who could stop an army of Pokémon Gods. Translate chinese fanfiction: https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/i-summon-the-mythical-beast-pokemon-in-marvel.html

Marcelo_Ferreira · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

United Avengers

In an age of information, it takes almost no time for news to spread.

And even the Security Council cannot completely control the media, much less cover up something of this magnitude.

It didn't take long, and soon people almost all over the world discovered what was happening in Sokovia.

The chaotic battle below completely ceased at this moment.

In the sky, gigantic, semi-mechanical monsters continued to pierce the space passage, creatures similar to mosasaurs, true Leviathans.

On the ground a group of bio-mechanical soldiers landed, their hideous armor fused to their bodies covered their reptilian skin, sickening amalgamations of metal and flesh!


Followed by a roar, the invading troops began to advance in a frenzy.

Faced with the alien threat ahead, there were no more S.H.I.E.L.D or Hydra - There were only Earthlings, and all equally weak.

The absolute difference in technological level made the combat unilateral, very similar to the first colonizations.

The heavy weapons shots that actually caused damage hit a limited number of land invaders, which multiplied every minute like locusts, while the leviathans in the sky barely felt the damage, at most, they created a gap in the monsters' armor.

Absolute suppression of heaven and earth, this battle was not something humanity could face alone.

"These monsters... Our soldiers..."

"Is the Earth going to end?"

Similar conversations could be heard in almost every part of the world – among ordinary people who could not take part in the battle in Sokovia, but who watched the whole situation on TV, a wave of panic spread,

Because even the stupidest person knew... If Sokovia falls, these alien monsters will keep advancing until the entire planet falls!

"No! Don't give up... The battle is not over, we still have the superheroes."

Right now, the only thing keeping these people in check is the fact that the battlefield is not completely one-sided in the general sense.

Unlike ordinary soldiers, heroes still maintained resistance.

On the battlefield where the members of the Avengers are located, piles of bodies accumulated, even in an overwhelmingly smaller number, the damage caused to the invaders could not be underestimated.

In particular, Hulk and Tony caused massive damage, the increasingly angry Hulk was like a steamroller, crushing everything in his path, whether ground troops or leviathans, Tony on the other hand also caused a lot of damage, however, using much more strategic movements. .

"Oh my God! It's Captain America! He's alive!"

"That's the Hulk! He's actually fighting alien creatures... Oh, God! He crushed the flying monster with one punch!"

"Iron Man, take down these monsters!"

The meaning of superheroes is reflected here, when in situations that common sense cannot resolve, superheroes become the hope of ordinary people!



An energy blast shot down an enemy soldier, Tony was getting more and more pressured: "Jarvis, scan the situation on the battlefield." "

"Sir, the number of enemies on the battlefield is now more than 10 times that of our side, and it is still increasing at high speed."

"10...guys, this isn't good."

Tony turned to look at the cloud of enemies that darkened the sky.

Even Tony Stark, who is always confident, always making jokes, knows that it is almost impossible to win a war where the enemies outnumber them by more than 10 times, even more so if that number keeps increasing!

If the other side continues to send troops... Within a few minutes at most, the disparity in strength on the battlefield will reach critical point!

"Wait... And Asher what is he doing!?"

It was at this time that Tony noticed that Asher, who was supposed to be covering three different directions with his summons, suddenly disappeared at some point!

At the same time that Tony noticed, Nick Fury and Peggy also noticed Asher's absence in battle.

"Where did he go?"

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, Peggy's heart was filled with anxiety.

She called on the Security Council to send military reinforcements and evacuate the people of Sokovia, but it will take time for the reinforcements to arrive.

She can see that the Avengers' combat power is the strongest human shield on the current battlefield, but even they can't hold out for long!

Under such circumstances, Asher, who has much more power than the Avengers, suddenly disappeared, which naturally struck fear in the hearts of Peggy and Fury.

Especially the king of conspiracies, who can't help but speculate maliciously - Asher couldn't have seen the situation and fled, right?

"He is there!"

While the two were looking for where Asher was, Coulson, who was responsible for piloting the Quinjet, suddenly pointed not far away!

After hearing this, the two turned around head and discovered where Asher's figure was.


With a casual wave of his hand, a Hyper Beam more than a meter thick shot out, and like a lightsaber, it easily cut a leviathan in half!

Then Ashe once again reached out to the enemy soldiers, who swarmed him!


And a devastating wave of psionic energy spread, immobilizing a group of enemies and soon under the pressure their bodies began to crumble, directly flattened, like scrap metal!

Asher easily killed more than half of the Chitauri soldiers around him, and then flew to the Quinjet.

"The Chitauri people are still weak, if it weren't for the inefficiency of conventional weapons this battle would have taken a different path..."

Asher was still muttering at this point - worthy of being one of the disposable races under Thanos, the individual combat power of the Chitauri is far away from races like the Frost Giants.


Peghy didn't hear all the words clearly, but he could hear the word "Chitauri" amid the murmurs.

"Do you know the origin of these monsters?"

Nick Fury also asked directly.

"Oh! yes, the army we are facing is made up of two races, the mechanized monsters, are called Chitauri."

Asher pointed and said, "They are a notorious war race in the universe, they serve under the Black Order, commanded by the tyrant known as, Thanos - The Mad Titan."

"As for the other race... Director Fury should know them better than I do."

His gaze fell on Nick Fury, whose expression was very serious: "The Kree, they came to Earth in the past... I've dealt with them before."

As he spoke, he also looked at the Kree soldiers who were small in numbers but far superior to the Chitauri in individual combat.

"Asher, do you have a way?"

Hearing the secrets revealed about the aliens, Peggy knew that now was not the time to ask questions - First they have to discover the enemy's weak points, to have any chance of winning this battle!

"Of course there is a way."

Asher, on the other hand, shrugged his shoulders and then gave Nick Fury a sly look.

"What are you waiting for?" Make your call, let's shake things up a little! "