
Swamp and Snakes

__________ POV Ashton__________

It took me a week to lose my pursuers. My teacher is a lot easier to lose than all of the flying beasts that had accumulated in that blasted swarm.

I can't really fight my teacher, most of what I can do is a simple hit and run, if I stick around for too long I would likely die.

The most annoying part about him right now would be the poison he releases from his pores whenever he feels endangered.

This time, he didn't release anything when I was on his shoulder, but that won't be the case the next time.

From my observations, there's little I can do to actually kill my old teacher. He can heal from any injury almost instantly.

He does have a 'core' I could destroy that could kill him. But that core is around the size of my body and it's constantly moving around. So actually finding it is quite impossible.

Now, I've decided against stopping to make yet another cave. Why? Well, I'm already in a swamp area. So, it will at most take me a day to look for the nest of the hellbells.

I need to be careful though, they will be hiding in the waters and I will need to be prepared for that mind-altering move.

I do have a few methods to counter it now that I have my relics. But it will still be a bit annoying to deal with.

I don't really have any specific relic to deal with that special ability of theirs. But I will be able to kill them instantly.

I flew above the swamp for a few hours before I found any trace of those stupid snakes. They really like to waste my time.

Thankfully, they are not really that great at stealth, at least not when you compare them to Pap. I could hear the bells chime and I felt my thoughts getting a bit clouded.

They seem to be a bit different from the ones on the Zoldyck mountain, it seems they don't have the same small range. I need to be more careful then.

I need to do something that to disperse the sound.

I quickly flew towards the gathering of snakes it was coming from. They were all smaller Hellbells, so I will be able to kill them instantly.

I just raised my palm and released a powerful explosion in their direction. If they've already been alerted of my presence, I don't care about making sounds anymore.

I'll just have to lose another swarm(which is apparently a trend for me). This is likely the last calamity I'll need to fight anyway. Ai is a lot friendlier. (not that much, but still)

The explosion killed a few of the snakes and sent the rest of them flying. I landed near the previous location of the group and looked around a bit.

There were at least 30 in the group that tried to attack me, at least half of them are dead, the rest should be out of the fight too.

I suddenly felt the ground shake, this time, not from my explosions. I quickly started flying away. In my previous location, a large snake sprouted out of the ground.

One much larger than I thought possible. But I guess there really isn't enough known about them for me to make such assumptions in the first place.

It must be at least 300 meters(984 feet) long, with a width of at least 60 meters(196 feet). I genuinely wasn't expecting something of this size to sprout out of the ground.

It instantly tried to crush me with one of its tails as soon as it came outside. I just dashed to the side, its size doesn't seem to help it a lot in terms of speed. But it does have more power.

The tail that missed me hit the ground and fragmented it, the swamp waters were all pushed away by the force of that tail, leaving just a wet ground.

Then, I heard a large bell chime, it was loud. Louder than a live explosion. But what made me hate this thing even more is that it was just as powerful as those eyes from the abyss.

Which I guess are the 'Greater Gods'. Does that mean the calamities are just created by these 'Greater Gods' to defend the secrets of these tablets?

This is annoying. But I can still resist the mind control using my Aura. It seems to be eating away at it quickly enough, however.

I need to act quickly in order to still have enough stamina to outrun another swarm.

I exploded myself forwards and rusher towards the bell part of this giant snake.

I doubt an explosion from the outside will deal that much damage, but I can always just turn its neck into a live bomb.

Which is exactly what I am going to do. I think this beast is actually the main cause for that army being wiped out. Maybe it hid underground and just sounded its bell?

Whatever, I reached the bell of the creature and covered it entirely in my En. I imbued it in my Parasitic Explosion and quickly flew away.

I detonated it when I was a safe distance away. The snake tried to crush me under its tails a few times, but I managed to dodge most of its attempt.

The Hellbell's neck exploded, it did a lot more damage than I expected. It completely blew away its head and sent it flying into the swamplands.

The fight was a lot easier than expected. But I wasn't really expecting it to be as difficult as Brion. I already knew how dangerous the snakes were.

And while the large one was a lot more powerful, it was at the expense of speed. So it was weirdly balancing itself out. Being stupidly big actually made it easier to kill actually.(bigger target)

The smaller snakes seemed to be crawling around in the ground, trying to either run away or run towards me. I quickly grabbed one of the live snakes and put it in my void storage.

Capturing an intact live example of this race is quite nice. I didn't have the opportunity on the Zoldyck mountain. It's a good thing I have it now.

After that, I quickly rushed into the tunnel that the large Hellbell had uncovered. I flew around the dark caverns for a bit, only using Gyo to see.

All until I finally reached a larger room. I assumed I'd find another altar here. But it seems that's not the case at all.

I just found an old chest. It looks just like the chest in which I kept my relics, but smaller. It's made out of the strange stone and it's lacking a key.

I just nabbed it and started flying away from there. I doubt there are many things to uncover in this place.

The swarm didn't even get to this place, so all I need to do right now is run away. There's nothing to stop me.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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