
Hybrid in the hybrid universe (HPxMarvel)

Klaus always wanted to travel to a magical world, and experience how it feels to be able to use magic and have superpowers. When he wakes up in what looks like his old room,and is given chance to do just that. Only price is that he must make sure that his new world isn't destroyed by humans, mutants, wizards, crazy aliens and many others. While he is at it he should probably do something about all those animals that are going extinct, and that ice that is melting. What is newly created Hybrid to do,but give it his all. ----‐------‐---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc is tasked with keeping Earth from being destroyed by humans,but at the same time he must let humans prosper,explore and be free. The story will concentrate a lot on magic and how it works while mc lives through human history. (Marvel × Harry Potter)and there might be some elements from DC. This is my first time writing, so constructive criticism is welcome. I am trying to get better at grammar as well as story writing. I noticed that everyone does this so I am going to do it too. I don't own anything except mc and some original characters this is a fanfiction everything else is owned by companies that own them. (Cover isn't my creation, and if the creator wants it removed please contact me.)

Strongi · Book&Literature
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48 Chs

Playing with my ....... mind

"Good you look incredible, now lets move on on something more pressing. You need to organise your mind properly I have been holding it together for now but with all powers and improvements you got you need to set up your memories correctly or they will be on forefront of you mind nonstop."

I turn towards him and ask: "So how am I supposed to do this?".

"First go on the bad and lie down."

"OK what now?"

"First close your eyes, and now let your instincts lead you. You did ask for instincts understanding of your powers for a reason. By the way you know that is only for powers you got with the seed ,so magic you will have to learn and experiment like everybody else?"

"Yes I am aware, but it's not like Instinctive understanding of my powers actually teaches what I can do. It only makes it easier to learn to use them and control them I will still need to figure out what I can do, instincts only tells me when I try it is it possible and if it is I have easier time figuring out how to do it."

"Yes, yes I know I am just teasing lets move on to organising your memories. First thing you have to do is forget all those Harry Potter fanfic occlemancy. That isn't even how occlemancy works. hemm actually that is good start let me explain it that way..."

So he started explain. Apparently Snape didn't torture Harry in his occlemancy lessons just for fun of it. Occlemancy is apparently more of an active defence , actually that is only way to naturally defend from mind problems.

Technology can do it passively but than machines that defend from Telepathy don't really defend ,but instead just scrble frequency of your thoughts as they are coming out to Astral plane , and that can't be accomplished natural you would just ended up a vegetable if you tried to do it inside of your mind and if you tried to do it as you project your thought to Astral plane you would need to do it nonstop actively ,so that beats the purpose of doing it anyway.

What you need to do and what Snape was teaching Harry is to be able to detect mind probe.

Now for Telepath like me that is relatively easy after first attack I would figure out how it feels ,but for wizard like Harry it isn't that easy it is apparently similar to leaning to cast silent with a wand. What I mean by that is they need to repeat it until they learn how it feels , and it becomes muscle memory or equivalent in magical muscle ,and that part about emptying his mind is to make it easier to feel it.

Now there is an easier way to do it and that is for wizard knowing legilemancy, so that can basically use it on them self to go in their mindscape and create a trigger that would automatically make them aware if someone was about to enter their mind.

Since I am a Telepath I don't need legilemancy I can come in my own mindscape at will ,well after I figure out how to do it first time.

As for why Snape didn't teach Harry that I would guess that it would be to dangerous he could actually end up in Tom Riddles mind since they did have a connection. Tom Riddle was a master at legilemancy so who knows what he could have done to Harry if he found him there.

Now onto the part that we in fanfictio see our characters building walls , casteles ,and so on. That is impossible you can't trap your mind like that you would just kill yourself ,or turn into a vegetable.

Mindscape is ever expanding and memories can't really be sorted into a book or something because while there are important part in memories like getting opening a gift for your birthday , in that memory can be a lot of random thoughts that just pop in your mind,or those moments when you had to go to toilet during wedding five times. You get the point.

What you can do is make it so they sort them self linearly from oldest to youngest and after you do that ,you can create what is basically a search mechanism that will search for specific part of a memory passively ( from the words you hear ,smells , taste and so on) and actively (if you think for exemple what you did at a specific date or of a specific picture your brain will find that memories that contain what you need and show it to you).

That is part for everyday memories of your life that keep coming as long as you are alive nonstop and is easiest way to sort your mindscape out.

Another method is to make a different space like a library where you would put knowledge that you collect while studying but you will have to go through those memories manually and take out unimportant part like those bathrooms brakes and random thoughts.

I for my self went with first method and just made excellent search mechanism so if I need something specific my mind will search for it and directly supplie it to me.

Now after all that , after you have sorted your mind out in a way you prefer and then made that trigger that will worn you about mind probes comes the part that wizards actually call occlemancy.

Occlemancy is basically when you detect someone trying to read your mind you engage him in battle of wills and power. Since you are one who is being attacked you will always be at an advantage since it is your mind , but yes it is basically him pushing in and you pushing back, one who has more power and stronger mind will win.

Oh I almost forgot there is one more thing that we see in Harry Potter fiction a lot , and that is surprising ones emotion. That is possible it is done for wizards through legilemancy again and Telepaths can do it even easier ,but it is extremely bad for you to do it , so I wouldn't recommend it.

What you can do is just temporarily make it so your emotions don't show in your facial expressions, that is much easier and lot safer.

"So that's about it if I forget to mention something I am sure that you will figure it out your self. Now onto next ,and last part before we go our separate ways."

So I hope you like my explanation for defending your mind.

As for the Snape I know that it looks here like I am defending him ,but no I am not the biggest fan of the guy. I don't really hate him either.

Oh what ever I hope you enjoyed this chapter please comment if you find anything that I might have missed.

Sorry if grammar is bad but I am about to go to bed and will check it out when I am not tired.

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