
HxH: Principles of an Assassin!

In a world where darkness thrives and society's leaders recoil in fear, Ash, an assassin, is targeted for elimination by the very powers that govern Earth. His ruthlessness and disregard for life have drawn the attention of those who seek to maintain control. And an unforeseen event transpires after they had success, transporting Ash from the clutches of death into the fantastical realm of Hunter x Hunter. Reborn into the prestigious Zoldyck family, he finds himself in a world where strength and power reign supreme. Driven by an insatiable thirst for dominance and armed with his sociopathic inclinations, Ash seizes the opportunity to rise to greatness in this new world. With the Zoldycks as his new lineage, he sets his sights on becoming the strongest individual in existence. Embracing his twisted nature, Ash embarks on a journey where bloodshed and cunning become his allies. He navigates the treacherous world of assassins, taking on jobs and challenges that test the limits of his abilities. Each kill fuels his hunger for power, propelling him closer to his ultimate goal. As he climbs the ranks, Ash encounters formidable adversaries and forges unexpected alliances. The line between friend and foe blurs, and he must carefully tread the thin line of trust in a world of manipulation and deceit. Yet, as Ash pursues his ambitions, he is haunted by his dark past. Memories of the world he left behind linger, reminding him of the forces that sought to end his existence. He grapples with his own morality, questioning the consequences of his actions and the toll his sociopathic nature takes on his soul. Will Ash succumb to the darkness within him, embracing the role of a true monster? Or will he find redemption and discover that there is more to life than the pursuit of power? In this gripping tale of twisted desires and ruthless ambition, witness the rise of a sociopathic assassin as he seeks to leave an indelible mark on the world of Hunter x Hunter. Prepare to delve into the depths of a tormented mind, where the boundaries of right and wrong blur, and the line between killer and hero fades away. Warnings: (Gore, Violence, Utter Disregard for Life) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

LimitlessEvil · Others
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31 Chs

Science Power!

As Ash meticulously compiled the stacks of research papers, his mind brimmed with a relentless curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

Each paper represented countless hours of dedication, experimentation, and intellectual pursuit.

As he arranged them methodically, a sense of accomplishment washed over him, fueling his determination to unravel the mysteries of life itself.

Suddenly, an idea sparked within Ash's mind like a burst of lightning. The pieces of his research, once scattered, now seemed to align effortlessly.

His analytical prowess, honed through years of study and countless sleepless nights, allowed him to see the connections that others overlooked.

The newfound ability to manipulate life's essence became clear in his thoughts.

As he delved into the depths of his ideas, equations danced across his mind, intertwining with biological concepts and mathematical principles.

The notion of altering the fundamental building blocks of life, of sculpting existence itself, consumed him entirely.

It was an audacious and ambitious goal, but Ash knew he possessed the intellect and determination to achieve it.

With renewed fervor, he began sketching diagrams, jotting down formulas, and writing down the steps required to bring his vision to life.

The room echoed with the sound of his pen scratching against paper, capturing the intricate details of his groundbreaking idea.

Each stroke of his hand solidified his conviction and propelled him further toward the realization of his ultimate ambition.

As Ash stood amid the sea of papers, he knew that he stood on the precipice of a revolution. He was ready to unveil an ability that would reshape the world as he knew it.

With his newfound understanding and the weight of his research behind him, he was ready to embark on a journey that would rewrite the laws of nature and establish his indomitable legacy.

The room, once filled with chaos, now radiated with the brilliance of possibility.

The pages of his research held the secrets to a power that could defy conventional wisdom and unlock a realm of boundless potential.

Ash embraced the challenge with open arms, ready to embark on a path that would forever alter the course of his life and leave an indelible mark on the annals of history.

It had come to him, after all this research and utilizing concepts and formulas that normal individuals wouldn't even be able to read. He had formulated a new Hatsu,

[Hatsu: Analytical Absorption]

Analytical Absorption is a versatile Hatsu ability that combines Ash's heightened analytical capabilities with research-oriented skills, allowing him to gain valuable insights, knowledge, and advantages in both combat and research scenarios.

Ability 1 - Perceptive Analysis: Ash possesses an extraordinary level of perception, allowing him to discern intricate details and patterns.

He can analyze complex information, such as research data, scientific theories, or combat situations, and extract valuable insights.

Ash's perceptive analysis helps him understand the underlying principles, connections, and weaknesses present in various scenarios.

Ability 2 - Trait Absorption: By carefully studying and analyzing research materials, academic papers, or opponents in combat, Ash can selectively absorb specific traits, knowledge, or abilities.

