
The trio

Walking the streets near the heavens arena Alex was thinking of what he wanted to do from this point on.

" I'll climb to the 200th floor and then I'll file to the hunter association to become a floor master. Currently there are 12 floor masters and all these floor masters are 2 star hunters. If I want to become a floor master I'll probably have to do something special that helps the association"

"Come ladies and gentlemen! today's show will be a sight to behold. This is Johannes, his special ability is being fast with his hands. If you can guess which hand he is holding his coin inside you will be given 2000 jenny."

"So does anybody dare challenge him!?"

There stood a girl announcer around 9 years of age as well as a boy that stood watch of around 13 years and the last one was the so-called Johannes that looked around 11, all of them had the same blue hair and facial features.

'They must be siblings if they look so much alike. Let's see what kind of *abilities* they have….haha, they've actually created quite the commotion... 40 people have lined up in a half circle and are starting to pay the participation fee of around 100 jenny.'

"Arrrghhh shit!! I lost again!"

"Hahahaah out of the way, you're just wasting your money with those bad eyes of yours"

"What!? come on one more time!"

"Next participant please"

I had to admit, the youngest one was really good at controlling the crowd. She had an ability to control and decide at which flow the competition went at. She'll be pretty good as a saleswoman when she grows up.

"The green hat first. No, don't pay 300 hundred in advance for three tries. One try per customer. you in red, don't even try to cheat, I heard your conversation. If you get this one we will double the price money to 4000 jenny."

Giving out orders and tempting the challengers to bet even more, I easily counted that they earned more than 7000 jenny by now. The kid that had the fast hands never lost once and it really showed how fast and unpredictable he could be with a little training. the last one, the eldest of the three was standing guard and sometimes pushing away around 40 or more people so they wouldn't get too close.

Pushing my way in front of the crowd, I paid the price for participation but instead of 100 I paid them 10 000 ( I had earned quite a lot at the market this morning when I sold the materials from the island, earning approximately 2 344 000 jenny).


"You cannot but that many turns-" Interrupting her by raising my index finger I said in a calm and soothing voice:

"If I cannot guess right with one try I'll give you double of what I just gave you"

"!!!!!!!!!!" The trio was now visually surprised, but didn't back off.

"We won't take that much money from you, we don't want trouble with some bigshot that does shady business" Looking at her sister I caught the elder siblings' expressions of 'what the fuck did you just do!!'

'So she's not only good at selling but actually thinks of the risks in the face of temptation...mhmmm very good...you are talented.'

"I may be shady in your eyes, yes, but I swear on my honor as a man…(coming closer to her ear I whispered) And as a hunter, that I will not do anything shady( backing away from her I continued) So with that in mind I hope you reconsider my offer"

'WOW...I heard about the hunters from grandma, but I never thought i'd meet one in person, afterall she did say that they are disguised as people who go to a regular 9-5 job'

"alright come forth challenger"

Walking past the last of the crowd I sat down opposite the boy called johannes.

"Are you ready?" The boy said in a cocky voice like he had already won the 20 000 jenny

"ready when you are"











every spectator present raised their voice and screamed for the kid to win. they all wanted to see the rich guy lose at least some of his pocket money. But the thing I cared about wasn't his speed nor the shouting, no, it was the fact that the boy was using illusions and not speed.

Everyone present that failed to win previously thought that the kid was fast, but as i looked closer the boy had put extra cups on the table to lure me in, and also used the illusion of something gold colored when in reality there was nothing there, making it seem like he went fast and that the coin was always visually noticeable when it was not,and he had his coin in his right palm the entire time.


"which one do you choose...and remember, the answer will either cost you or save you 20 000 jenny" The girl announced to create even more tension.

'haha...cunning little lady'

As the spectators watched in complete silence and excitement I showed them a shake of my head.

"...Neither one of the 6 cups"


"are you serious"


Bringing my left arm onto the table I slowly opened it and revealed it to be the exact coin that the boy had previously had in his arm. Looking around frantically the boy then realised that the man had actually snatched the coin away from him somehow. I released a satisfied grin and started walking in the direction of the heavens arena, leaving the 20 000 jenny with the kids that needed it more than me.

But what I didn't account for was the children following me and stopping me to ask me for a favor.

Introdusing new characters here we go!

I have a lot of ideas for the future of this fanfiction, but it will take some time to realise them

Please stick with me as i dont have a lot of time because of school.

(PS: i've already created indepth hatsu's as well as limitations and conditions for all the three kids based on their nen types, do look forward to it)

Thepoetcreators' thoughts