
Hunting the Lycan King

Elena Petrov is a Rogue Hunter, tasked with hunting down the most vicious of the furry beasts and putting a bullet through their brain…or heart, whichever she could reach first. But when she finds herself in the grasps of the Vampire King, who gives her the offer to either serve him the Lycan King’s head in a silver platter or watch her sister be mercilessly drained of blood in front of her…she has no choice but to set out on the most difficult task of her life…hunting down the Lycan King, Vincent Blackburn. However, their first encounter doesn’t go as she had planned and she ends up in the dungeons, chained and ready to be executed by the Lycan King himself. However, as their eyes meet and a searing contact is forged in the unexpected circumstances, she hears him say the only words she never expected to hear from a Lycan: Mate.

Bloodbath008 · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 11: Lust and Desires

Elena's P.O.V

My eyes widened in surprise, my heart skipping a beat at the unexpected touch. Vincent's kiss was gentle, yet it held an undeniable vigor, stirring emotions I hadn't anticipated. A rush of conflicting feelings surged within me—a mixture of surprise, curiosity, and a hint of something else I couldn't quite define. Was it lust?

Startled by the way my body reacted to him, I pushed him away with my hands on his chest, and he complied, his golden eyes locking with mine with an intensity that send butterflies fluttering through my stomach.

I was determined to keep my guard up, to maintain a distance from Vincent despite the puzzling bond that seemed to pull us together. But as soon as his lips met mine again, it was as if my resolve crumbled. His kiss ignited a fire within me, a desire I hadn't expected.

Vincent pressed me back onto the bed; the passion of the moment was evident. I could feel his hands exploring my body, igniting sensations that sent shivers down my spine. The connection between us seemed to intensify with each passing moment, overpowering any rational thoughts I had.

Lost in the fervor of the kiss, I found myself responding in ways I hadn't anticipated. His touch awakened a hunger within me, and I began to reciprocate, my hands tracing the contours of his body as the passion between us escalated.

Every cell in my body craved his touch, the sensation electrifying and consuming. It was as if a hidden force guided our activities, driving us toward each other with an intensity I couldn't resist.

Vincent's closeness was intoxicating, his every touch setting my senses on fire. Despite the conflict raging within me, the pull toward him was undeniable, and I found myself surrendering to the overwhelming desire that surged through me.

As the kiss deepened and our bodies intertwined, I couldn't ignore the rush of emotions that flooded my mind. Confusion battled with desire, guilt wrestled with the overpowering sensations that enveloped me.

But in that moment, none of the inner turmoil mattered. All that existed was the fiery passion between us, the yearning to be closer, to explore the depths of this inexplicable rapport that defied reason.

Vincent's hands moved with purpose, his hands warm as they went under my shirt to rest on the bare skin of my abdomen, igniting a series of sensations that left me breathless. My own hands mirrored his movements, exploring the contours of his body, feeling his rigid muscles under my palm, tracing every curve and ridge as the desire between us continued to escalate.

It was a whirlwind of emotions, a wild storm of conflicting feelings. Despite knowing the repercussions of our actions, I couldn't deny the intense longing that surged through me. The boundaries blurred, and I was lost in a sea of passion and desire, lost in the intensity of the moment.

In that mist of emotions, time lost its significance. It was just Vincent and me, consumed by an affinity that defied logic. But as the intensity peaked, a faint voice of reason echoed in the depths of my mind, reminding me of the consequences of our actions.

There was an undeniable pull between us, a magnetic force that seemed to bind us together. At that moment, I sensed it—the mating bond. It tried to coerce us into something deeper, something primal. 

And yet, despite realizing this, I found myself unable to resist the sensation of his touch, the way his lips moved against mine, hot and wet and so, so hungry.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as we were enveloped in this intense rapport. I relished the feeling of his closeness, the gentle pressure of his body against mine. But just as things started to escalate, a sudden knock shattered the enchantment, pulling us back to reality.

Vincent reluctantly pulled away, the reluctance evident in his eyes as he glanced down at me. "I'll be back," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "We'll continue this once I've taken care of whoever's at the door."

I watched him leave, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within me—desire, confusion, and an inexplicable connection that seemed to defy reason. As I lay there, the moments ticked by, each second feeling longer than the last. I couldn't shake off the sensation of the bond, the primal urge that lingered between us.

In the silence that followed, my mind raced with questions. What was happening to us? Was this bond real? And what did it mean for our relationship?

Minutes turned into what felt like hours before Vincent finally returned. 

His expression was unreadable as he entered the room, but the intensity in his eyes spoke volumes. Without a word, he closed the distance between us, his lips finding mine once more, reigniting the passion that had been abruptly interrupted.

Lost in the whirlwind of emotions and sensations, I found myself surrendering to the moment. It was as if the world outside didn't matter—the only thing that existed was this undeniable connection between us.

Yet, as the intensity heightened, so did the urgency of the situation. The impending interruption lingered at the back of our minds, a reminder that this stolen moment was finite.

Suddenly, a surge of clarity pierced through the desire-fueled fog. I pushed against Vincent gently, trying to catch my breath and regain a semblance of control amidst the wild storm of emotions.

"Vincent, we can't..." My voice wavered, the words heavy with the weight of guilt and realization. "This can't continue."

Vincent paused, his gaze meeting mine, a mixture of desire and regret flickering in his eyes. But he didn't try to kiss me again this time. Instead, he moved away from me, running his hands through his dark hair as if he was trying to control his emotions.

I was lost in the whirlwind of emotions, the intense connection that seemed to bind Vincent and me together, until suddenly, it was as if a spell had been broken. Reality crashed in, and I realized the gravity of what I was doing. 

Lucien—my lover—flashed into my mind, and a pang of guilt shot through me. This wasn't right. What I was doing with Vincent went against everything I knew was morally sound.

As the door creaked open, revealing a middle-aged man addressed by Vincent as Nathaniel, the healer, I made a silent vow to myself. I couldn't let the Lycan King's tricks manipulate me again. My guard needed to be up at all times.

I straightened myself, trying to regain composure amidst the confused storm of emotions. Vincent's gaze met mine, but I averted my eyes, feeling the weight of guilt and confusion settle heavily on my shoulders.

Nathaniel entered the room, a calm aura surrounding him. His presence seemed to bring a sense of stability to the chaotic situation. Vincent and Nathaniel exchanged a few words, discussing something urgently, but my mind was elsewhere—grappling with the turmoil within.

I struggled to make sense of the inexplicable bond that had momentarily ensnared me with Vincent. How could I let myself be swept away by something so wrong, so against my true feelings for Lucien?

Vincent's attention returned to me, and I tried my best to maintain a composed façade, despite the inner turmoil raging within me. His gaze was intense, searching for something in my eyes, but I kept my emotions guarded, determined not to fall prey to whatever force was at play between us.

As Nathaniel tended to his duties, my mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of what had just transpired. I couldn't deny the attraction or the connection I felt with Vincent, but it was imperative to remind myself of the loyalty I owed Lucien.

The seconds ticked by slowly, the silence in the room deafening amidst the weight of unspoken words and untamed emotions. I knew I needed to confront Vincent, to clarify the boundaries and make it clear that what had happened couldn't be repeated.