
The veracity of past.

"You both won't remember anything.You are going to have two different destinations.It's all upto destiny for either you'll meet and recognize each other or end up together.So do you agree?"Sia thought for a while and said,"If it can save him I can take it.Please continue the procedure."Sia whispered in Anthony's ear saying,"Don't worry Anthony.Eventhough I won't be with you remember that our parents are watching and protecting us from the brightest star in the sky.I know after this we won't even recognize each other but if it is destined we will meet again.And I promise that I'm gonna start our relationship again with a kiss I said to give you today.It was necesary for saving you!!"They carried out the procedure.

After the completion of the procedure the soul distributed and they had a vacant space in their mind about past which had a lot of memories.

The army came to take back the royal family in the riverside but found them dead.They searched around and decided to check the royal prince at grandfather's place.Seeing the army approaching the place grandfather said Sia to run who was just waking up with dizzy head.She ran without turning knowing her life was in danger irrespective of the reason.Anthony saw the girl's glimpse and could just remember the last sentences said by her.The minister with army approached Anthony saying,"Thanks to god your mygesty is atleast safe.I think that girl running killed the royal family and tried to kill the crown prince.We must find and slain her to death.Furious armies repeated aloud in anger,"Yes!!Yes!!We must kill her. Humans are all cruel like her.It was our fault to be so much friendly with them."Since that day they satarted searching for the girl.Anthony had no idea of what happened in the past but just remembered her words and could figure out by that she had saved his life.

So he wanted to find and protect her from them.It was just few sentences in the past but now it was about a whole history not just of their own can about the relationship of two different organisms;the mermaids and the humans.

"Yes,I remember everything.All about me,Sia,our families,our friendship and the misunderstanding created that destroyed it all."Anthony said.

Anthony thought,"Few days back,I only had an aim to find the girl and a strange recurring dream.Never thought that the linkage of them and their answer would lead to so many dots that would be really hard to connect.So many questions to be answered!!Who is the one that killed our families?Why did he do so?What did did he want?Is he still between us?Why didn't they find Sia's family there?And what is the reason of our memory loss and arrival at this time?Everything happens with a particular region.My first aim now should be to bring the memory of Sia because she saw the person's face which might help us disclose the first truth"

Anthony said,"I have to do something that will make her remember every single thing."Jack asked,"How are you gonna do it?"

An idea stroke Anthony's mind.He said,"Don't worry.I got what to do.I promise,After this she is gonna remember everyhting!!!I'll...."