
HxH: Principles of an Assassin!

In a world where darkness thrives and society's leaders recoil in fear, Ash, an assassin, is targeted for elimination by the very powers that govern Earth. His ruthlessness and disregard for life have drawn the attention of those who seek to maintain control. And an unforeseen event transpires after they had success, transporting Ash from the clutches of death into the fantastical realm of Hunter x Hunter. Reborn into the prestigious Zoldyck family, he finds himself in a world where strength and power reign supreme. Driven by an insatiable thirst for dominance and armed with his sociopathic inclinations, Ash seizes the opportunity to rise to greatness in this new world. With the Zoldycks as his new lineage, he sets his sights on becoming the strongest individual in existence. Embracing his twisted nature, Ash embarks on a journey where bloodshed and cunning become his allies. He navigates the treacherous world of assassins, taking on jobs and challenges that test the limits of his abilities. Each kill fuels his hunger for power, propelling him closer to his ultimate goal. As he climbs the ranks, Ash encounters formidable adversaries and forges unexpected alliances. The line between friend and foe blurs, and he must carefully tread the thin line of trust in a world of manipulation and deceit. Yet, as Ash pursues his ambitions, he is haunted by his dark past. Memories of the world he left behind linger, reminding him of the forces that sought to end his existence. He grapples with his own morality, questioning the consequences of his actions and the toll his sociopathic nature takes on his soul. Will Ash succumb to the darkness within him, embracing the role of a true monster? Or will he find redemption and discover that there is more to life than the pursuit of power? In this gripping tale of twisted desires and ruthless ambition, witness the rise of a sociopathic assassin as he seeks to leave an indelible mark on the world of Hunter x Hunter. Prepare to delve into the depths of a tormented mind, where the boundaries of right and wrong blur, and the line between killer and hero fades away. Warnings: (Gore, Violence, Utter Disregard for Life) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

LimitlessEvil · Others
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31 Chs

Genetic Convergence I

As Ash delved deeper into his quest for strength, Chronos recognized the untapped potential that lay within the amassed Biomass.

It prompted Ash to consider utilizing his Genetic Creature ability, unlocking the power hidden within him.

"How much EXP do I have, Chronos?" Ash inquired, his monotone voice revealing a hint of curiosity.

"Please wait a moment, Ash. I am evolving your Hatsu." Chronos responded, its digital voice calm and composed.

With a moment of processing, Chronos presented Ash with a list of new changes, each denoted with the format [Updates].


Biomass: 1,952.04 Biomass is an upgraded form of EXP scaled up to provide a lower count of EXP, but the value of each unit of Biomass is higher than traditional EXP. (EXP / 100 = Biomass)]

The mention of Biomass intrigued Ash, hinting at a more refined and potent source of power. He absorbed the information, eager to explore the enhanced capabilities offered by this evolution.

"Now that you possess 1,952.04 Biomass, Ash, would you like some assistance in creating genes that would be beneficial to you?" Chronos asked, its voice resonating through the digital realm.

"Yes, Chronos. I would appreciate your assistance," Ash replied, his determination unwavering.

Chronos swiftly compiled a list of suitable genes, presenting to Ash a single gene.

[Gene: {Chimeric Adaptation]

This genetic trait bestows Ash with the extraordinary ability to selectively modify and alter his own body, assimilating the traits and characteristics of organisms he has slain into his physiology.

While he retains the appearance of a human by default, he can only assume the physiology of organisms he has personally slain.

Upon slaying a particular organism, Ash gains the ability to manifest its physical attributes and incorporate them into his own form.

This adaptation allows him to tap into the unique capabilities and advantages possessed by the slain creature.

This ensures that Ash must actively seek out and eliminate specific organisms to acquire their genetic traits.

"Create it."

"Yes, Master." Said Chronos, swiftly utilizing Gene Creation in Ash's stead.

As Ash absorbed the information about his Biomass and the potential for further evolution, he felt a surge of anticipation.

The mention of Chimeric Adaptation piqued his interest, offering a path towards unlocking even greater power.

His determination remained unwavering as he prepared to embark on this new phase of his journey.

"Chimeric Adaptation." Ash repeated, his monotone voice resonating with a mix of curiosity and focus.

"An ability to selectively modify and alter my own body, assimilating the traits and characteristics of organisms I have slain into my physiology."

Chronos confirmed Ash's understanding with a digital nod. "That is correct, Master. This genetic trait allows you to tap into the unique capabilities of organisms you have personally eliminated.

By assimilating their genetic traits, you can manifest their physical attributes and incorporate them into your own form."

Ash contemplated the implications of this newfound ability.

To wield the power of creatures he had vanquished, to adapt and incorporate their strengths; it presented a profound opportunity for him to further his quest for strength.

The thought of being capable of merging the traits of different organisms, fueled his drive.

With each death, he would unlock a new aspect of power, honing his abilities and evolving his own genetic makeup.

