
The Note

__________ POV Ashton__________

After getting away from the swamp, I reached yet another cave.

I set up a few appliances and then took out the 'Earth Screecher', it was a bit too big for the cave, so it controlled the earth around it to create a bigger room for itself.

This creature is quite fascinating. I don't really get where its earth controlling abilities come from. But, if I remember correctly, each one of its species has a different 'Hatsu'.

So I guess it might be related to the people that created them in the first place. Maybe the post-mortem Nen mimicked some of the aspects of their respective users.

The Worm turned around in different directions, eventually making the cave about as large as the one I found it in. I guess it will make this one its new nest?

It didn't seem too interested in interacting with me though. It just stood there and curled itself in a resting position.

It's not really fully healed, but its wounds are negligible at this point. So I can just let it rest.

Now that I think about it, this Earth Screecher was a lot stronger than that large Hellbell. Well, it's also got a much more useful ability to use against me.

Controlling Earth is useful in any situation, which is also why I made a Hatsu like that.

Still, it's strange that the Earth Screecher isn't all that bothered by the change in its surroundings. And also that it's somewhat ignoring me.

But I won't think too deeply about it. Instead, I'll take out Pitou and spend some time with her before looking at that doll and the chest.

I'll have to force the chest open eventually. But I don't think I'll be able to find out anything new about that doll, it's not like I haven't looked at it closely in the past.

But I guess I am also a lot more intelligent than I was in the past.

I pulled Pitou out of the void space. She looked around for a bit, she jumped when seeing the Earth Screecher just sleeping in a corner, but calmed down when I patted her back.

"Great to see you're still lively. It's been a few eventful weeks since I've last seen you~" I said with a smile.

She already knows that time passes for me when she's inside that Void Space, so it's not that big of a reveal. She just looked surprised at the amount of time that passed than anything else.

"How have you been? Were you injured?" Her concern is nice to see, but even she must know that it's unfounded. It still makes one feel more... Fulfilled? I guess I can call it that.

Pitou is basically someone I raised. The reminder that she will one day despise me is quite saddening, but I did lay down this road for myself. I guess I will have to walk it.

Well, not that I feel bad for it. Creating a connection with her would've been impossible otherwise.

Even if she decides she doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I can always just let her go. I've nothing left to research about her specifically.

But it would still be a shame for all of the work I put in raising her properly. Oh well, I'll think about it when I get to it.

"I'm healthy! Kinda strange that you haven't asked about the elephant in the room though..." I said with a strained smile.

"Oh yeah... What's with the worm?" She asked with a curious tone.

'Oh yeah,' she says. Like it wasn't on her mind the whole time. She's been sending it glances every few seconds.

"Well, I basically ruined its last nest and brought it here. It's not hostile at all, so don't worry about it." I said as I waved my hand around a bit.

"I see... Do you still have that book?" Well, there she goes again. Reading fairytales and other fantastical stories.

I guess it's fine as long as she has fun. I kind of gave up on making her stronger during this trip. She simply doesn't have the willpower necessary to learn Nen properly.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't consider this in the past. I just hoped it wouldn't be that big of an issue. It seems she's just not interested in growing stronger at all.

A bit wasteful considering how talented she is. But I won't force her, she wouldn't be able to help me all that much anyway.

I had kind of forgotten how much running around I'd have to do while on the continent. Actually having someone with me would make things problematic.

I guess it's time to look at the things I have newly acquired.

The doll was the first one. I'm not really sure how to approach this. But I guess I could just rip it apart to check for anything special.

The Earth Screecher didn't actually seem to care about the doll, I guess it was just holding onto it like it would a pillow?

It's a bit hard to discern. But upon dissecting the doll, I only found a really small piece of paper. It was ripped, the message on it was clearly washed-up and aged. But, I could still make it out.

Whatever paper this was, it was a lot more durable than your regular notebook. It basically wrote 'Don't Trust Writings'.

Quite ironic coming from a written piece of paper. I don't really know why I didn't cut open the doll before. Must be just me ignoring the obvious clues around me once more.

I mean, even if I did, this wouldn't have given me much at the time. I would've probably ignored it and forgotten about it by now.

So I guess it's better that I discovered it now.

Question is, which are the texts that I can trust? I somehow doubt that all of them are truthful about everything. But one of them was still definitely more thrust-worthy than the other.

For now though. I guess I will trust none of them and keep looking for more. I am quite close to seeing the full picture anyway.

Well, this is already more than I expected to find on the doll. Although I don't know what the doll moving by itself was about.

Maybe it was just hallucinations? Who knows. Maybe I'll find the answers eventually.

Now, I could try to break the chest open here. But I'd actually have to use Nen in order to do so. This chest is extremely tough.

So, I'll go a distance away and break it open there, then come back here, hopefully undetected.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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