These traits can range from intellectual capabilities, technical expertise, or combat techniques.

Ash assimilates these traits, incorporating them into his own repertoire for both research and combat applications.

Ability 3 - Tactical Adaptation: Armed with the absorbed traits and knowledge gained through Perceptive Analysis, Ash can adapt his strategies and approaches to various situations.

In research, he can apply diverse methodologies, innovative problem-solving techniques, and creative thinking.

In combat, he can devise unique tactics, exploit weaknesses, and respond dynamically to changing circumstances.


1 - Active Observation and Research: Ash must actively observe and engage in research activities, utilizing his analytical capabilities to analyze data, information, or opponents' actions.

Passive observation or superficial research is insufficient to activate Analytical Absorption effectively.

2 - Eye Contact and Deep Focus: In combat, Ash establishes direct eye contact with opponents to absorb combat-related traits.

In research scenarios, he needs to concentrate deeply on the subject matter, research materials, or intellectual discussions to absorb relevant traits and knowledge.

3 - Concentration and Mental Acuity: Ash must maintain a high level of concentration and mental acuity while using Analytical Absorption.

Distractions or disruptions can hinder his ability to analyze effectively or absorb traits accurately.

4 - Deliberate Selection: When Ash identifies desirable traits or knowledge, he must consciously choose to absorb them.

He cannot absorb multiple traits simultaneously or absorb traits unconsciously. Each absorption requires a deliberate decision on his part.

5 - Strategic Timing: Ash must strategically time his trait absorption, choosing optimal moments during battles or research endeavors.

He seizes opportunities to gain maximum benefits from Analytical Absorption by absorbing traits or knowledge at critical junctures.

6 - Limited Trait Retention: The absorbed traits and knowledge are retained for a limited duration, which depends on the complexity and strength of the absorbed trait.

Ash needs to periodically reabsorb traits or engage in research to maintain and refresh his acquired capabilities.

As Ash meticulously arranged his research papers, his mind teemed with an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

Since he had just acquired a new Hatsu ability called Analytical Absorption, he yearned to explore its potential.

Determined to test his newfound power, Ash called upon his twin brother, Illumi, known for his unique set of skills.

Illumi arrived, his expression neutral. Ash wasted no time in explaining his intentions. "I need your assistance in understanding and analyzing your abilities," Ash stated matter-of-factly.

Illumi, always intrigued by the prospect of exploiting his skills, listened intently. There was no need for negotiation or discussion, as both brothers operated with a purely transactional mindset.

"50 Million Jenny" Said Illumi.


And then, for days on end, Ash observed Illumi's actions meticulously, documenting every movement, every detail.

He watched as Illumi altered his body's shape, changed his skin color, and even imitated other individuals.

The mechanics behind this ability fascinated Ash, and he diligently took note of every subtle change and its effects.

Moving on, Ash studied Illumi's hypnotic spell. By embedding a needle into a victim's brain, Illumi could exert control over their actions and enforce compliance.

Ash watched with keen interest, analyzing the patterns and effects of this intricate process.

Illumi's ability to manipulate corpses also caught Ash's attention.

By inserting needles into the heads of the deceased, Illumi could make them perform complex tasks, giving the illusion of life.

Ash observed the minute details, understanding the mechanics behind this macabre manipulation.

Lastly, Ash paid close attention to Illumi's skill of controlling individuals through embedded needles.

He observed the loss of sentience and the unnatural movements exhibited by the controlled subjects.

Ash deduced the underlying principles of this ability, carefully considering the implications.

Throughout the testing period, Ash's mind worked tirelessly. He delved into logical reasoning and deductions, piecing together the puzzle of Illumi's abilities.

While Ash couldn't communicate with Illumi to gain specific information, his analytical prowess allowed him to discern the mechanics and underlying principles.

As Ash's analysis reached its culmination, he formulated a plan.

He identified the essence of Illumi's Body Alteration ability and absorbed it into his own repertoire, utilizing his Analytical Absorption Hatsu to integrate the knowledge.

The interaction between Ash and Illumi remained cold and devoid of emotional connection.

Their focus solely revolved around the acquisition of knowledge and the pursuit of their individual interests.

With his analytical capabilities enhanced by the absorbed ability, Ash prepared to embark on his transformative journey.

His mind brimmed with excitement as he imagined the possibilities that lay ahead. The legacy of Ash's unyielding pursuit of knowledge was about to unfold, leaving an indelible mark on history.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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