As his mind raced with possibilities, Ash pondered the types of organisms he had encountered on his journey.

From fearsome beasts to cunning adversaries, each held unique abilities that could be integrated into his own being.

The memory of his battles flooded his thoughts; revenants, demons, and mystical creatures that had stood in his path.

He envisioned the fangs of the Ironjaw Panther, capable of piercing through even the toughest defenses.

The cyclone wings of the Swiftwind Hawk, granting him unparalleled aerial agility and striking power.

The venomous web-spinning abilities of the Silent Stalker Spider, enabling him to immobilize his adversaries with paralyzing venom.

The molten charge of the Emberhorn Rhino, igniting his horn with searing heat and allowing him to charge at his foes with explosive force.

And the serpentine scales of the Soaring Serpent, providing him with impenetrable armor against physical and Nen-based attacks.

These were but a few examples of the adaptations he could acquire, each offering unique advantages in combat and survival.

Ash recognized the need to diversify his genetic arsenal, to broaden his range of abilities, and become an unstoppable force in his pursuit of strength.

With a firm resolve, he turned to Chronos.

"Chronos, I will require your assistance in identifying and locating the organisms necessary to acquire these genetic traits. Together, we shall embark on a quest to obtain the genes I need."

Chronos nodded, its digital presence affirming their partnership.

"Understood, Master. I will use my scanning capabilities to locate the organisms that possess the desired traits.

I will present you with the information needed to seek them out and acquire their genetic essence."

Ash's determination burned brighter as he contemplated the challenges that lay ahead. He knew it would require perseverance, strategy, and a relentless pursuit of his goals.

With the power of Chimeric Adaptation at his disposal, Ash was ready to embrace his destiny as a predator, a harbinger of evolution.

His journey would continue, guided by Chronos, as he delved deeper into the realm of genetic manipulation and unveiled the true extent of his potential.

As he stood in the dimly lit room, his expression unchanged, Ash could sense the weight of his decisions.

The path he had chosen would lead him down a treacherous road, filled with danger and sacrifice.

But he was resolute in his purpose, ready to push himself to the limits and unlock the secrets hidden within his own genetic code.

In the darkness, a flicker of determination ignited within Ash's eyes. The time for evolution had arrived, and nothing would stand in his way.

He contemplated the creatures he had encountered on his journey, each holding unique genetic traits and abilities that he could assimilate through his Chimeric Adaptation.

With Chronos as his guide, Ash embarked on a quest to seek out new creatures and obtain their genes.

His first destination was the dense forests of Dorakor, rumored to be home to a rare species known as the Prismal Chameleon.

This elusive creature possessed the ability to refract light, rendering itself nearly invisible to the naked eye.

Navigating through the dense foliage, Ash relied on his enhanced senses to track the chameleon's movements. Every step was calculated, every breath deliberate.

As he closed in on his target, the chameleon's unique Nen signature resonated within him, its aura flickering with the colors of the rainbow.

With precision and speed, Ash lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air. The chameleon attempted to camouflage itself, but Ash's trained eyes saw through its illusion.

The creature's Nen abilities proved to be formidable, but Ash's determination was unwavering.

After a fierce battle, Ash emerged victorious, the lifeless body of the Prismal Chameleon lying at his feet. He knelt down, studying its vibrant scales and intricate patterns.

With a surge of concentration, he activated his Chimeric Adaptation, allowing him to assimilate the chameleon's genetic traits.

[Genes: Prismal Camouflage]

Description: Grants the ability to refract and manipulate light, allowing Ash to blend seamlessly into his surroundings and become virtually invisible.

This adaptation enhances his stealth and evasion capabilities.

Satisfied with his first acquisition, Ash pressed on, eager to uncover more genetic treasures.

His next destination led him to the treacherous mountain peaks of Valdoria, home to the legendary Frostfang Viper.

This cold-blooded serpent was known for its venomous bite, capable of freezing its prey from the inside out.

Scaling the icy cliffs, Ash braved the biting winds and freezing temperatures. The Frostfang Viper lurked amidst the snow-covered rocks, its Nen-infused fangs ready to strike.

With agility and precision, Ash engaged in a deadly dance with the viper, dodging its venomous attacks and countering with his own swift strikes.

The battle waged on, the viper's freezing aura seeping into Ash's skin. But with every blow, Ash adapted, honing his own abilities.

With a final decisive strike, he severed the viper's head, its icy gaze frozen in defeat.

Studying the viper's scales and venomous fangs, Ash activated his Chimeric Adaptation once again, assimilating its genetic traits.

[Genes: Frostbite Venom]

Description: Grants the ability to produce venom that induces a freezing effect, immobilizing opponents and causing intense cold damage.

This adaptation enhances Ash's offensive capabilities and provides a debilitating effect to his enemies.

With two genes acquired, Ash continued his quest, venturing into the mysterious Heartwood Forest.

