
HxH: Principles of an Assassin!

In a world where darkness thrives and society's leaders recoil in fear, Ash, an assassin, is targeted for elimination by the very powers that govern Earth. His ruthlessness and disregard for life have drawn the attention of those who seek to maintain control. And an unforeseen event transpires after they had success, transporting Ash from the clutches of death into the fantastical realm of Hunter x Hunter. Reborn into the prestigious Zoldyck family, he finds himself in a world where strength and power reign supreme. Driven by an insatiable thirst for dominance and armed with his sociopathic inclinations, Ash seizes the opportunity to rise to greatness in this new world. With the Zoldycks as his new lineage, he sets his sights on becoming the strongest individual in existence. Embracing his twisted nature, Ash embarks on a journey where bloodshed and cunning become his allies. He navigates the treacherous world of assassins, taking on jobs and challenges that test the limits of his abilities. Each kill fuels his hunger for power, propelling him closer to his ultimate goal. As he climbs the ranks, Ash encounters formidable adversaries and forges unexpected alliances. The line between friend and foe blurs, and he must carefully tread the thin line of trust in a world of manipulation and deceit. Yet, as Ash pursues his ambitions, he is haunted by his dark past. Memories of the world he left behind linger, reminding him of the forces that sought to end his existence. He grapples with his own morality, questioning the consequences of his actions and the toll his sociopathic nature takes on his soul. Will Ash succumb to the darkness within him, embracing the role of a true monster? Or will he find redemption and discover that there is more to life than the pursuit of power? In this gripping tale of twisted desires and ruthless ambition, witness the rise of a sociopathic assassin as he seeks to leave an indelible mark on the world of Hunter x Hunter. Prepare to delve into the depths of a tormented mind, where the boundaries of right and wrong blur, and the line between killer and hero fades away. Warnings: (Gore, Violence, Utter Disregard for Life) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

LimitlessEvil · Others
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31 Chs

The Awakening!

As Ash was watching the contestants run to start the exam, he felt a sense of something unknown creeping upon him.

And then,

Time seemed to bend and warp around him, distorting his sense of reality.

The visions he had experienced during his encounter with the Temporal Wyvern had felt so vivid, so tangible, but now he understood that they were nothing more than illusions.

The Hunter Exam, the bustling crowd, the conversations with his brother and newfound friends—all of it was a fabrication of his mind, a product of his newly awakened gene: Temporal Outcome.

In a moment of clarity, Ash's eyes narrowed, and his stoic expression shifted ever so subtly. He grasped the truth that lay hidden within the fragmented illusions.

He had the power to manipulate time itself in the immediate vicinity around. And with this newfound understanding, a surge of anger flooded his being.

Utilizing Temporal Distortion, he slowed time ever so slightly in his immediate vicinity and muttered,

"Crimson Requiem, 4th Waltz: Slaughter Symphony"

And with a swift motion, Ash unsheathed his sword, its blood-forged blade gleaming in the fading light. In a single fluid movement, he swung his weapon, releasing a devastating strike of blood.

The air around him crackled with an intense energy as his blade connected with the bodies of the 405 contestants and the examiner.

The world shattered like fragile glass, the illusionary bodies torn asunder in an explosion of crimson mist.

Only the sound of Ash sheathing his sword echoed through the void that remained.

The illusionary world that had entrapped him dissolved into nothingness, leaving only Ash standing amidst the remnants of his shattered reality.

As the dust settled, Ash found himself transported back to the place where he had faced the Temporal Wyvern.

Sweat continued to bead on his forehead, but this time it was not from exertion; it was from the intensity of his anger, now fully unleashed.

He stared at the deceased Temporal Wyvern before him, his eyes burning with a mix of anger and newfound gratitude. He had broken free from the illusion, from the constraints of his own mind.

The world around him seemed sharper, more real, as if he had stepped into a different plane of existence.

With a quick-step forward, Ash raised his sword once more. The Temporal Wyvern, it's carcass still lying there with an absence of blood.

In a display of unparalleled skill and precision, Ash absolutely decimated the Temporal Wyvern's corpse.

His strike was swift and deadly, the single movement calculated and executed with unwavering focus.

With a newfound understanding of his powers and a renewed sense of purpose, Ash looked toward the horizon.

The world stretched out before him, brimming with limitless possibilities. He had awakened a power that would reshape his destiny and forever alter the course of his journey.

And so, with his sword at his side and his resolve as his guiding force, Ash called out to Chronos, "Chronos are you there?"

"Master." Chronos answered in it's energetic voice, "I am here master, why have you been standing still? I have been trying to reach out to you to no avail."

As Ash activated the Temporal Outcomes gene, his consciousness delved into a realm of infinite possibilities.

Each vision revealed a tantalizing glimpse into a different world, where Ash's destiny unfolded in unique and unforeseen ways.

In the first future, Ash found himself in a bustling city filled with towering skyscrapers and neon lights.

He stood atop a tall building, surveying the chaos and corruption that plagued the streets below.

With swift and precise movements, he engaged in shadowy encounters, battling formidable foes who wielded unimaginable power.

