
I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.

Synopsis: Asher traveled to the Marvel world, and awakened a ''Summoning System for Mythical and Legendary Pokémon''. He can summon all Mythical and Legendary Pokémon, and in the process obtain a random ability. Do you have "The Space Stone? I have Palkia - Lord of Space!" "Do you control Time? So survive the "Roar of Time" of My Dialga! ” .... Walking to Battle, riding Arceus, followed by Mega Rayquaza and with Celebi sitting on his shoulders. Ho-oh, Lugia, Darkrai, Mewtwo, Giratina and many more, who could stop an army of Pokémon Gods. Translate chinese fanfiction: https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/i-summon-the-mythical-beast-pokemon-in-marvel.html

Marcelo_Ferreira · Anime & Comics
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Changes and Overwhelming Power

"Make the call, and let's shake things up, Fury!"

What Asher said was logically referring to Fury's old friend, and the original reason that led him to create the Avengers initiative, Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel.

Without a doubt one of the most powerful heroes on Earth, alongside heavyweights like the Hulk and Thor.

More than twenty years ago, she single-handedly repelled an attack by a Kree fleet, but then left Earth to find a new home for the escaped Skrulls.

According to the plot, she left a small pager in Nick Fury's hands, capable of contacting her in an emergency.

Asher didn't understand Nick Fury's confidence in not calling her, given the overwhelming number of enemies.

These Kree and Chitauri aren't here for interstellar tourism - their planetary fleets have arrived at the door, wanting nothing more than conquest and the annihilation of humanity, and he still hasn't seen a reason to call Captain Marvel back?

"... Pager? What are you talking about?"

However, Asher did not expect the answer Nick Fury gave him after hearing her words: "I actually dealt with the Kree-they came to Earth twenty years ago and killed several of my subordinates and superiors."

"But when we tried to find them, we couldn't - they mysteriously left the earth!"

Nick Fury's eyes showed pure hatred as he spoke about the past - the Kree killed his subordinates, showing a strength he was completely unable to counter, and that power is the source of his current paranoia against enhanced beings.


So Asher was also stunned, at this moment.

At first, he even thought that Nick Fury was lying, but thinking better, seeing the anger in Fury's eyes, a rare moment in which the man lost control of his emotions, Asher judged the situation, and was sure...

In this situation, Nick Fury couldn't be lying about the matter.

In other words....

''He... Didn't he meet the Captain? So how did he lose his eye?"

After understanding this fact, Asher was also speechless for a moment.

This is not the first time - Several small changes have occurred in the original plot, a good example is the X-Mans who appear not to have fought against the ''Apocalypse''. For some unknown reason, some small details are changing, even though the general situation is still the same!

"Asher, the pager... What's the meaning?"

At this time, Nick Fury was still very puzzled by the words, Asher said.

"No... Nothing, you must have heard wrong."

Asher, on the other hand, casually changed the subject, leaving Nick Fury with a suspicious look, and addressed Peggy.

He originally thought about demolishing the Chitauri and Kree directly, after calling Captain Marvel, which would owe some attention to the space nut behind the attack.

But it is now clear that this plan is no longer viable.

In the face of the overwhelmingly greater number of troops compared to the Battle of New York in the original storyline, coupled with the lack of Thor, one of the Avengers' main fighting forces, Asher can rest assured - if he doesn't use his full power, the earth can actually be destroyed!


"Let all your soldiers retreat."

"... What is it? "

After hearing Asher's words, Peggy couldn't understand what he was planning.

"Within a 200 mile radius around the space gate, all the common soldiers have withdrawn – let them deal with the stragglers."

"Also ask the Avengers to come to me - I have a plan."

Asher explained somewhat vaguely, making it very difficult for Peggy to anticipate what he was going to do.


She was a soldier who had fought in the war, and knew the critical situation the battlefield was in - the problem now was not in the tens of thousands of enemies ahead, but in the space gate, she was constantly bringing in more troops.

As long as the space gate is not closed, no matter how many enemies they kill, it will be for nothing!

"Do as I say!"

"Otherwise... I don't guarantee the safety of your lives!"

At this point, Asher had no intention of explaining further - because he had already seen that the Chitauri that landed near the Hydra base had basically killed all the remaining snakes, and were now heading towards the Tesseract which continues to emit the beam and energy, that kept the portal open!

After the words fell, he turned around and flew at an incredible speed, returning to the battle compound.

"...Do as he says!"

After watching Asher leave, Peggy's expression changed, and then she gave the order, under Nick Fury's dismayed expression.

"Let the soldiers withdraw from the main battlefield, I want them to concentrate and prevent the enemies from spreading beyond the perimeter, we can't let any enemy escape!"

"We also retreat!"

"Miss Peggy!"

Nick Fury finally intervened – for him, this type of order, which puts all the chips on one person, is extremely dangerous.

"It's just..."

However, as soon as his words came out, the scene that happened in the distance made his words get stuck in his throat.


He saw Asher's figure, Floating not far from the space gate, the Chitauri soldiers who saw him rushed towards it furiously.

But faced with the incalculable swarm of enemies, Asher only waved his hand.







At the same time as the words ended, powerful roars spread throughout the entire battlefield!

The Chitauri soldiers didn't even get close enough, and the huge figure of Rayquaza appeared next to Asher, carrying a powerful Hyper Beam, which swept through the cloud of enemies in front, turning everyone into comical dust!

A few seconds later, Groudon also appeared!


With just one step, the nearby Chitauri soldiers were burned to ash by the smoking lava leaking from fissures in the ground!


Kyurem's figure was floating not far from Asher.

The white mist released from his body spread throughout the surrounding area, the poor Leviathan that was approaching, as soon as he entered the mist, began to freeze, and ended up collapsing to the ground, emitting a roar of pain!

At the same time the two little ones, Victini and Celebi, appeared on their thrones, respectively Asher's right shoulder and left shoulder.


Their eyes suddenly glowed blue at the same time, releasing a wave of psionic pressure, which caused all Chitauri soldiers within a 50 mile radius to collapse to the ground.

At this moment, the battlefield, originally dominated by the absolute superiority of the alien legion, was completely changed in favor of the Earthlings!