
HxH In One Piece World

When he opened his eyes again, Maude found he had come to the world of One Piece where the weak and the strong resided. With 【Hunter’s Notes】, he can strengthen his own strength by hunting the strong. So, in order to gain a foothold, he looked at the famous figures. Shichibukai, Admiral, Four Emperors, These long-established powerhouses are likely to be his milestones leading to the culmination. So far. In the eyes of the pirate, he is a scourge. In the eyes of the Navy, he is also a scourge.

LimitlessBound · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 15: Sniper

After nearly half a month, Maude is diligent and honest.

What should be done, only do more and not less.

Things that shouldn't be done don't even have thoughts.

Such a perfect expression of the coolie value, he gradually merged into the circle of the weapon shop.

Although Saul always said that he was very satisfied with him, he did not let him go. He still acted cautiously, and did not do anything that might go beyond or behave as much as possible.

He knows very well that Saul's casualness is true. When accepting him, he didn't pay attention to his past identity and history, and only looked at the value that can be displayed at the moment.

But if it fails to show value, or if it causes Saul's dissatisfaction, then the current situation will change in an instant.

So when getting along with Saul, Maude will always pay great attention.

As for Sonny, after finding out her temperament, she became familiar in ten days.

When Maude found the second prey, the biggest problem was not how to kill the prey, but Saul's attitude.

"Sonny, if I kill the guy next door, would you say Saul would have an opinion on me?"

Maude leaned back on the side of the hidden store door, tilting his head through the crack of the door, observing the real situation in the lane.

Sonny raised her head to look at Maude's profile, and said lightly: "Which fellow?"

"The one called Alber Reid is still the information you gave me. This name shouldn't be fake, right?"

"Are you questioning my intelligence capabilities?"

Little Intelligence Messenger Sonny raised her eyebrows, her eyes piercing Maude like needles.

Maude thought that you would have to read a newspaper for hours…

Thinking about returning, Maude didn't dare to show it, and said seriously: "How can I question your ability? Only by clerk, can the neighbor's bottom line be so clean."

When I first got the neighbor information from Sonny, the level of detail was so detailed that Maude couldn't help but sigh how many generations of bad luck it would take to meet a neighbor like Sonny.

Listening to Maude's flamboyant flattery, Sanny didn't take any advantage. She snorted and said, "Many people in town use pseudonyms, so in terms of true and false names, I can't guarantee that some information is accurate, but if it is I can guarantee the people next door."

Maude asked cautiously: "Did they provoke you?"


"Then why did you find them so clearly?"

"Because they live next door to us."

Sonny looked at Maude with a "you are strange" look.


Maud was speechless and pulled the subject back silently: "You haven't answered my question just now. If I kill Reid, will Saul be upset?"

"How would I know this kind of thing?"

"All right."

"Reid doesn't have any intersection with you, why are you killing him?"

"I think he is too noisy."

Maude broke off a motive casually.

Speaking of it, the reason why he noticed Reid's neighbor was mainly because when Reid passed by the shop several times drunk, he always yelled some drunk remarks in the laneway with his loud voice.

The content of the words is basically his performance when the pirate group looted the merchant ship, and it is roughly how many people were killed during the looting, and how to kill those hard bones.

But what impressed Maud was not these drunken advocacy, but Reid's ugly face when showing off his capital.

It was also thanks to Reid's loud voice that Maude realized that there were many suitable prey around him, so he didn't need to be near and far away.

Listening to the murder motive given by Maude, Sonny suddenly said: "Yes, that guy is really noisy."

"You believe it?"



All is ready except for the opportunity.

After serious consideration, Maude still felt that it was necessary to explore the attitude of Saul first.

If Saul didn't care, he would immediately raise his gun to ambush Reid.

But if Saul disagrees, then he can only give up the idea.

If there is something like a muffler, you don't have to worry so much, you can put a cold gun to kill Reid if you find an opportunity.

But the most fundamental reason is that I am too weak now.

If you are strong enough, just to solve a fancy prey, why bother to be distracted to consider the consequences.

That night.

After dinner, Maude went to Saul.

After Maude spoke out, Saul looked at him sideways while smoking a cigarette.

"Why kill Reid?"

Like Sonny, Saul wanted to know Maude's motives.

This time, Maude, of course, could not say perfunctory motives such as Reid being too noisy.

"Practicing hands."

This is the answer that Maude thought of in advance.

Not much explanation, simple and rude.

Saul was a little surprised, and carefully looked at Maude's expression.

In the world of pirates, it is very rare and common to use other people's lives to practice seeing blood.

Just as he had asked Maude to say goodbye to the past, so he killed the Watt who had been sent to him by himself.

But he didn't expect that Maude would take the initiative to bring it forward, and originally planned to give Maude more buffer time.

Sooner or later, Saul did not object, but he also reminded Morde to wake up.

"At your own risk."

Succinct and concise, it is a reminder, but also a change of the same meaning.

As for Reid's life and death, for Saul, it is not even as important as what he eats tonight.


Maude was overjoyed.

With Saul's statement, he can let go of it.

As for the possible consequences of killing Reid, he was already mentally prepared when he got the information from Sonny.

It is nothing more than that the Pirate Group that Reid belongs to may come to retaliate.

But as long as it is done cleanly, there is no need to worry about such consequences.

Three days later, the moon was black and the wind was high.

Maude hid in the shadow above the building, and while setting up [Usopp], with the faint light, he silently looked at the end of the lane.

From the corner at the end to where I was hiding, it was about a hundred meters away.

Under the premise of ensuring accuracy, the range of the smoothbore flintlock is far inferior to that of the rifled flintlock, but it happens to be within a hundred meters.

However, taking into account factors such as aging, Maude planned to take action only when Reid entered a 60-meter range.

Eight hours have passed since he watched Reid walk out of the alley in the evening.

In the evening, there were passers-by coming and going in the lane, so there was no suitable time to shoot.

But now that the night is dark, there is basically no passer-by in sight, and there are fewer worries.

As long as Reid came back at this point in time, Maude would decisively pull the trigger.

Time passed slowly, and the moon was hidden behind the dark clouds.

Visibility in the laneway is extremely low. If it weren't for the lights hanging on the wall, it would have been pitch black.

Maude waited patiently.

After dozens of minutes, Reid hadn't appeared yet, but the voice came first.

Maude suddenly raised his spirits and gathered his eyes to look at the end of the lane.

After a few breaths, two figures walking side by side walked into the lane.


Maude cursed secretly.

The smoothbore flintlock has only one bullet, and it takes a while to fill in the second bullet after one shot.

This means that even if he succeeds in killing Reid, the other person will have plenty of time to find hidden objects, and at the same time judge the location of the ballistic trajectory based on the sound of gunfire and the direction of blood sprayed by Reid.

Can I just give up…

However, Sonny said that Reid's pirate group will go out to sea at noon tomorrow, and Maude cannot take action during the day, because there is no cover advantage brought by night and day.

In other words, if you missed this opportunity, you won't know when it will be until next time.

Maude frowned.

As the two walked step by step, the time left for him became more and more urgent.

At this moment, Maude, who was hesitating, never noticed a look that was paying attention to him secretly.