
The imminent imperilment.

"I'll bring love back by love."Anthony winked and they went back to the palace.

Sia was sleeping peacefully in the bead.Anthony went near her.He looked at her milky cheeks,lips like rose petals moving in sleep taking him to the level of infinity.He touched her softly saying,"My life is sleeping.I promise you are gonna remember everything soon.But startup is gonna be crazy.Hope you can endure it."

After sometime Sia opened her eyes.She was shocked to see Anthony so close to her.Her heart was pounding like crazy.Anthony could feel it.He smiled and said with delightful eyes,"I found her!!"Sia had an unknown guilt within her .She thought,"I must be happy for him but why am I feeling bad that he found her and we are gonna seperate now.Why?"

Anthony could feel her guilt he thought,"Sia,This guilt is gonna give you with eternal happiness."

Anthony went closer to her and whispered in her ear,"Today is our last day together so let's make it unforgettable!!"He pulled her wrist and took her to a corner of the room.

The ground opened and led to a way.Sia follwed Anthony.Her eyes widened to see the garden.It was so pretty.With a waterfall,pretty flowers and vegetations; it looked like heaven.

Amazed by beauty Sia said,"Wow,So beautiful!!!"Anthony looked at her facial structures and admired it instead saying,"Yes...Very beautiful!!"Sia looked at him.Their eyes met.Sia avoided the eye contact saying,"I wanna dance seeing this!!"Anthony held her hand saying,"Then let's dance!!"

Sia thought,"You should be dancing eith her"And said,"N.."She was interrupted by an index finger in her lips saying,"Shh!!!You won't get it even if you wish further!!"He held her hands and started dancing.They got immersed in eachother's eyes not knowing the environment around or any situation surrounding them.After dance Sia could feel a pair of lips near hers.

The fact that he found her stroke her mind.So she avoided contact and said,"Let's visit around now."Anthony said,"As you wish!!"At th end of day.Anthony said,"Now I'm gonna take you to the most special place here .He took her behind the bushes.There was a big swing made up of flowers.Anthony said,"Sia.This is the swing in which pure lovers swing.You know!!I had also swung here with her and she promised me to give something.We got a forecast,"An unimaginable future is waiting for you.Never thought it will be that.."He continued,"Our parents also swung here and they got a forecast,"A hurricane in life is coming.Be safe.But we ignored and went there again and.."

"People in mask came and killed them we ran and hid in bushes and you got hit by poisonous and arrows and for saving you we shared soul which is going to connect us forever!!"Sia interrupted with teary eyes hugging him.Anthony smiled and said,"You promised to give me something when memory is restored"Sia said,"Not so soon!!Wait for it..."She laughed and ran.Anthony chased her.Soon she got trapped in betweeb muscular arms,She could feel a pair of cherry lips touching her's.She kissed back and they had a passionate kiss.

"Let's have a swing ride"Anthony said smiling.Sia nodded and they sat on swing.But as soon as they sat there they got a warning,"Danger!!Danger!!!He is coming!!You would better be safe.If not everything will be destroyed!!!"

What danger is coming in their life?How are they gonna find so many secrets in between these all challanges?Many facts to be disclosed....

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