It was said to be the dwelling place of the Lumina Sprite, a delicate yet powerful creature capable of manipulating plant life with its unique Nen abilities.

The forest's ethereal beauty enveloped Ash as he ventured deeper into its heart. Soft glows and harmonious whispers filled the air, guiding him toward the sprite's presence.

The Lumina Sprite materialized before him, its gentle aura radiating with vibrant hues of green.

Aware of the sprite's affinity for nature manipulation, Ash approached with caution. The sprite's Nen-infused vines lashed out, attempting to ensnare him.

But Ash swiftly retaliated, his movements precise and calculated. Blade met vine, and Ash's determination overpowered the sprite's illusions.

In a display of symbiotic harmony, Ash assimilated the Lumina Sprite's genetic traits, enhancing his own connection with the natural world.

[Genes: Verdant Harmony]

Description: Grants the ability to manipulate and control plant life, commanding vines, roots, and foliage with precision.

This adaptation provides Ash with versatile offensive and defensive capabilities, utilizing nature itself as his weapon.

With three genes now integrated into his being, Ash's confidence grew. He had witnessed the power and versatility of his Chimeric Adaptation firsthand, and he hungered for more.

His next target took him to the vast plains of Eldoria, where the Thunderhoof Bison roamed, harnessing the raw energy of thunderstorms.

As thunderclouds rolled overhead, Ash tracked the Thunderhoof Bison through the open grasslands. Its imposing form and electrified aura made it a formidable opponent.

The bison charged, its hooves crackling with lightning, aiming to trample Ash beneath its immense weight.

But Ash was not deterred. With lightning-fast reflexes, he evaded the bison's attacks and retaliated with precise strikes.

His blade danced with deadly grace, severing the bison's connection to the storm. As the Thunderhoof Bison fell, its electrifying presence dissipated into the air.

Imbued with the power of thunder, Ash integrated the Thunderhoof Bison's genetic traits into his own physiology.

[Genes: Thunderclap Charge]

Description: Grants the ability to channel and control electricity, empowering Ash with lightning-imbued attacks and enhanced speed.

This adaptation provides him with electrifying offensive capabilities and swift movement on the battlefield.

With four genes assimilated, Ash felt the surge of power coursing through his veins.

He had become a true chimera, a fusion of strengths and abilities from the creatures he had conquered. Yet, he knew his journey was far from over.

The final leg of his quest took him to the depths of the Forgotten Catacombs, where the ominous Voidspawn Viper awaited.

This mysterious serpent possessed an aura that disrupted the very fabric of reality, making it both a formidable adversary and a source of untapped potential.

Navigating the labyrinthine tunnels, Ash encountered the Voidspawn Viper in the heart of darkness.

Its presence sent shocked him as he was on guard the entire time, but the viper's aura distorted his perception and played tricks on his mind.

In this battle against a creature born from the void itself, Ash faced his greatest challenge yet. The viper's strikes seemed to come from all directions, its movements fluid and unpredictable. But Ash's resolve remained unyielding.

With each clash, Ash adapted to the serpent's reality-warping abilities. He tapped into his own Chimeric Adaptation, using the genes he had acquired to bolster his defenses and sharpen his senses. Through sheer determination, he unraveled the viper's illusions and unleashed a flurry of precise attacks.

After a fierce struggle, the Voidspawn Viper succumbed to Ash's relentless onslaught. Its body dissolved into shadows, disappearing into the abyss from which it came. As the darkness receded, Ash stood triumphant, breathing heavily but with a sense of accomplishment.

The Voidspawn Viper's genetic essence beckoned to Ash, a final piece to complete his genetic repertoire.

[Genes: Shadowmeld]

Description: Grants the ability to merge with shadows and manipulate darkness, allowing Ash to become one with the void and move undetected. This adaptation enhances his stealth and provides him with an advantage in covert operations.

With the acquisition of the Voidspawn Viper's gene, Ash stood as a living testament to his relentless pursuit of strength. He had tapped into the unique capabilities of the creatures he had slain, fusing their genetic traits into his own being.

As he surveyed the five genes he had obtained—Prismal Camouflage, Frostbite Venom, Verdant Harmony, Thunderclap Charge, and Shadowmeld—Ash felt a surge of power coursing through him. He had unlocked a myriad of abilities, each enhancing his combat prowess and expanding his versatility.

But his journey was far from over. With each gene assimilated, new doors opened before him, leading to even greater challenges and rewards. Ash was ready to push his limits once more, to seek out new creatures and unleash the untapped potential within him.

And so, with Chronos by his side, Ash set off into the vast world, his gaze fixed on the horizon. He knew that his quest for strength would continue, propelled by the genetic treasures he carried within him and the unwavering determination that burned in his heart.

The future awaited him, filled with battles to be fought, creatures to be slain, and genes to be acquired. Ash was ready to become an unstoppable force in his relentless pursuit of strength.

His journey had only just begun.

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