The vision left him with a lingering sense of intrigue, wondering about the true nature of this metropolis and the individuals who inhabited it.

The second vision transported Ash to a dense and mysterious forest, shrouded in an ethereal mist.

Creatures of unimaginable beauty and danger roamed freely, while hidden forces whispered secrets in the wind.

As Ash navigated the treacherous terrain, he encountered enigmatic figures whose intentions remained veiled in ambiguity.

They spoke of ancient prophecies and hidden knowledge, leaving him with more questions than answers.

In another future, Ash found himself in a desolate wasteland, where survival was a daily struggle.

Amidst the ruins of a once-thriving civilization, he encountered a group of survivors fighting for their lives against monstrous creatures.

With his unparalleled skills, Ash became their guiding light, leading them through the perilous landscape and inspiring hope in the face of despair.

The fourth vision transported Ash to a clandestine underground network, where secrets were traded and alliances were formed in the shadows.

In this world of espionage and subterfuge, Ash honed his skills as a master infiltrator, navigating a web of intrigue and deceit.

His encounters with mysterious individuals revealed tantalizing hints about a larger conspiracy, leaving him with an insatiable thirst for the truth.

In the fifth future, Ash found himself in a forgotten realm, where ancient temples and forgotten civilizations lay in ruins.

As he delved into the mysteries of this lost world, he uncovered artifacts of immense power and encountered enigmatic beings with abilities beyond comprehension.

The whispers of forgotten legends and the lure of untold treasures beckoned him further into the depths, promising both peril and enlightenment.

The visions continued, each offering a tantalizing glimpse into a different facet of Ash's potential future.

From high-stakes battles to clandestine operations, from ethereal landscapes to hidden realms, each vision left him with more questions and a burning desire to uncover the truth that lay beyond.

With each encounter, Ash's resolve grew stronger, his determination unyielding. The trials and tribulations that awaited him in these visions only served to fuel his thirst for growth and mastery.

As the testing session drew to a close, Ash returned to the present, his mind filled with fragments of the futures he had glimpsed.

Though the details remained hazy, a sense of purpose and anticipation filled his heart.

Armed with the knowledge that countless paths lay before him, Ash embarked on his true journey back home.

The Temporal Outcomes gene had revealed a tapestry of possibilities, and he was prepared to embrace the challenges and mysteries that awaited him.

'What's up with these trash ass outcomes? Does this ability even work with the current me? I wouldn't even be in most of those situations.'

"Chronos." Ash stated firmly, "Give me a detailed analysis of exactly how Temporal Outcome works."

Chronos shimmered before him, acknowledging Ash's request. "Of course, Master," Chronos replied. "Allow me to explain the abilities, description, and limitations of Temporal Outcome."

Ash listened intently as Chronos began to unravel the secrets of his newfound gene, delving into its intricate nature and profound potential.

The conversation that ensued was a blend of precise information and enigmatic dialogue, as Chronos revealed the mysteries surrounding Temporal Outcome:

[Gene: Temporal Outcome]


[Temporal Distortion:

Through the power of Temporal Outcome, Ash can manipulate the flow of time in his immediate vicinity.

He possesses the ability to slow down or speed up time, granting him heightened reflexes, enhanced perception, and an edge in combat.]

[Future Vision:

Temporal Outcome allows Ash to catch glimpses of potential future outcomes. These visions provide him with strategic insights, enabling him to make calculated decisions based on the paths that lie ahead.]

[Time Leap:

In critical situations, Ash can momentarily leap forward in time, allowing him to evade danger, alter the course of events, or position himself advantageously.

This ability requires precise timing and concentration to execute effectively.]


Temporal Outcome is a manifestation of Temporal Wyverns miniscule control over the fabric of time.

Through the manipulation of time, he gains unparalleled mastery over his own movements and actions.

Temporal Distortion grants him the power to fine-tune the pace of time, enabling him to react swiftly and decisively.

The glimpses of the future he experiences provide invaluable foresight, empowering him to anticipate and counteract potential threats.

Additionally, the Time Leap ability allows him to navigate critical moments by momentarily transcending the constraints of time on a minute scale, altering the unfolding of events in his favor.]


Energy Consumption: Each use of Temporal Outcome depletes a significant amount of Ash's energy reserves.

To ensure he doesn't exhaust himself or render himself vulnerable, he must manage his energy consumption with precision and strategic foresight.]

[Range Limitation:

The effects of Temporal Outcome are confined to a specific area around Ash.

His ability to manipulate time is localized, and the extent of his influence depends on his concentration and mastery of the gene.

[Time Paradox:

Manipulating time carries inherent risks. Ash must exercise caution to avoid disrupting the natural flow of time or creating paradoxes that could result in unforeseen consequences.]

[Emotional Detachment:

While Temporal Outcome bestows upon Ash immense power, his lack of emotions may pose challenges in harnessing its full potential.

Emotional detachment could affect his decision-making and the interpretation of future visions, requiring him to find alternative ways to adapt and strategize.]

Chronos concluded its explanation, awaiting further instructions from Ash.

"Well, it's time to actually head home now." Ash stated, unfurling his wings.

[Author here,

hope you guys like that little plot twist hehe

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